I agree ... However, two issues I think: Olive has been relatively unresponsive ... and I don't think the DaiZy code is 100% compatible with updated DayZ code. Normal DayZ code works in part off the player end ( mission files) , and in part off specific files for the multi-player server running the mission. I've tried , over-writing DayZ code with DaiZy code, and swinging all server files into the same mission folder ... but it doesn't work. Not sure why , it just doesn't. But it doesn't mean it can't be done ... but I can't even seem to create my own DaiZY mission like Olive and others did either. I lack the knowledge and skill I guess. Olive probably could figure out some stuff ... his missions are well thought out. |
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In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
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this mission and day of survival ...
are two of my favorites to play .... I wish this one could be ported to a better map ... Both have one small issue I find a bit frustrating at times ... that is enemy AI can spawn litterally right on top of you. and in the case of Day of Survival , it happens a whole lot ... and DoS seems to be "older" Daizy SP code , doesn't use the dayz inventory , and has a epeen monitor, and no gui ... I like DoS , or where it was going ... it's survival, no zombies ... just AI, and has some missions ( some missions are broken though , like restoring the electricity mission. ) Olive's Wasteland , has some really great features ... I wish it was a bit more "configurable" , and like I said ... playable on a map other than Chernarus ... But it's got traders , some really nifty stuff in the ATC at the airport ... It still lacks base-building ... or a way to officially call a place "home" ... but still neat. I like it more than I do the factions version to be honest. |
Olive, do you mind if I change a few things, edit some things, and hopefully add to this great no-zed base mission?
I have some ideas, might help it a bit ... |
Never mind ...
I unpacked, made changes ... worked, but with several bugs that eventually make it unplayable ... I got the MGB Creation base building to work , and changed variables for money so it worked with your mission money , and if you built up enough money , you could use the build menu ... However, the debug hints ran all the time ... It worked though , but eventually while building the MGB Creation bugged out, ( I tried it five different times, each restarting the mission from scratch.) , ... where it just duplicated building parts, wouldn't place anything , and couldn't get out the build player action menu part. Almost worked ... but still a no-go ... BTW, changing clothes in the mission, messes up alot of things as well, ... I changed to some "black leather" clothing, all of a sudden enemies became friendly toward me, bandits quit targeting my character , and civ reputation went down by half. Well, guess I'm done here ... |
I work on conf. files actually )
After that, ill work on mission scripts |
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In reply to this post by benevolentdevil
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"Skins" of all units are "CfgVehicles objects" in config file (in fact this is the entire parameters of each unit type)
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#side Check "Side" parameter of your skin in your conf file Side = 0: //Red side EAST Side = 1: //Blue side WEST Side = 2: //Resistance side Side = 3: //Civilian side Side = 4: //Neutral side No command is available to change this value by scripting, this value must be changed manualy in conf file You will need to close Arma2, do the change, then restart |
yeah, thats alright ... I kinda broke it trying to stick the mgb building scripts into it anyways.
