I'll try here before making another thread on it ... Did you port the traders from another mission file, or did you set those up? I really want to have at least one custom trader in a STALKER MOD mission I'm doing, but I don't know how to make them, or do the money ( not specifically SP so a Global faction money system will not work for me I do not think. ) I need one to buy artifacts and weapons/ammo off of players, and sell them some gear/weapons/ammo. Also, do you know how to make/set up a custom GUI that works? I need a health indicator like a + sign, with say 100 points, go to Zero or negative is dead? Also I need a similar one for radiation count. Also, I'd like to know how you set up the air-drops with the laptops ... I tried something similar , but never got it to work. I have one place I'd like to put one of those, that drops med supplies ( medkits and anti-rads, and some random great weapon + ammo. ), but instead of bandits/army AI ... Have DUTY ( Opfor) show up to nab it first, lol. |
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Hi benevolentdevil
Ive spend long time to read yours posts, Iam not sure to 100% understanding (I dont speak english well) all but Ive a vision you want/wish to do/set etc etc :) I dont know by witch way begining... Well.., I started to play Dayz Online when I watched a video on youtube long time ago... My first feeling was this mod had an exellent "realism" about survival part Thats the reason I played a lot this game, the survival part of this mod. Iam not a fan of Pvp, for multiple reasons etc etc... always I played alone Online with a hatchet as main weapon, kill zeds, avoid players, and collect food/drinks, etc etc.. you see the kind of player... This game was perfect for me but others players was the problem :p So I tried to find a mod what was for SP only so I found Kodabar forum and downloaded my first SP mod created by Halek, played it and at this moment I began to learn scripting I think all mod created by modders are build to be pleasant to play, at least for the modder himself As you know, theres a lot of mods you can download found on google etc etc... Some of them are useless, awesome, all you want But the problem seems to be all mods are never perfect, it need this it need that... And all players are differents, and I dont think a modder/or team of modders is/are the possibility to do "THE" perfect mod for all players of the world and its always like that even on others games Arma is a good engine to build your own mod, your own sets, and more, just the creativity is the key... I can understand your frustration about lot of things :) I had the same feeling of you As I said, my scripting level isnt perfect, I learn by my errors and lot of things are still strange/obscur But if you want to mod your own mod, you need first the right tools: - Notepad++ (for .sqf .hpp files) - PBO Manager if I remember, Ive begin to learn how to place a NPC and a colored marker on the map then I adjusted the code for mine from Wasteland for the custom GUI system very tricky work it take a lot of time and patience ! If you start scripting I dont recommand to work on it first you will become crasy ! Instead of this, working on a money script is easy to do. Ah, another important thing to have is the Arma2 commands webpage https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 I didnt work so much on this but I know how it work approximativly... When I worked on Namalk mod I had the same idea to add stalker mod and radiation icon... but I forgot this feature to work on priorities (critical bugs, script errors, logics...) This feature was one of my first try to mod/script something working :p But the aircraft behaviour is harder to code Mm there is 2 way to do that - by addAction command + check item classname near player - by map Editor I prefer the first but its the second way in my Wasteland mod It work like this: -when player is near the laptop object, an action is displayed for the player -when action (and conditions are ok) is activated, the action call the "dropspawn2.sqf" script Arguments are called too to run this script (select 0, select 1, etc...) But this script call others scripts (to spawn bandits group) And bandits groups call 3 or 4 others scripts too :p.... This is typicly the working of arma2 script system on this case I can help you on money script to understand basics (or the plane who drop supplies script) first of this you must find a "loop" script already in mission file but first, you need to decompress the .pbo file (of wasteland mission) with "PBO manager" in "missions" folder (if its already done) the goal is to have access to .sqf files in "missions" folder (and open them with Notepad++) |
Thank you Olive ,
