This post was updated on .
I'm already done with everything I/we had in mind. I'm just waiting for 1.7.7 so that I can apply everything. What's done so far: 35 unique skins. Using all the Origins vehicles. (We're still using some of the older ArmA vehicles, Vodnik etc to be added once 1.7.7 hits). Using all Origins zombies + Fedus's zombies (Fedus's female zombie comming soon). Custom weapons from mods added to the loot table once I have 1.7.7. Helicrashes replaced with crashed c130's. (Because I thought it was cooler, and more fitting hence all loot spots). The AI improvements from before. And everything from 1.7.7, of course. *EDIT: The bloodbag yourself code too, of course. *EDIT2: I've now even added all the weapons I wanna use (we got some insanly dope weapons, some that got bipods that you can deploy (with animations) by using your "H" key). Now I just gotta balance it fairly well. I'm not sure what else we could do with it, or if I've missed something. But these are the things I've had in mind. |
Awesome! Is there more handguns? like maybe you could port some handguns from BP? and do you know the release date for the 1.7.7 update?
In reply to this post by Above
Just read this forum page about update 1.7.7, it says update might come out next month or the end of this month
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I might have to put out a Napf 1.7.6 and update it when possible then. And will I use some guns from BP? Even better, I will use the few good guns from BP, and alot of sick guns from other mods. (Those mods are available on ArmAholic). I've added some sick snipers, some sick AR's and alot of cool handguns. :) G17 SD for instance, D-eagles, silenced M1911. I can throw a pic up in an hour or two of all weapons. I basically just downloaded every single mod that had well made models etc. |
sweet dude, can't wait for it! Napf looks amazing also, never played it. i got high hopes for it
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I'm not 100% done, though. I'm looking at some "mod skins". I'm thinking about replacing all ghillies with this And then some other cool skins. |
The Ghillie suits sure look fairly good. Will you also be using a few other skins from armaholic? There are quite a few good ones out there. |
Yes, we're kind of on a limit, though. I'm already having small problems keeping a balance regarding the loot tables. |
Haha, fair enough. This mission will be dope
In reply to this post by Above
Updated changelog: Reskinned close to all items to make them older, and dirtier. Looking at adding additional skins, and re-balancing the loot table. Looking at vehicle gear slots. Question to everyone reading this, should we use a soundmod? And if so, JSRS, or the mod BreakingPoint is using? |
If JSRS is cool go with it, i have never heard it, but fresh anything is always good. This mission looks so good, is there anyway we can try it before the update. HOPE the Ai heli patrols work out, dogs would be cool in any map. cant wait. also do you have a SP version of Thirsk, i tried getting x mas one to work, but without a mission file, i am lost. keep up the good work guys.
JSRS is by the far the most realistic and best sound mod for ArmA. Most (or all) sounds are recorded from real life. I'll probably upload it once it's completed. Depending on when that is. I'm still messing abouts with some ideas. I'm not too sure if I'll add dogs. But it's possible. There's always space for additional "side-missions". EDIT: There's no point in me including JSRS since it's another 1g of data for me to upload, and for you to download. All I can do is recommend it! I use it from time to time, and it really is awesome. Playing ArmA will never be the same. JSRS awesome soundmod. (Vehicles, weapons, evironment, etc). |
Yeah, side-missions would be cool. For example 'Rescue the Cat'. Just kidding, but side-objectives are always fun. Even better if you could choose to do it or not. Will it use the RH HK416/417 weapon pack ? The textures of RH Weapon Packs are wicked. |
I'm using most of RH's weapon packs. He's a damn boss when it comes to modelling. By "side-missions" I meant additional mission releases with various mods made to it. But now that you say it, I also got some side-mission stuff ready, too. I just have to start messing with it. ;-) |
Sounds great, how about dogs in breaking point then, they must be a pain in the ass , i have yet to see a dog in DaiZy other than spawning one in with lost key and ya cant even hear them barking. I have been playing Namalsk for the last three hours, great release, other than tabbing out when u first load up, it works great and saves great, loads fine after the first time playing. Found allot of watches and no map yet. Other than that i haven't noticed any bugs. Hey does anyone know if Rocket is planning on making a single player for standalone? i seem to remember someone mentioning it at some point. Great work thanks...... even if he does i will still be playing these also.
In reply to this post by Above
Has anyone thought of trying to add some more animals to a mission, say you are at the supermarket and you hear something in the back rustling around and you go investigate and a grizzly bear charges at you or maybe infected animals, wild horses that you could ride also, just some thoughts. Also has anyone make a mod for slow zombies like in the undead mod, would be cool to have both slow and fast.
I wanna take a look at infected animals! There's alot of textures and modelling to be done, though. I haven't started 3D modelling yet. But it seems fairly easy. :p About dogs in BreakingPoint, all I gotta do is add 1 line. But I'm also fixing other stuff before I update. |
Infected animals as in they attacking the player, or you get a chance to be infected when eating they're meat? |
Infected animals, let's say cows? They're always healthy, fuck that. One or another cow must've been bitten! There's a long way before I can achieve it, but I wanna learn 3d modelling anyways. In that case, I could probably just make a nice reskin on the cow texture, and the other animals. And just add new animals. That is something I can do now, if I just get my hands on the animal tex's. However, having the infected animals attack you, would obviously be a bigger WIP. |
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