I knew from previous plays ... that there was some form of "factions" in it ... and a reputation score ... I never tried it, don't know what repercussions there was doing it, but seems you could be a bandit really easily, just kill civvies ... This last time ... I didn't know if I somehow messed up the faction system ... there was an AI chopper flying around, it was Red ( East) ... some AI soldiers drove near my location, and deployed a squad ... they were East also. Grenadiers, a Commander , ect. At this time, I hadn't changed my skin ... I was still "survivor skin" ... I thought because they were Red/East , I was in trouble ... that the AI chopper had em looking for me ... so I started killing them. I noticed then my reputation drop ... I am fairly sure it dropped. Then the AI chopper did a gun run on the truck , killed it's driver , and a couple soldiers still nearby it. I was like ... WHA??? ... so not only did the chopper, kill it's own side/faction , it also allowed me to get a Ural with LOADS of ammo in it, and a few guns and rocket launchers ... I went around picked up the money, and took off with that fully repaired and fueled truck , and all those goodies. Unfortunately, I drove up to a spot to start placing my "base" , while building it messed up, duplicating walls I couldn't drop or place, the menu bugged out and just repeated "build menu" , no other options ... , I tried five different times , each time same thing happened. Place about 10 parts, it'd do the same bug/issue every time. I don't know why either. But, what I gotta do is re-download the mod files, and patch version mission file to have a "clean" one to play it again. I find the No-Zed version, very interesting ... , it really needs some sort of debriefing explanations on how it all works, and fits together. I thought it was your basic 'survivor vrs bandits' ... I didn't know there'd be "undercover" modes ( if that was intentional) ... I was kind of glad for that while at the airfield though ... I had Setnaz troops, and 2 BTRs and a tank spawn hanging around. First time I ever seen that there ... usually it's a few police officers, and what ever bandits show up when you make the support call in the ATC ... |
- Dayz 1.8 GUI - all interfaces scripts updated - new civs scripts - new missions scripts - new config. files - client scripts update - debug scripts update - dayz_code scripts update - object_setFixServer.sqf fix (vehicle repair system) |
- Player can sell vehicles - Player can buy AI soldiers - Hospital stores (player can buy medicals stuff) - Medic AI can heal you if your blood level is lower than 4400 (MedKit must be reloaded in Hospital Stores!) - Engineer AI can repair vehicles (Repair kit must be reloaded in MilVehicles Stores!) |
v8.15c: (mission version)
- CarRefuel handler action fix - TenPitch3 removed player_alertZombies function - Liberate Town "libMissionCompleted" fix - All "land_fire_barrel..." replaced by "Land_Fire_barrel_DZ" objects |
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- Takistan "civClass" added in config.hpp - player_spawnCheck.sqf (civ spawn fix) - Civ move to safe position if undefined task - Civ driver getout of vehicle if undefined task - Updated lib/side missions check scripts - Updated "vehicle_travel" function - Updated "chimney_houselights" is now a function - various minors fixes |
- GunStore attachments fix - "Attachment_Sup556" added - G36A, G36K, M4A1, "m240_scoped_EP1", "M24", "M40A3", "DMR" added |
Nice work mate, well done with all your hard work!
![]() Do you have have an ultimate goal with this (as you did with 1987) or is this more of a fun / learning experience? |
Hi Eric,
I would like all my mods work perfectly but it still not the case :/, few code stuff are still not understood... Private command, savestates, objects ID's errors... I wish a "master" on scripting take a look on my work lol I work sometimes on others projects, but not on this game, its always good to change... Its the same with all others games, once you play, you need a good immersion and gameplay to continue to play, I try to add this "attractivity" for all my mods I dont know if I have an ultimate goal, we will see for the future... I still check for bugs and tests :) |
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another update..
v8.16c: - sellWeapon.sqf code updated (mags values are considered now + faster code + launchers weapons code) - G36C Acog class removed (3D dont exist!) - check_sideMis.sqf fix (missed delete bandit group if side mission wasnt completed) - "VSS Vintorez","M24","M40A3","DMR" added JSRS sounds - added "RPG-7V","9K32 Strela-2" with JSRS sounds - removed infection chance for "waterBottle" - AllMilitaryClass inf class added in _civList (player_spawn_1.sqf) - statics NPC's near GunStore replaced by CDF soldiers |
- Better addEventHandler codes (civs,vehs) - sellWeapon.sqf fix for vanilla weapons classes - player_spawn_1.sqf (various fixes) - Balota, Tchernogorsk and Stary Sobor hospital tents (near landPad) positions fix - pickupMoney function updated |
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Awesome! Downloading and testing out now :D
ps copied all @files into AO folder/+ mission files into missions folder - ran the game from the AO patched shortcut as normal - enabled the new files in-game add on menu (using the collectors disc edition) - played perfectly. Not sure why people add shortcut command lines etc? I'll give feed back soon? Looking great so far...
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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Sorry for double post, feedback:
Firstly, excellent mod! Really enjoying it and a refreshing change to zeds. Bandits... can there be more? I've played this solidly for days and only encountered 2 bandits! I also keep coming across large groups of meandering/some times running police in the middle of fields, very odd! I may have the concept wrong but I've not found an opfor enemy base yet? Plenty of Blufors wondering around, non of which seem recruitable... I'm new to Wasteland variety of Dayz
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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