I did not know english wasn't your first language, forgive me. I have several PBO extraction tools, and notepad++. I had at times opened up many a DAYZ mod trying to figure out, and a 404 Wasteland download trying to figure out how to script or how to take features and add them to other mission files. No success on my end, save for learning all the good user made missions have several folders with the main mission file. I agree, nothing one finds for any DAYZ or most missions are "perfect". I enjoy them. I just get upset because I can't force Arma2 to do what I want it to do always. on PvP - Rarely in online MP Dayz did I ever PvP myself. I say rarely , because like you ... I stayed away from other players mostly. Sometimes I'd get with a few to help them or PVE/Co-Op for missions. I'd only shoot at other players , if they were shooting at me first. My rule was, if you shoot an don't kill me ... I'm gonna hunt you down and kill you because you tried. A few times, I did PvP because some buttholes were spawn/noob camping in helios on a player constantly. One server , I was part of a large bandit group. I do not remember why I got included in that group, but we built a big huge base ( overpoch) together. I had a wing of my own to myself in it. But I was the only full hero in that large group. I lasted 817 days of game days on that "life" , I had something like 900k + Humanity. So I understand. SP does remove that "problem" of other players. PvP isn't something one needs in a mission/mod ... Sometimes AI though, just isn't the same. AI doesn't see trees, grass, walls , ect. AI rarely makes mistakes once close and engaged. They aimbot head shoot you, it's all calculated and done by engine, it has little to no error like a player has. PvP only for INTEREST if at all. My main thing right now is Co-OP play. Having small groups of friends playing the same game. When you do something cool/accomplish something you get some sharing and laughs out of it. It's fun SP , it's more fun to get to run with buddies and have someone helping/watching your back. Much of the time anyways. But SP is great too for me. Right now I'm having trouble playing online MP, my ISP has throttled my data down, where I'm only getting 5FPS connecting to online servers. ( Might be cause I'm wireless I don't know. ) ---------------- Me scripting ... lol, barely. I can add things in the editor. I found a hint that allows me to place units/items and get the classnames of things. That helped be able to learn how to spawn things via trigger and marker exactly where I wanted em. Like say an artifact from STALKER MOD , I can spawn one where I want it , but it's there ... now can't do anything with it, but pick it up. Can't sell em , cause I don't know how to make a trader. But I can finally do simple things , like give units custom load outs, medkits , antirads. I can make crates and weapon holders spawn in, and fill them with custom content. I can somewhat spawn in "bad guys" to fight. I can add fog, create atmoshpere ... _____________________ STALKER MOD for Arma2 I think benefits most if at least Co-OP and SP option. the real STALKER game, is totally SP ... when I play it, I always want a buddy along but it's impossible. Arma3 has ARMSTALKER now ... but like I said, I can't run Arma3 yet. If I could , I'd get the RAVAGE mod ( I watched youtube on, I wish Arma2 had something that easy to set up and editor in.) and I'd get Zeus, and I'd definately get ArmStalker , lol. _____________________ Things i can't do ... seem to add flashlights or road flares, or chemlights ( or have them work.) In my missions , I don't want NVGs used or available. Everyone carrying a G17 is unrealistic. Night time needs to be scary , dark , and limited vision. NVGs make it too easy, and removes the ambiance of the mission. Like I said, custom GUI and traders are beyond my capabilities. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I forgot :
BUGS I found in Wasteland 1987 mod/patched version mission: 1- Military trader near Lopatino ( spelling?? ) will take your money, but will not spawn vehicles in. I tried for a vodnik medical, and a BMP2 , neither spawned in but it took the money. 2- some of the pistols you cannot close aim ( hold breath ) with. |
If I understand you work on "Chernarus Wasteland1987" to add a trader on the same Chernarus map ?
And this trader must have ability to sell/buy artefacts ? |
Sorry ... I would be making a custom trader for another map and mission. Since you had quite a few in wasteland1987 , I asked if you knew how to do it, and if so , can you give instructions? On making a custom trader shop, and NPC , an dof course how to do money too. |
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Ok, I ll try to remember, i didnt work on it since few years !
