Thank you Eric, everything works now but do you have the "namemarine" maxcivs4 civs0 fps.... in the middle of your screen ? how do i get rid of that ?
Mate, it's an Alpha!
![]() I don't know what it means but there's probably information being shown which is detailing what's happening "under the hood" which can help Oliv82 improve the mod. Don't worry about it. I'm sure Oliv82 will guide us where we need it ![]() |
perfect, thanks again, and thank you oliv
Install mods is a bit tricky but its the only way to do :)
Thanks Eric for this intall tuto ), I hope it will help many people a lot :) Mmm about Civs qty, Ive forgot to specify day/night-weather conditions are actives! If you respawn with rain or cloudy weather, don't be surprised to see only few civs near you, people don't like rain :p @Slaiine If you don't want to see "dev messages" at screen you must open "Missions\Wasteland1987_v3.Chernarus\scripts\building_checkLoot.sqf" and change line 132 by adding "//" at beginning of the command line like this: //cutText [format ["%1 maxCivs:%2 countCivs:%3 FPS:%4", str _town, dayz_maxGlobalCivs, str _civsCount, (round diag_fps)],"PLAIN DOWN"]; On this same file, you can also add "//" at beginning of lines 31, 38 and 48 //hintSilent "--ACTIVE-- AGENT deleted 500m..."; //hintSilent "--DEAD-- allMANClass deleted 1200m..."; //hintSilent "--ACTIVE-- VEHICLE deleted 800m..."; This part of work should be changed soon because civs respawn only at loot XYZpos but also on loot buildings types for the moment |
ok thank you Oliv. Mod is confusing at the moment but fun. I can kill civs with no repercussions and loot them. I couldn't find much to drink so i killed a civillian and looted a soda. There was a ural stuck in elektro and the civillian driver kept trying to drive through a wall so i killed him and stopped the truck. The truck was so full of juicy ammo. It was an ammo truck hehe. All different types of ammo.
First thing i tried to do was drive the truck to the gun store and sell all the ammo but i couldn't figure out how to sell it to him
Thanks a lot Slaiine for your feedback
Yes, if I remember I've forgot to remove stuff on spawned vehicles for civs, I will fix this :) Honest civs could'nt able to bring those kind of stuff! And about selling civ vehicles, my plan is to add condition to be searched by cops when you comit car jacking or killing civs :), this feature will be WIP There is another bug when you sell your weapon, you can also sell your "throw" ability, need to fix too Thx again, Im stil working on civ spawn conditions for the moment ) |
I've been playing a few days now, it's been a while since I was on Chernarus. Here's a few thoughts / experiences as I've played...
I keep seeing messages about missions but there's no markers or anything to indicate I should be doing anything. I have heard gun fire in the distance but never been able to locate the cause. I have seen soldiers walking around (highlighted in red) but they are not hostile to me even when I shoot them. Nobody really reacts to gun fire actually. I am encountering an error message when repairing a "normally spawned" car (a car that naturally appears on the map as apposed to a vehicle which spawns with an NPC driver) but the car does repair normally; I neglected to get a screen shot of it but I was repairing the Grey Gaz at the petrol station in Cherno. I'd like to see the loot in NPC vehicles stay - it's pretty neat (and rare) finding this stuff - and a lot of it is useless but it's cool none the less. It only seems to be in the larger transport vehicles that I have noticed gear so it makes sense these would be carrying something - and worthy of risking a run in with the Chernarus Rozzers.... There's the animation when picking up money - I really don't think this bandage / build / bloodbag animation is needed for the task of picking up money. I'd also like to see the AN-2 radio drops (from your previous mod) make an appearance here too - I think it would suit the sort of PVP style game play. There's a gun store? Where? |
HI Eric
When a side mission start, a black "warning" type marker is created on map, DayZ removed all markers but Ive restored them on config files, strange... are you sure you have "@DZ1987_noZeds" activated ? Also be sure you have desactivated old "@DaiZy_1987" By checking your old post about install, all seems to be ok, weird... Verify if "CfgMarkers.hpp" (@DZ1987_noZeds\addons\dayz_code\..) is not actived Same for the "liberate town" markers, same type but with red color. You should be able to see all markers (gunstores, taxiHeli, atms, etc etc) Bandits are not hostile when you start the game, they begin to target you after 2 "banditsKills" something like that, AI behaviour is very primitive for the moment, its like a files framework, I will work on it later About loot on npc vehicles, I keep this in mind, and about vehicles damage I will check this The an-2 radio script havent changed, the ai behaviour seem to be ok About dev of the mod, Ive worked a little on civs, fixed minors scripts bugs, hookers types are also added so you can see them from 21h to 2h, they spawn only with a particular types of buildings |
G'day Oliv,
Hmm, judging by your response something must be wrong with my install. I have no map markers at all - except for a red explaination point (!) in the bottom left corner. About the AN-2; I picked a radio off a dead AI but approaching the suitcase in the control towers, nothing happens. This is a completely fresh install, nothing but the required files but I will double check! |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hey Oliv i got some bugs to report in (dont know if anythings obvious) but when i get koed by anything, i cant get up. i waited for 10 mins at 1 point and nothing happens. also is there a way to get my friend that i recruited on the NWAF to not shoot the friendly guards (who are marked as enemies) and to make him kill the bandits (who are marked as friendly)?
