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I came across a site recently called the Single Player Project and found a single player project for DayZ Epoch
And it is literally as easy as double clicking two batch files. Interested? Well, read on... ![]() Basically, visit this page, it tells you everything you need to know and where to download the single .zip file (it's on Mega 1.78Gb). You'll be running both the server and client on the same PC. Follow the instructions (helpful, I know) and much to my surprise, it worked! Actually, to be honest, it didn't work - the server couldn't connect to the database. I already had MySQL installed and when the game tried to launch mysql.exe it couldn't because it was already running. I uninstalled MySQL and tried again and then it worked. ----------------------------------IMPORTANT------------------------------------- -----------------------------------READ ME--------------------------------------- If you are having a problem first try verifying files through Steam. You might also need to edit a file to bypass version requirements - see this post on how to modify the build requirement in config.cfg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, how is it? ![]() You know what, it's really nice to be back in Arma 2 DayZ Epoch. There's no shortage of supplies so don't think you'll be doing any hard core survival. There are guns but ammo is not exactly plentiful - you'll need to liberate some from the dead... ![]() The map is Chernarus (although you could probably change that), there are traders (in the "usual" spots) and there are plenty of vehicles. ![]() The game uses 3 "AI systems" to add life to the map; DZMS - DayZ Mission System: Provides missions with a variety of risk and rewards DZAI - DayZ Artifical Intelligence: Provides static and random AI spawns, including helicopters and vehicles patrols. WAI - Wicked AI: Even more missions but a more diverse range and challenge. The helicopters are not to be underestimated... ![]() These AI systems are pretty relentless. It's easy to get caught in an endless gunfight with them. They do see the zombies as a threat so you may get a warning they are around before you actually seem them. There are also Heros and Bandits - they will fight each other and you will gain / lose "Humanity" points depending on you how you play. My humanity level stays near zero.... ![]() ![]() I have made a few changes, modifying the AI spawn rates and adding a towing system (as above) and a few other minor things but at the end of the day, it does work as advertised. EDIT: Grammer and speeling EDIT2: Just to be clear, this is not my work. I found it and thought others might enjoy it or not be aware of it. |
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Customizing your game
Lets get straight into it. You'll need; Notepad++ PBO Manager Start by opening Config.cfg... ![]() and change three things; verifySignatures = 2; requiredBuild = 131129; difficulty="veteran"; so they look like this... ![]() The first is because we will need to modify other files and the game will kick us so we tell it not to check the files. The second is a compatibility issue and the third just makes the game a little easier - leave it if you prefer :) Save the file. Next, and in the same location, open Hive.ini look for the following... ![]() I have modified mine - this means every time I start the server it starts it at 0800 hours. You can set this to your liking or leave it alone Or, you can blunder around in the darkness with the AI and zombies... :) Remember to save the file if you change it. [For the next bit, this is where we can modify the AI systems - it's optional so you skip ahead if you like] Head to the server folder and using PBO manager extract sayz_server.pbo... ![]() Each of the AI systems has their own configuration file. You can adjust the skill of the AI in these files. ![]() Keep in mind that some of these missions have 20 NPC - all shooting at one thing - you - so adjusting their skill or numbers isn't a bad idea. I would suggest actually playing the game first and seeing for yourself if they need adjustment because they are not too bad. A good weapon and good cover is vital! If you make any changes, save them and then repack the file like this... ![]() You can then delete the "dayz_server" folder. A backup of the .pbo prior to modification is automatically made (with the .bak extension). Next, extract dayz_code.pbo the same way... ![]() and open configVariables.sqf ![]() This is the main configuration file and there's a huge amount of info in here - be careful what you touch! There's only one things I change here; DZE_ZombieSpeed = [2,2]; Set this to [2,2] if you want your zombies to only walk. Remember to save if you change anything and then repack the .pbo file like we did with dayz_server above. Delete the dayz_code folder when done. Next, open init.sqf in the mission file... ![]() Again, this is a major config file, be careful what you touch! Go through the