Haleks wrote
Above wrote
Because obviously the ArmA 3 DayZ mod would be partly better than standalone
I wouldn't say that; Rocket has a full team with him plus BIS full support... Just think about the new Chernarus for instance : more and bigger cities, new regions, the Utes island and so on...
It would be nice to see the D3yZ mod exploring other paths than the S.A, IMO. We could 2 different experiences instead of some kinda of competition between the mod and the S.A.
I didn't mean to refer to it as a competition, but if Rocket is deciding to be a twat about it like SP for the DayZ mod. Then chances are we're not gonna see DayZ for ArmA 3.
Even though, I think the DayZ mod for ArmA 3 really could compete with SA. Since it's so mod-able. Standalone will be what it is, and that's it. I'm not saying that SA will be bad in any way, but if the playerbase got full control of their files, it could be so much better.
The new map is awesome, Chernarus and Utes in 1, that's badass. But for how long?