I know this is an alpha version so dont quote me on any of this. but thanks for making the mod, it's tons and tons of fun to play. EDIT: theres also a bug where theres a very small chance to spawn inside a building (like glitched inside) in novy sobor |
This post was updated on .
Hi ChaoticSky
Thanks for your reply! yes I knew there was a problem on unconscious script, it's frustating when It happen after 1 hour of playing :( , I must work on it, apparently, the script dont work when you are hit by ennemies fire About Friendly/ennemies sides, It just been fixed, I check bugs about it at this moment Novy Sobor spawn bug: there is probably some scripts load too fast or too slow between another one, ill check this Have you got all markers on your map ?? I still don't understand why Eric have this problem :( edit: Refuel script: fuel price added, To "simulate" different fuel capacities, refuel times and prices are different for each type of vehicle (bicycles, car, tank, air) fn_unitDropMoney fixed for agents killed on cars local_event_kill fixed for units "survivors" on player group Rank system added (replace the old system) not finished GunStores, AirShop, VehShop: 7 differents items list (private, corporal, sergeant, etc etc) for each player rank (per exemple, at private rank, GunShop is limited at 4 rifles, 4 pistols, 1 LRR, 1 SG)... Lot of minors bugs fixed Civs generate script still not fixed (using teleport script seems to stop civs spawn) |
Hey Oliv thanks for the reply and update! everything is working fine now and yes i do have all markers on my map. I will continue to play and seek for them pesky bugs!
Keep up the great work! (Note - sorry for the late reply xD) |
HI everybody, once again another update,
-new animation for pickup money -factions.cpp fix -military list types changed in config.cpp (now all military icons are Blue on map) -init.sqf fix -adding var for checking number of civs (better perf.) -inconcious parameters fix (hit source) -building_check loot fix (civs part) -new functions for all ai's patrols (from CBA module) -updated shops on maps (new shops, ai's anims are activated) -new deleting agents/veh system (better perf.) -updated logic bug heli taxi script -know bug: some ai's types still spawn on roofs (spawning script must be fixed soon) -I've forgot to restore normals value for a new game! (you start Lieutenant with 10000 dollars) small update file < 1Mo :) |
Hi Thanks for making this awesome mod, I am really enjoying it now without having to worry about being chased by Zeds all the time.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I like this one , but ... It's not really " Wasteland" ... I was hoping for the wasteland like minor base building pieces.