entries one by one and consider any changes you might like to make, I do the following; dayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled dayz_REsec = 0; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled Neither of these are needed, just unnecessary overhead. dayz_spawnselection = 1; //(Chernarus only) Set to "1" so you have a choice. dayz_DamageMultiplier = 2; //1 - 0 = Disabled I don't touch this but if you want the challenge of running zombies you might like them to hit less hard. Or harder if you like. DefaultMagazines = DefaultWeapons = DefaultBackpack = DefaultBackpackItems = These lines determine your starting loadout - edit them if you like. DZE_GodModeBase = true; // Make player built base objects indestructible Set this to true - the AI will come for you.... Adding Features I'm not sure if there's a default towing feature in Epoch, I've heard it mentioned that there is - perhaps you need a rope but anyway an additional one is more flexible. And given how many times I've died I need to get back to my body quickly so I need a rapid transport method - here's how to add both; Download the tow/lift package here and the deployable bicycle here. (Click the green "code" button and select "download ZIP" option) Both files contain install instructions but briefly; For tow and lift, drop the "logistics" folder into the mission root. For the bike, drop the "addons" and "overwrites" folders into the mission root. It will look like this... ![]() ...and then open init.sqf (as in above picture). Look for the following lines... ![]() and insert the following lines; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "logistic\init.sqf"; //Tow & Lift call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\init.sqf"; //adds a deployable bike as shown below... ![]() Next, scroll up to DefaultWeapons = ["Makarov_DZ","ItemFlashlight","ItemRadio"]; and edit it to read; DefaultWeapons = ["Makarov_DZ","ItemFlashlight","ItemRadio","ItemToolbox","ItemMap"]; Save the file when you're done. This puts a toolbox in your inventory when you spawn - left click on it and you'll get a build option. You can also "repack" the bike and get your toolbox back. I also added a map to help me navigate my way back to my corpse. EDIT: For reasons I have not yet determined, the lift feature doesn't work. I'm not sure why. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Hi Eric, but... my brain isnt connected to translate english for the moment :p
Good work on this openning post, nice screenshots is it a multiplayer mission ? |
Hi Oliv82 :)
Just to be clear, this is not my work. I found it and thought others might not be aware of it. It is not multiplayer, it is a customized version of Epoch designed to allow a single player experience on a "live" server. It's intended to make it as easy as possible. If you have the required Arma 2 version (which even I have (v1.63.131129)) then drop the files in, then double click one... ![]() ...wait for the server and database to start and then click the other. That's literally all you do. I feel my title (SP Epoch) is a little misleading, especially to the regulars on this forum, because we know exactly what SP is - it's something you can click "save" or hit "ESC" and walk away for RL - but this is very close to that and just as easy. You drop the downloaded files into your Arma 2 folder... ![]() There's so much here in this version, opened buildings (from Zero I think), great choice of weapons & vehicles and it's all so easy and accessible - unlike DayZ SA that I've been playing which, although it has a fantastic atmosphere, is nothing but an exercise in frustration - mostly from a clunky UI. And don't get me started on the vehicles.... ![]() Long story short, I'm having a great time. Even when I'm dying, I'm having a good time. Some of those AI on the missions are brutal. Oh, and the missions (the WAI ones I think) sometimes have static guns and land mines... the two vehicles in the last screenshot for my first post are no more.... and I don't know how I survived! |
Hello Eric. When I saw (Steam version) I skipped this one.
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Hi Rach,
Hmm, I'm not sure to be honest. There's only one way to know for sure ;) You'll need to modify the two batch files accordingly to have them point to the expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe and arma2server.exe files. You'll also need to edit config.cfg in "SPP_DayZ_Epoch_11_Chernarus" folder and change the "required version" to the same as both .exe's.... ![]() Oh, while you're there (in the config.cfg file) change "difficulty="veteran";" to "difficulty="recruit";" - makes aircraft easier to fly and the player a little tougher. |
Trying that. And thanks for the upload.
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
I follow the instructions to the letter but whenever the game boots up from the bat it says "Session Lost". Even with a fresh install from steam and only the files for the mod it says the same.
