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Ive forgot to inform you about a critical bug (if you still play this mod and play with acceptables conditions)
Search the "hud.sqf" script localized in "missions\Wasteland1987_v3.Chernarus\scripts\system\hud.sqf" Replace ... ... dayz_gui = [] spawn { private["_distance"]; dayz_musicH = [] spawn player_music; while {true} do { _array = player call world_surfaceNoise; dayz_surfaceNoise = _array select 1; dayz_surfaceType = _array select 0; call player_checkStealth; dayz_statusArray = [] call player_updateGui; sleep 0.2; }; }; dayzGearSave = true; dayz_slowCheck = [] spawn player_spawn_2; //this line must be deleted absolutly !!!! ... .. BY: dayz_gui = [] spawn { dayz_musicH = [] spawn player_music; while {1==1} do { _array = player call world_surfaceNoise; dayz_surfaceNoise = _array select 1; dayz_surfaceType = _array select 0; call player_checkStealth; dayz_statusArray = [] call player_updateGui; sleep 0.2; }; }; dayzGearSave = true; Once the "hud.sqf" fixed, you will begin to adjust/set your own values safely If you have time, I recommand you to download my Factions1987 mod and take a look of my last updated survivals parameters (I prevent you, its relativly hard/long duty to find and adjust vars) Check "player_spawn2.sqf" in "missions\DaiZy1761_FACTIONS1987_v1126d.chernarus\fixes" folder of Factions1987 mod Take a look also to "player_spawn1"(low speed check vars) to find sun_elevation function and others little stuff about weather parameters If you are lazy, just fix the "hud.sqf" bug and working on "player_spawn2.sqf" in WL1987 mod should be enough :) Once again I dont think this script is updated on WL1987, but yes Ive done "animated heliCrashes" script Instead of "landed" static heli wrecks, this feature is activated at nightTime, spawn a damaged tail rotor flying heli (a bit far from player but not too much) and begin to spin and end his course on ground At this moment you can spot the crash site and its easy to reach it The wreck site is populated by high end loots (for me it must be the best stuff) and few zeds :p |
lol, I wondered ... I forget where I was at , but I seen the heli spawn in ... I thought it was an AI Patrol chopper ... so I shot at it , but it didn't seem to do anything, it crashed and a message appeared saying
" I doubt anyone Survived" ... Then I thought ... it MIGHT be a animated chopper crash ... wasn't sure though if it was that, a bad Ai pilot ... or if I had actually hit the pilot if it was Ai. LOL ... |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Olive, I de-pbo'd the mission ... ( I still like it better than Factions , no zeds )
I'm wondering if it's possible to copy-paste more starting "Survivors" based off the original one you placed , and it allow for a few more player slots in the mission? My Idea was to have a small group Co-Op where "survivors" first need to gather a bit of gear , and then find each other , or meet up somewhere. I really like this mod/set up ... If it will work with multiple players , I'm wondering if I should try to increase the bandit spawns? Or will the triggers fire for each player? ( As in, if Player A crosses the trigger in a small town, spawning two "bandits" ... when Player B crosses the trigger, will he spawn another two town bandits? ) I'm also still wondering if some of the traders are reputation based, they give options to sell and will take money, but will not spawn in vehicles. So far, the general item shop , and weapon shop traders work ... I can't seem to get the vehicle or air traders to spawn in cars or trucks. |
"Survivors" ? you mean survivors triggers ? if yes, ofcourse you can add any qty of triggers you want its ok I dont know how to do that.. This mod have a very old AI spawn system... if you try to work with bandits spawn + triggers, thats work but triggers allow to execute only 1 time a script if you dont leave the trigger zone, so you can stay 24h in a trigger zone, just 1 spawn script will work then nothing will happen (you need to leave and re-enter the trigger zone to reactive the script) Thats the reason i reworked this system in Chernarus/Namalsk Factions mods (look at player_spawn1.sqf) The new system is better to set bandits/groups/survivors/helicopters/cars patrols qty/delays. Note: in the new system, Survivors are created by bandit spawn script (%chance condition + call survivor script + exitWith) In this mod, the player reputation is based to military grades, each grade have his own veh/weapons list buyable, if you kill civilians, cops etc, traders dont you allow to buy all stuff list if you dont see traders, its a bug... probably in selfactions.sqf script |
I wanted to say that this is a great mod and I like the concept so far. Sense a lot of the other mods on this forum require files that I can no longer get I decided to download this. I have played it for probably about an hour and it is quite fun. But I was wondering if there may be a way to turn off the sound of the wind. Every 15 seconds or so I keep hearing a loud gush of wind and it is pretty distracting and I would like to be able to turn it off if you don't mind telling me how to. And also there is another thing I would like to maybe see changed (not a very big deal, obviously you are likely doing this for nothing in return except maybe a few thanks here and there which I would like to say thanks for your work you have shared to the community for almost nothing in return) and that is the AI spawning system, at least for the vehicles. I have noticed where vehicles would basically spawn on top of me, and I have also seen pedestrian vehicles run over other pedestrians and kill them, which is something you may want to look at if you plan on polishing this game a bit more.
