Above wrote
Above wrote
Kryptic wrote
How is the Napf map going? looking forward to it

I'm already done with everything I/we had in mind. I'm just waiting for 1.7.7 so that I can apply everything.
What's done so far:
35 unique skins.
Using all the Origins vehicles. (We're still using some of the older ArmA vehicles, Vodnik etc to be added once 1.7.7 hits).
Using all Origins zombies + Fedus's zombies (Fedus's female zombie comming soon).
Custom weapons from mods added to the loot table once I have 1.7.7.
Helicrashes replaced with crashed c130's. (Because I thought it was cooler, and more fitting hence all loot spots).
The AI improvements from before.
And everything from 1.7.7, of course.
*EDIT: The bloodbag yourself code too, of course.
*EDIT2: I've now even added all the weapons I wanna use (we got some insanly dope weapons, some that got bipots that you can deploy (with animations) by using your "H" key). Now I just gotta balance it fairly well.
I'm not sure what else we could do with it, or if I've missed something. But these are the things I've had in mind.
Updated changelog:
Reskinned close to all items to make them older, and dirtier.
Looking at adding additional skins, and re-balancing the loot table.
Looking at vehicle gear slots.
Question to everyone reading this, should we use a soundmod? And if so, JSRS, or the mod BreakingPoint is using?
I added 17 new skins (all from mods) wich leaves us at a total of 52 unique skins. (Only 49 are spawning atm, I left 3 of the 4 rocker skins out).
And balanced the loot table.
I'm glad y'all like the sound of this! And I'll work on all ideas and see what I can come up with. For now, I'll leave it with the changes and features above. Since I can barely keep track of those. I do have to merge all of these changes with the 1.7.7/1.7.8 code when we get it.
But I'll update with new features every now and then. I'm also working on side missions, those are SICK. I will release the side-mission-mission as an additional download, however. It's a WIP. I've yet to start on it.
What is side missions?
A: A message will appear every now and then, saying something like "a hostile helicopter just entered the area" and a marker will appear on the map. Now the marked place will have quite a few of AI, and you'll have to take them out. The reward will be the helicopter they came in. There will be quite a few different ones, if I get them to work.