Hi NanoByte :)
Sounds like there's an issue with the server. If you ALT-TAB out of the game to the desktop and look at the server tab, what is appearing in the window? Also check the arma2oaserver.rpt file (use Notepad++) located in the "DayZ_SSP_Epoch_11_Chernarus" folder. Also have a look at the Arma2OA.rpt file in Users\yourname\local\appdata\arma 2 oa |
Im guessing the server tab is the box that says "ArmA 2 OA Console Version 1.64". When i alt tab is says "23:37:35 Dedicated host created.
23:37:36 Host identity created. 23:37:36 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 23:37:48 Nano uses modified data file 23:37:48 Player Nano connecting. 23:37:48 Mission DayZ Epoch Chernarus read from directory. 23:37:49 Player Nano connected (id=ERROR). 23:37:49 Player Nano disconnected. 23:37:49 All users disconnected, waiting for users." |
Hmm, it seems to have a problem verifying the player.
Verify file intregrity through Steam, then delete the contents of; arma2oaserver.rpt in the "DayZ_SSP_Epoch_11_Chernarus\" folder arma2oa.rpt in the user\nano\local\appdata\arma 2 oa\ folder (ie, open both files with Notepad++, highlight all text, delete & save) While you're in the "DayZ_SSP_Epoch_11_Chernarus\" folder find the file config.cfg - look for the line something like; Required Build = 131129 Comment the line out so it looks like this; //Required Build = 131129 Save the file. Run StartServer.bat and let the server fully load Run StartGame.bat and let the game load. If it fails again, post both .rpt files to Pastebin and post the links here. I vaguely recall this error and I was using the 1.64.144629 patch. Using the 1.63.131129 worked for me. |
Just changing the config.cfg got it to work. Thank you very much!
That's good news
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In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Evenin Mr. Viking
I have been looking for a single player(ish) Epoch for ages now. I have followed every instructions however I cannot get past this screen, the bar loads and eventually goes back to the 'OK or 'DISCONNECT' join server screen I am not sure how to fix any help would be appreciated. The server screen doesn't appear to show any problems even says 'game started'. Thank you, any help will be much appreciated! pics attached: ![]() ![]() |
Hi there Lureq :)
First things first, look at my second post in this thread - read the part about editing the config.cfg file and commenting out the "Required Build" line. Do this and then try again and see how you go :) |
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Thanks for the quick reply!
I have started again from the beginning and have the same problem. I am on build 144629 as apposed to 131129 I have tried both changing the required build to that value and also commenting out that line, neither of which has changed the loading screen. I don't play online too much anyway so if there's a way I can downgrade I would just do that EDIT: I have downgraded to 131129 through the steam store (I had no idea you could even do that) and the problem still persists except for now on the loading screen it says “waiting for server to start authentication” As with the customising AI and server I have l left them alone until I am able to first join before I play around with settings. ![]() |
So when you ALT-TAB out of the game and look at the server do you see a series of green text appearing? - this indicates the server is communicating with the database.
Also, what are your server / game logs saying? check the arma2oaserver.rpt file (use Notepad++) located in the "DayZ_SSP_Epoch_11_Chernarus" folder. Also have a look at the Arma2OA.rpt file in "\Users\yourname\local\appdata\arma 2 oa" folder |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Hey. What single player are you talking about?
It IS a full scale ONLINE server with some changes. It can't even run without online connection to steam services (as well as listing), hive and other bs (to be offline/LAN SP it requires much more software and efforts in configuring). I mean... Single player... Errr, what? It's a regular online dedicated server with bots. Please, don't mislead people. |
"Server start" starts both the server and the database. "Game Start" starts the client with a -connect switch. As I said above, you're running the server on the PC and then running and connecting the client from the same PC. I've already clearly stated it's not "singleplayer" in the traditional sense. |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
It’s all fixed now! All I had to do was verify the ARMA 2 OA files again though steam (obviously something was off there and it worked first time. If anyone else has the semi problem as me try that!
Thank again for your help Mr Viking! My life is now complete |
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