Critique: 1- food/water consumption is to fast. This I know is "survival" aspects, but honestly ... the days run longer compared to amount of food/drink REALISTICALLY needed. I'm probably going to crack it open, look for the variables, and change it to longer consuming times. As it stands right now, it's ridiculously too fast. 2- Weather temps ... I like that it gets cold , and you need to warm up , but it's an aggravation to constantly shake from cold, in day light no rain ... is there a way to adjust temps? 3- AI spawns ... now, I like some of this way it's done. using the radio station calling in the planes for a drop ... that spawn took me by surprise. However, many of these AI spawns , are spawning right on you ... several times I've literally gotten shot before the AI units fully show up and render. Aimbots ... 4- I hadn't tried doing any base building , not sure if it's in this mod or not. 5- Civis give -400 rep if killed. ( I 360 killed one, as it spawned behind me in a vehicle as AI was engaging me, scared the crap out of me , and almost ran me over ) However, I killed a AI "bandit" whom did shoot at me, and got another -200 rep. What purpose is reputation? Is there only "bandit rep" you can get, I didn't see or notice any AI I killed give a bonus or negative to rep, but was occupied and not really paying close attention. Other than that, very well done! |
Hi, I didnt finish this mod, worked a lot but not finished, not optimized too, lot of critical bugs yes this mod is called "Wasteland" but it dont "pick" any code from the real mod called like that (I hope I will not spend all my rest of life in jall because of this :p) kind of Wasteland but i think ill change the name of this mod I am not focused on this mod since lot of time and I work mainly on Chernarus Daisy to test all features I can script (and understand by my scripting level) but thanks a lot for this post it help me a lot to have a "global" vision that i have to set/fix About food/water consumption too fast its not just bad parameters also, it is a critical bug (the problem is fixed/known in daisy mod but need to fix in "my" Wasteland mod) Same for the temperature/weather, Ai spawns About base building on this mod, yes maybe... but for my point of view in singleplayer mode, I dont see the utility of this feature I played "wasteland" multi on arma 3 and arma 2 and all the time the goal of the game is to destroy/capture ennemy bases build by players of other side. At least to script bots who have to objective to destroy you spent time to build, thats maybe the only way to reproduce the "wasteland" singleplayer gameplay. |
Olive ,
I've played in it more quite a bit. I'm actually digging it man. I did the no zeds version , and with random ai it is kinda like wasteland with the extra shops. Just lacks the structure building really, which is no big deal. ( Check out MGB Building on Armaholic , I'm not sure how dude made that but's fairly cool ... I wonder if something like that could be used to "add in" base building , but would need to be "tweaked" a bit. MGB has a ammo box option spawn in it , and offers free weapons for one. That'd need removed, or at least the weapons/ammo removed for storage. The "building" is global funded, like Warfare for money ... But the bases are not 100% secure, they can be destroyed ... take a look at it when you get time, I thought it was neat. ) some form of base building would be neat. I bought a tent, and seen barbed wire spawns, probably could make a "camp" of sorts I guess. Which is fine for SP , as long as you aren't "set up" near active AI spawn lol. Those "camps" aren't very secure though. Vehicles ... I'm always worried the Civis or Enemy Ai will try and nab my vehicles. I hadn't made it to a mission yet to try those out, they always spawn so far away I hadn't bothered yet. I'd also request if you will please ... because you know it better than me ( i'm amateur at scripting) , make it also a Co-Op option at least? Maybe like 5-10 other "survivors" that randomly spawn in and have to find each other? The Ai give plenty of opposition ... some "survivors" could try for PvP at times... ( reputations? again not sure how it works. ) is there a way to force the hint screen with your rep, kills, ect to stay on an active? Kind of like a "mini-sandbox" for lan/private group play? I'd love to have such an option when not really wanting to play alone , but not desiring to hop fully into another DayZ/Epoch/Overpoch/Overpochins zed fest. How difficult would this be to port to another map to work too? This "mod" is my new SP favorite. I discovered some extras you dropped in ... the airfield computer I clicked on, not knowing what it did ... it makes a air drop for you? BUT ... also spawns some bad guys AI!!! Friken Epic! Very awesome, I don't think I gave it a good "first impression try" , and seeing how the forums are old here, I actually did not expect a response to come. I think ... back in the day , THIS if it offered some MP capability ( like I said mini-sandbox style) , it could have been super popular. ( As in leave the Big "sandboxes" to regular DAYZ and regular Wasteland servers with huge PvP and twitchy Zed/Infected ). Out of everything posted on these forums ... this one here is my favorite now. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Why Base Building?
