It’s as close as we’re gonna get without other players messing up your shit and paying for a server it’s good enough for me |
In reply to this post by Lureq
That's good to hear! ![]() The "required version" and "re-verify steam files" seem to be recurring issues so I might add them to the first post for other first timers. Thanks for the feedback Lureg :) Post a couple of pictures of your adventures if you feel inclined :) It's also worth noting that Conan (the guy who actually made this possible) did this all a couple of years ago so a lot has changed since then so we're bound to hit a bump or two along the way. There's even an Epoch on the way. |
In reply to this post by Lureq
To the people who are not happy with the “single player” aspect I’d rather this than an actual single player game.
I’ve already lost track of time and played for hours. You can edit the server however you want. it has; base building, custom missions and traders already, you can adjust the AI, adjust zombies, load outs, spawn settings, time, weather, edit the traders, add what you want, (custom vehicles and guns too!) even add your own cheats and menus to build a kick ass starting base (if that’s your thing) no admins to change stuff and other players to contend with and not to forget with extra FPS! You can Restart the server whenever you want no loss of gear or vehicles. It still saves when you disconnect and close the server just open it back up and pick up where you left off And all you have to do is drag some files into your game folder (granted I messed that bit up but in my defence I’ve never attempted something like this before) it’s old game there’s plenty of scripting and features online to copy and paste into your servers. I’m all for it 10/10 so far |
There is a lot of additional addons still available for this over at the Epoch forums.
There's the Overwatch weapons, single currency, extra missions, POIs and QOL stuff too. They are all mature mods that are reasonably easy to install but you need to be mindful of the versions because made a lot of significant changes. |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Wow! Such nice this thread come about then.
![]() Also to be clear on the non-steam version before, meaning no online connection, just offline. And if any of you intends to run this in alternative other maps, let us know if, and how to do it. Awesome effort doing this Eric. ![]() |
Other than posting it here for the information of others I have done literally nothing. Credit for the work belongs to Conan. I wouldn't hold my breath for v1.0.7.0. The good news is it's based on the latest DayZ Mod (the Arma 2 one, not Stand Alone) and so benefits from the fantastic (but slow) work being done there. I've been playing around with the 1.63.112555 beta version, the last non Steam version. The server and database starts fine, the client starts but bombs out with character creation error / connection error. I haven't figured what is happening yet. ![]() Other maps aren't that much of a problem but a lot of the content in is specific to Chernarus. The AI systems will "auto configure" when they "see" a different map but again, some of there features work best on Chernarus. For example, Panthera is a nice map but for missions it's terrible. If the missions are configured to work on reasonably level ground then there's only three places that missions can spawn (/sarcasm) if not, they spawn on the side of the mostly mountainous terrain and look stupid. Tavi has the same problem but to a lesser degree. |
Even so. Just sharing it. And your good brief on matters, as always.
![]() |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
It's a cool mod, and it works great. If anyone wants to have the debug monitor, you can use this: I use it and it works perfectly, and it is easy to install. |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Hi Eric. Do you know which script is used for the ai missions. i see what you mean how there is like 20. i had a look and cant work out which 1 to adjust. Thank you
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Hi Jack!
![]() From memory it's a mixture of DZAI and WickedAI - you'll find them both in the mission file. You can check out "Part 3" of this thread where I show how to modify the AI number/intelligence. Long story short, modify the configuration file of the AI package to set their intelligence and modify the missions to change their number. EDIT: Just reviewing this thread, there's already a section which details modifing the AI packages. EDIT2: Arma 2 Complete Package is on sale until 16 Feb - $12AUS! |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
This looks fantastic Eric. I remember there was a Russian only version kicking around for years, but never an English version. Ever since Epoch was first a thing, people on here were asking for an SP version.
EDIT - does it also have a 'Cheat' menu built in like most of the DayZ SP mods did ? Or would a player have to use @Loki EDIT - When I followed the steps (I thought quite meticulously) as you detailed, I went to run the server batch file first, and it gave me a message about being unable to decrypt the header in PMC/ADDONS/pmc_air.pbo (this path and file does exist on my SSD) Running the game batch file brings up exactly the same error message, any ideas ? EDIT 3 - marked out the version check number, because my version is later than the one in the check. No dice. Had a look at my RPT, it is a whole 250k worth of THESE (!) [WTF ???) Version 1.64.144629 Cannot get serial number from registry path "Software\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" Failed to get serial numbers for header decryption. Failed to create header protection class. Warning Message: Failed to load file "D:\Apps\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\pmc\addons\air_pmc.pbo" - decryption of headers failed. Cannot get serial number from registry path "Software\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" Failed to get serial numbers for header decryption. Failed to create header protection class. EDIT 5 - I'll leave my edits, incase they help future people with the same problem - I SOLVED THE ISSUE Basically, I ran EVERY campaign for EVERY DLC (and the vanilla campaigns too) - so that's PMC, BAF and ACR, and then exited out of each, then exited out of the game (NOT ALT F4 though, else the registry isn't updated) I did the same for Arma 2 (though obviously there's no DLC), just ran any and every campaign and exited. I still can't get the modern spawn menu that is in the dev's demo video. I get the shitty Overwatch style one with 6 options. I thought I had activated the modern spawn in one of the config files though. Oh well. |
Hi Malau
![]() Ah yes, the old "need to run everything once to main menu first" trick... ![]() I recently bought the entire Arma 2 set (it was on sale for $12 AUS) but haven't actually done anything with it yet. I have a retail disk of the game which has formed the basis of my game-play for modding / DayZ / DaiZy but as I haven't really been a fan of Steam I never switched it over to Steam versioning. I'm looking forward to giving it ago with the full EOL version of both Arma 2 and DayZ mod. I remember a couple of previous attempts at an offline/SP Epoch but they never seemed to find quite the right balance for me - it was an impressive feat meshing together so many different aspects but I could never escape the PVP (NPC AI) cycle as the AI would just constantly spawn on me. Anyway, I'm glad you got a good result and I hope you enjoy yourself! |
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