- create an invisible marker on map (in editor map) near the trader position you want to create, name the invisible marker (for ex: Trader1) - in editorMap, create a small object("smallCase" per ex.) at wished position and add those commands in init box; I dont have the game in English so the name shouldnt be the same bld = createAgent ["CDF_Soldier_TL", (getposasl this), [], 0, "FORM"]; bld setdir (getdir this); bld setpos[(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),1]; bld allowDamage false;bld disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; (in this case "CDF_Soldier_TL" classname of soldier is created, "bld" is the "smallCase" nameObject) Make an attention to this code: bld setpos[(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),1]; the last "1" is the altitude from ground level of your positionned NPC(or object), it used to make sure your caracter will not be glitched on ground Up or down this value by ~0.3~0.5 increments (something like that about scale) (positioning commands in Arma are always argumented by X,Y,Z respectivly) Check your code by testing the mission ingame, and see if if ok or not, adjust NPC altitude if needed |
All that worked ,
he's there ... now how to get him to buy and sell? |
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Now your player need to check this NPC in a certain radius of him
This command need to be added in a loop script (in dayz code "fn_selfActions.sqf") _nearTrader1 = player distance (getPos nearestObject [player, "CDF_Soldier_TL"]) < 3; //by classname SoldierType OR _nearTrader1 = player distance (getMarkerPos "Trader1") < 3; //by markerPos ... ... //Your trader1 Activation menu if (_nearTrader1) then { if (s_player_trader1Menu < 0) then { s_player_trader1Menu = player addAction ["Trader1 Menu","<path to your activation script>"]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_trader1Menu; s_player_trader1Menu = -1; }; "s_player_trader1Menu" is a global var who will be added in "variables.sqf" s_player_trader1Menu = -1 //default value Replace <path to your activation script> by something like: "systems\trade\loadTrader1Shop.sqf" loadTrader1Shop.sqf must be placed in the right folder in your "missions" tree path |
Olive, I don't know what I've done wrong , but it didn't work. I am sorry for derailing your thread to ... I posted my "idea" Here in Unnoficial relases/WIP thread.. take a look and read through when you get time, so you can see my vision and my needs. |
Nevermind, Ive tried :p
But another thing, merging mods together is tricky and often create bugs, you need check all codes all lines 1 by 1 its an ant work ! If possible try to start arma2 with only 1 mod, try to check for script bugs, try to see on the web the best mod who are enought close to your needs and play it, understand the logics, systems scripted, by reading codes you will know Ive read your post and the first thing i thought is "Stalker CoP Misery mod" but its not for multi or lan It's a lot of work you ask there, but theres good ideas Personnaly when I want to dive into stalker atmosphere I play this game (and this mod), SoC Lost Alpha is a "must have" also... I keep your thread in eyes but keep in mind Ive a lot of work with my 3 mods Btw, if you want to do simple scripts (like money) its not very hard, I think you can google exemples on the web |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Olive if you will can you help me just a bit more?
I got money to work , my variable is "myMoney". I got a trader that operates with myMoney now. ( I just need to edit the weapons and gear/prices. ) (I even managed to "godmode" the npc so he can't be accidentally or on purpose killed. ) what I need help with : 1- how do I set it up so dead AI and Mutants drop the evCurrency and you can pick it up to add money to the myMoney variable? ( high priority this) Most the AI/Mutants are spawned in via trigger or marker , so i need something global. 2- Is there a way to say, do that ... and have different pay outs for different things? Like say, Blind Dog pays out 5 "myMoney" , a Zombied Stalker pays out 20 "myMoney" , AI bandits a random amount, example bandit one drops 100 "myMoney" , bandit two pays out 50 "myMoney" , bandit 3 drops 230 "myMoney"? ( lower priority this) |
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if your money var is "myMoney", check if all scripts in money relation have the right "myMoney" var indeed