well, it's not a "need" in SP ... but just a want I guess. Something else to search for and do even in SP. Now it would be nice feature, if this could be done for the "mini-sandbox" Co-Op idea I talked about for sure. I don't got time right now , but later this evening, I'll jump back on and explain more on that idea. |
Ok now I got a bit more time to type up my hairbrained Ideas:
back to base building... Like I said not a "need" , as it stands one can make a camp of sorts just like vanilla dayz when they removed the fortified fences they call "bases". Honestly, vanilla dayz "basebuilding" kinda sucked. It gave walls and a way to semi-secure stuff, but was basically a "camp" with walls around it. Not really a fan of it myself. ( I just played on a vanilla server, about the best feature of these wooden "compounds" is you can somewhat keep cars/vehicles from being stolen from you easy. Not impossible though , give enough hatchet/sledgehammer time ... your wall/gate is destroyed and everyone makes off with your goods. First bunghole that finds/fixes a helio ... drops off a buddy inside and if they can't get your crap out, they just destroy what they can. Sniper hills ... no roofs , both exploitable by elevated areas , and exploitable by 3rd person viewing. Epoch/Overpoch bases ... Awesome-ish. Good modular things ... I never liked how they looked ... but it was great designing these, especially after snap pro came out. Most the time, I spent my server time getting materials and base building, more so than any other aspect. Why, because it was partially fun. Some of Epoch's building/crafting was redundant and time consuming. aggrivatingly, some parts were too big in some ways if you went the concrete/metal route. I always liked making smaller "bases" , rather than the towers of power others did. But , I tried making larger "bases" too ... never really "needed em" , just gave me something to do apart from looting, PvP , and such. While running around the server I'd always notice and see those big towering bases , and one day I thought to myself: " Those are obvious targets for raiders and campers." Cool things yes, but big stuff just seemed to attract unwanted attention ( or maybe folks wanted attention.) Eventually our server got wiped , and everyone started over ... I went around the map making small " efficiency bases" , only a few actually could store a vehicle securely or semi-securely, but nothing larger than a vodnik and the Vod was somewhat a tight fit at that. That in itself eliminated alot of potential players hanging around to raid or get a cheap thrill kill ... the larger bases getting the attention. Bambis took somewhat an interest , until they figured out they couldn't gain much ( though I'd usually leave one accessible thing full of supplies I didn't need or want, which helped fresh spawn or bambis get established early on I think. ) I noticed by accident ... others newer to the server, started copying my base designs ... those small things started popping up everywhere. But I never "needed" any of it ... it was just something to do, work on , and especially pass time when my online buds were not online and playing. Even in Epoch/Overpoch multiplayer ... one could say there wasn't a "need" for bases at all really. At best case scenario , in those , super secure bases really only served to MAYBE let you hold onto or horde up stuff longer. The "drawback" to those huge sandboxes, was two things: 1- Nothing was sacred , if it wasn't nailed down, someone wanted to take it or make it where you didn't have it at least. 2- Nothing in the mods was so ultra-rare as to be actually valuable. Once passed the fresh Spawn "curve" , everything was easy to find or buy. Anything you could get, someone else could too just by looking in another area on the map. ( or by banditizing it off some corpses you just caused.) ( Which made me wonder why so many bandits in later years of arma2 dayz. Sure it was easier to bandit a negative rep, and get the high end bandit trader goods , but even so ... it's not like a few buildings or few areas wouldn't gear you up and supply all your "needs" anyways. ) Anyways, I think my long winded "argument" is basically, you never need "bases" in dayz multiplayer or not. But it's a want I think more so. It is ... just something to do, to strive for. Pick a location out, set up , and make a base camp/base. While like I said, in SP you can get away with some tents and minor fencing things ... that's simply not all that ... -impressive- to be honest. Doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to do. Maybe I'm wrong on that , but I can look at my little camp in my game and think, if I was in a real survival/appocy environment like that ... I'd want something better than just a few tents and a camp fire. Now onto the MP/Minisandbox request : I'm only guessing at this, but I think the Daizy code/SP rip portion, was designed where JIP or Co-OP isn't possible ... Something goes wrong with when another player joins, even if you edit in more "survivor" units ... where the "server" or game mission "switches" from original