RandomGuy wrote
Oh awks -_- but yeah the backpack and such looks really good. Will the ui fix the broken legs problem aswell? Some times i spawn and i cant move, no hour glass, can't pause, i usaully have to alt f4 on death. oh and also I downloaded one of the other missions (38 c or something like that) to try out the ai patrolling vehicles and it is so cool to get in a heli fight or suicide bomb them, why were they taken out?
The backpack looks awesome because it's dark.

The broken legs is 100% related to the respawn script. I doubt there's anything to do about it.
About you respawning without beeing able to move, that was a bug that I kind of fixed. It would be like that everytime you respawned before. Now it's more like 1/10. I will have to look further into that. I might have a fix already.
And the patrolling code with the helis never got taken out, it just never got implemented again. I'm working on something really cool for the Chernarus mission, though. Both me and Fedus are talking about some dope stuff.