Search for the Mutants/Ai's spawning scripts, they are created by "createAgent" or "createVehicle" command Inside those kind of scripts, you need to add "addEventHandler" command with "killed" argument In my Wasteland mod: _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this,"banditKills",(round(random 36))] call fnc_unitDropMoney;}]; _this is refered to the _unit "banditKills" is the type of kill (round(random 36)) is a randomized amount of money dropped All those 3 arguments call another script ("scripts\compile\fn_unitDropMoney.sqf"): _unit = _this select 0 select 0; //unit object called by _this moneyBase = _this select 2; // in this case, (round(random 36)) _inVehicle = (vehicle _unit != _unit); // check if _unit is in veh if (_inVehicle) then { _unit spawn { private["_unit"]; _unit = _this; waitUntil {vehicle _unit == _unit}; //waiting for unit getout the veh sleep 2; _unitPos = getPosATL _unit; _dropMoney = "EvMoney" createVehicle _unitPos; if (_unitPos select 2 > 0.5) then { _dropMoney modelToWorld [0,0,0]; } else { _dropMoney setPosATL _unitPos; }; }; } else { _unitPos = getPosATL _unit; _dropMoney = "EvMoney" createVehicle _unitPos; _dropMoney setPosATL _unitPos; }; This is the way to drop money item from a dead body with the choice of amount of money To finish this feature, you need to add an action for your player to pickup the money item on the ground in selfactions.sqf: ... ... //WL1987 Pickup Money if (_nearMoney && _canDo) then { if (s_player_pickupMoney < 0) then { s_player_pickupMoney = player addAction ["Pickup Money", "client\actions\pickupMoney.sqf"]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_pickupMoney; s_player_pickupMoney = -1; }; ... ... ------------------ //"pickupMoney.sqf": ------------------ _nearestMoney = (getPos player) nearestObject "EvMoney"; player removeAction s_player_pickupMoney; //player playActionNow "medic"; player playActionNow "PutDown"; sleep 1; _rndMoney = (round(random 10) + moneyBase); r_player_money = r_player_money + _rndMoney; //r_player_money is "myMoney" var in your case deleteVehicle _nearestMoney; hint format ["You have picked up $%1",_rndMoney]; sleep 2; _nul = [] execVM "debug\playerstats_default.sqf"; By checking AI's/NPC's/Mutants.. creating scripts you should set all your money amounts for each of them ) for "blindDog" spawn script: _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this,"blindDogKill",round (random 5)] call fnc_unitDropMoney;}]; for "zombiedStalker" spawn script: _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this,"zombiedStalkerKill",round (random 20)] call fnc_unitDropMoney;}]; for "bandit" spawn script: _unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{[_this,"banditKill",round (random 50)] call fnc_unitDropMoney;}]; etc etc ... ----------------------------- Dont forget to compile fnc_unitDropMoney function, somewhere in init.sqf file or something like who must be loaded in priority before starting the mission... fnc_unitDropMoney = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\compile\fn_unitDropMoney.sqf"; |
thank you! I only coded part of it, but worked!
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Just to give some information:
Just in case you WANT to add some base building into your Wasteland 1987, or Factions Daizy ... MGB Creationism on Armaholic , located Here.. It works , if you edit the mission vie editor, drop in the Function Module, and MGB Module. I think you must have CBA addon running for it to fully work. ( I have Operation Arrowhead, so my CBA is CBA_OA .) What I did was de-pbo the file, changed the original money variable to "myMoney", so it would work with my money system. I had to change the variable in the Init file, and in the Purchase files. ( there are many to change.) Tested, it works. The MGB Building allows for some extra stuff, looks like you can edit it or remove ... I just do not understand arrays yet to figure out how to remove the weapons, ect I don't want players having yet. I'll play around with it more and find out though. I made this base, using the system in my Stalker building Test run. |
That's some nice work there benevolentdevil
![]() Well done! ![]() |
The MGB system allows you to buy a small ammo crate. It's actually for weapon purchases to horde in the bases. I've been ignoring the weapons atm in testing. ( I have a trader/random loot system in place already, I added MGB just to see if it'd work. ) Anyways, the ammo boxes in SP are great storage boxes. Take up less space than tents. ------------------------------------------------------- On A side note ... I THINK if one could find the Epoch Building materials ( and some extra code ), MGB could be modified via the scripts to have more Epoch like structures. Personally I like the MGB looks more , but the "parts" really aren't quite as universal. I hadn't seen/found a ladder in MGB building , and I do not quite like the stairs/ramps ... though they are OK to use , just takes up more room , and I find making interior level transitions harder. My issue is, I do not know where to look in Epoch files to find the building/crafting stuff. BUT ... they have to be there somewhere. MGB I seen it all listed in some sort of Array ( though more advanced than I know what to do with myself. ), and I hadn't found any "remove" option example to help with the building if one misplaces a object yet. ______________________________ I'm not gonna take too much more time with MGB myself , it works ATM , I only have one question for Muti-player : In MGB it uses a "setGlobal variable= " or something like that. Isn't GLOBAL in Multiplayer like a SHARED variable? If so, I need to change that , so it's not Shared ( as in I do not want one faction sharing a money "pool". Individuals need to earn up thier own money. Everything else, like editing weapons/items I'm fairly sure I can edit to add in my desired items/weapons to those list. Just need classnames and change prices. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Ok, back on topic here -
It does seem food/water consumption is still very "fast" , I parked my truck on the west side of NW Airfield right in the middle by the runway road. I drank a Pepsi to fill my thirst up. I ran straight across to the First set of buildings , and got to the industrial area. At this time ( just about 5 minutes of play ) I was already 3/4rths down on the thirst meter. ( Almost red.) I spotted a bandit lurking nearby, and a slow walked/crouch walked to where I could shoot him. Shot him three times, my thirst was flashing red. So before checking his body, I ran all the way back to my truck , and grabbed two drinks , one to fill up, and one to give me another 15 minutes of "exploration" before I had to run back to the truck for more. Hunger doesn't " go down" quite as fast, but is still way too fast in my opinion. I think one thirst fill up, should allow for at least 45 minutes of good running/exploration ... enough it's a factor, but no where near as "fast" as it's going right now. Having to drink every 15 minutes is aggravation more than surviving lol. -------------------------------------- - Doesn't seem once you buy a vehicle, you can sell it back, or sell found/repaired ones. - Military trader near Lapitino took money, but no vehicles spawn there. Are those for when you raise the reputation only, or is it just bugged? ( I hadn't tried the other mil vehicle trader yet.) - I wish you could put extra weapons in the Trader Ammo box, and sell them all at once, as opposed to having to hold them one at a time for selling. Takes a long time doing that unloading a ural full of guns, and Trader will not buy magazines with-out selling the gun it goes to too in your hand. ---------------------------------- Are missions set to where they spawn on the opposite end of the map from your location always? or have I just gotten unlucky? I was on Zelenogorsk side/NW Airfield side, all Missions spawned down towards Cherno/Berazino areas ... I go over to NE/Airfield area, now all missions are spawning over near Zelenogorsk area. -------------------------------- |
Like I said this mod is an old project, has lot of scripts bugs, illogicals logics, and I didnt touch this mod since few years now
didnt able to add vanilla Arma2 features (like Alice, Alice2 and others modules...), I started to do my own scripts about kind of "civilians life in Chernarus", then I added traders and a pattern of randomized "side missions" (I think to get "Domination" or "Evolution" AI's behaviours scripts) I read your posts about your feedback, but in future (idk when) this mod will pick a lot of "factions1987" mod codes WL1987 isnt optimized on main scripts like "player_spawn1"(low speed check) "player_spawn2"(high speed check), selfactions etc etc.. If you compare both mods codes, "factions1987" mod is at light years far ahead about optimization (survivals parameters, AI's behaviours, repair/salvage vehicles system) |
Ahh ... OK.
No worries. Do you mind if I try and tweak parameters for hunger/thirst then? ( I actually think thats a DayZ code version bug, if google was helpful at all.) factions looks more "advanced" for sure ... but it's got zeds in it. I'll download it and give it a whirl though. Wasteland is cool , I do like how Civillians spawn in, bandits kill them , they run ... lol , the police at the airfield scared the crap out of me, started talking outside while I was in the ATC Building. Those little things are enjoyable. Animated heli crashes? |
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