Also I would like to report a bug. After playing for a while I found a set of camo clothing in a house and I went to switch into it and it changed my character's face (not the glitch I'm talking about, I know this may not be fixable because I have experienced this in about every mod I have tried from here). I went to switch back and forth to try and get the same character I had or at least one that I would like playing as, but when I was changing clothes the game put me about 10 feet in the air, leading me to fall and die and lose everything. Not upset sense I haven't played very long yet, but still it is something you may want to look into for others who download this. Nonetheless though, this mod seems great and is pretty fun. Almost feels like DayZX but with a little bit of Epoch thrown into it without zombies. So thanks for the work you put into this mod, and if there is any fixes on my end for any of the things I have mentioned then I would be even more thankful for any response. ![]() |
Thanks Slash Ghost 25 for the reply,
This mod is in standby developpement status (since very long time) Alpha version was released just to place the basics features of this mod, but there is a lot of bugs and a lot of things need to be re-writed A ton of work/updates is needed if this mod should be nicely playable |
Alright thanks for the reply. Wasn't sure if you were still working on this mod or not, but I think this mod has a lot of potential for those of us in the gaming community who like playing solo hardcore-type survival games. Nonetheless though, even with the bugs it seems to be pretty good.
This mod wasnt a priority, just experimental to improve and understand scripting mechanics (see last update was at 2015), Ive learn a lot by working on it, but now 2018 i can understand all my errors and apply the right fixes to update this one :)
My both others mods (chernarus and namalsk 1987Factions) are near to be "optimum" and without errors, so I prefer wait before update this one, I wish to learn again... I think about civilians Ai's, hard challenge for me to code behaviours and optimize |
still my favorite of all the SP mods too.
I love there are no zombies , entirely over-rated things in dayz in my opnion. Some of the bandits and patrols ( especially on supply drops) are quite challenging. I like that. I've spent time in small areas where it says " liberate town" ... hunting all over for a few bandits. I did one successfully before. Others I never found bandits at, or they didn't find me. |
So, I've went back to Wasteland1987 , after having to re-install my armas ( some update glitch wasn't allowing me to load saved games, or respawn while in game. ) ...
I started with a decent spawn for once ... but, I heard a shot , and seen a guy creeping crouched , so I shot him. Turned out to be a civ ... GRRR! Now all factions and traders have flagged me as a bandit I think, so I have to start over again ... I did find the bandit and kill him, but it didn't seem to negate my one screw up. Olive, you need to try and adjust some "forgivable" , if you drop some points, making up for it later improves your standing? A great way to add some missions in here ... randomly have the bad guys have an Intel paper they have in inventory. If you take it, ... it fires a script and marks a location or gives coordinates to something to go do. I'd still kinda like to know the "back-story"/Plot of the mission ... , but it's cool I can make my own tales up as well. ;) |
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Rachel ... where did you get the version of MCC?
I run one , but it will only spawn in a few things via the 3d editor ( I've tried making some camps/minor bases for immersion, but it'll only load in a few things on the fortification list. ) BTW, glad to know someone besides me is still around ... |
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Rachel, your a genius!!!
A DayZMCC would ROCK!!! I'll look for the v11 , I think I have the old one. |
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can be possible you can add your vision / update to dayz 2018 ? i think you can make a great work with.. |
In reply to this post by benevolentdevil
I'm here every day. But that doesn't mean I make a post unless I feel I have something to add... ;P |
In reply to this post by 000000
I don't think 2018 DaiZy is compatible with Wasteland 1987 ...
if you are asking for a update to more modern DayZ , I've been asking him that for a couple years now ;) |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Good to see ya too! |
i was talking about update dayz 2018 and add some updated scripts. i think oliver can make a good job.
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