starting character, to the one you " switch to" that gets the bells and whistles ( and isn't invisible ). Why would I be asking for a JIP type "somewhat MP " modification to this on a SP Daizy forum? Well, I can't code it myself for one thing. ( If I could, or even work with any DayZ scripts/codes, I would have made a new version long ago.) Secondly ... like I said, when one doesn't really wish to play absolutely alone have a few buds along would be a nice feature. ( as it stands , it's scaled/challenging enough with the AI already in that small groups it'd be fine to play together. ) The Mission here, is already "set up" with the traders/shops all over the place , which is cool. Even IF say you had one or two players, going the bandit route ( they still gotta gear up and survive as well, would add in a PvP element at times too. But , with so few players allowed in, would make for long hours of hunting around just for PvP oppurtunities, so it wouldn't be a constant KOS/Deathmatch like regular DayZ servers are. The cool aspect how you have the reputation set ( i think ) , you give SP players a choice sorta to be a survivor/hero , or a nasty murdering low rep bandit ( though I'm not sure if that screws you over in shops as it stands right now.) The other thing with regular online DAYZ servers of any sort ... Arma2 OA is dying , server populations are not super great anymore. I think it's better to run missions that attract handful of participants , rather than running a server competing for the same stretched thin playerbase as all the other servers ( which pretty much , all have the same content one way or another. ) Vanilla Arma 2 CO/OA , lacks some cool things DayZ mod added in ... like blood ( health) , bandages , flashlights , road flares , useable tents, hunting, food/water "survival" , and unless one is a friken dayz code genius ( which I am not) , making a viable mission with those elements in it, is darn near impossible. Not that the DAYZ makers are overly forthcoming with know-how and allowing use of things so you can actually custom build your own missions from scratch, with what exactly you want in it , opposed to what they provided for you. So, in my eyes ... getting some buds together to play more co-op/mini-sandbox is a bit better than trying to put a server up and running the full monty ( especially if you don't want any f-ing Zed/Infected), while still having the option if desired to play it SP as well. Olive, I think what you got here ... is a diamond in the rough , especially this late in the Arma2/DayZ mod lifespan. I don't have a computer capable of handling Arma3 graphics and play with any measure of FPS myself , which I am sure THIS would be a big hit on as well. When I can run A3 , my ARma2 days might be nill and limited then too. A3 is just much "better" in many ways from all I can see on youtube. So while I'm stuck on the ancient Arma2 OA game ... I -need- interesting things to play. I'd like to have something just like this mission+mod to play on. It's not "linear" like most SP missions are in Arma2 oa, and adds in the elements of DayZ thats cool ( Blood, bandages,self bloodbags, better backpacks, randomized loot spawns , ect ) that once you get used to having, seem "missing" from anything else really. When my son wants to play too, it'd be cool to be able to run it LAN , or rent a small server private passworded for us to Co_op play on. Heck, it'd be cool to say get 5 players playing in such a way as well ... It's fun SP of course, but everything is almost always better going through it with your friends online too. Or even say get 5 buddies to play "survivors" and five more to try to play bandits during a session ... One could even turn it into a semi-RP sandbox if desired along those lines too. Personally, i think a portion of the decline of arma2 dayz mod is simply the fact, players are kind of bored/jaded to the whole infected/zombie appocalypse thing anyways. ( Not that it was ever much a factor in it, the real challange was always PvP in DayZ). Since Arma3 and DayZ standalone are more ... " better" along those fronts ... players are going to get those and play those for DayZ more now. So, coming across this Mod, no Zeds ... plenty of AI action/mission chasing, with the "survival" elements and extra cools stuff in it ... is a breath of fresh air in my eyes. I know this forum and SP mode is "old" by years , and I wasn't really sure anyone was still making content for it or not. I didn't actually expect to find something like this, here ... but glad I did now. I see potential and possibilities. I'm sure you have other projects , play other games and such ... so I know it's stretch for me to hop on, and say these things, and beg for things ( I wish I knew how to do them, so that way I wouldn't need to bother begging everyone for things lol.) Ok, so I wrote a huge wall of text ... forgive me. I kept getting "Honey-Doo-This" interrupts, so I kept losing focus and getting off track/overly wordy and lost my thought process several times during my explanation. |
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