This is an updated version of the DaiyZ core files a.k.a. modified DayZ for offline SP: Changelog: A.I. -AI Survivors will continuously target Zombies & Bandits without input from player unless given orders using the standard ArmA 2 Command Que. This applies to randomly spawned ground units as well as units called in via para drop using the "Reinforcement" cheat. -Smooth spawning. No pause, or minor stutter. -Spawning radius tweaked for Friendly (Survivor) and Enemy (Bandit) units. Units should no longer spawn right on top of player in certain situations. -AI Bandits & Survivors now spawn with random backpacks, secondary and primary weapons as well as loot appropriate to their "faction". Primary weapons are tier one weapons like the M4, AS50, MK8, etc. -Survivor ground forces are limited to standard Survivor starting skins, male and female. Survivors called in with the parachute cheat use the Hero skin. Vehicles & Wrecks -Vehicle spawn radius shortened so players can find vehicles more easily. -More vehicle spawns added along main Chernarus coastal highway. There should be more wrecked vehicles for players to repair (via cheat menu) between the major towns and cities. Replicates standard apocalypse "rush hour of death". Player -Player spawn loadout changed to include the M9 (Baretta 9mm) and PDW (Micro-UZI). Melee Hatchet and Markov pistol removed. Random selection limited to pistols only. ================================================================================ Installation should be self-explanatory; If you have problems after extracting the files, just ask and I will explain how to install the mod ![]() NOTE: Tweaks to the AI now resemble standard ArmA 2 rules of engagement more than DayZ. So, Survivors will execute you if you accidentally (or on purpose!) shoot your team mates. During combat situations they will not move forward unless it is safe to do so; they can become "pinned down" in large cities like Cherno, or Elektro where Zombies spawn endlessly and the AI view them as enemy soldiers and thus, not safe to move. AI Survivors will identify Bandits as enemy soldiers, but they may, or may not engage them. They will call out the Bandits location, so be sure to listen and protect them from the Bandits while they protect you from the Zombies! ![]() |
This post was updated on .
This is awesome, I've tested it for a while and I like it!
But, why did you delete the whitelisted items from the actual DayZ files?? Is it safe to use the old ones? ;O The bandits got downs. :( they don't care about me at all. Or don't see me. + Their patrolling in 01b felt way more like it should. :/ |
I use the standard DayZ blacklist because most of the ArmA 2 things don't really have an effect in DayZ...
Especially if you change to a ArmA 2 skin; Zombies will no longer attack the player unless they are in a PMC-based skin since this is how Rocket coded the game. RE: Bandit AI... I'll have to look into that. |
True, true. The skins was a great idea of you, though. Shame it doesn't cooperate with the poor zeds. :/
Alright, it MIGHT be related to vehicles, because I noticed it after driving up on bandits. The jumped off the quad, and they still didn't care. I guess you used the patrol script from Niceonegunit? I saw 5 bandits just patrolling abouts ontop of each other. It felt more like MP with previous version. |
The patrol script is just a ArmA 2 script for friendly, or enemy AI.
Niceonegunit did NOT code that. Unknown grabbed it off a public site (I assume?). That's not the problem. The AI need a patrol script, otherwise once they spawn they would just stand there doing nothing, literally. While trying to smooth out AI spawning and perfect Survivor awareness, I may have inadvertently "broken" what made the AI in previous (testing) versions so cool. If I try and redo what I did before (for Bandits) we will probably get the annoying stuttering and pauses like we had before, unfortunately. This is why I said I will look into it and see what can be done. By the way, I am releasing un updated version of this with a proper "dayz_anim" that has everything unbanned just so players can still use ArmA 2 vehicles, but not wear ArmA 2 skins. That will be removed from the cheat menu for reasons already discussed. |
Oh, I see. My bad. I knew they needed a patrol script. But I thought you used the one where 10ish spawn at the same location, and then just have a set route.
That clears stuff up. And about unbanning everything, and removing the cheat menu, that sounds cool. Because alot of players asked for all ArmA vehicles/weapons. ^^ Btw, the coolest part about the 01b bandits (apart from them beeing skilled in general) is that they were leaning on behind walls and stuff. ^^ |
OK, we (all) now have a decision that needs to be made:
A) We can have Bandits freely engage Zombies, but this will require the two, three second pause like in previous versions. B) We can have Bandits spawn in nice and smooth as normal and engage players with the enhanced AI many seem to like... But they won't engage Zombies, however. It's either, or. It can't be both due to how Rocket coded the game and various workarounds I've tried. I have no preference, but the benefit of choosing "B" is your AI Survivors will do a pretty good job of eliminating the Zombies, so it's almost a win-win this way because when you are alone, you get the enhanced, human-like awareness of the Bandits even if they ignore the Zombies. So, let me know what some of you would like for the next release... |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
Option B I think would be most logical but it is my own preference as well.
CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 960T/1600T @ 3.8GHz
Motherboard: ASUSTek M5A99X EVO Memory: Corsair XMS3 CM3X1G1333C9 4x1GB GPU: nVidia GeForce 460 GTX Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Green 500GB |
Just played 01d for a while. It all ended getting a headshot from a bandit using an AS50. I had no chance at all against him, that was the first time I got 1 shot K.O'd.
CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 960T/1600T @ 3.8GHz
Motherboard: ASUSTek M5A99X EVO Memory: Corsair XMS3 CM3X1G1333C9 4x1GB GPU: nVidia GeForce 460 GTX Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Green 500GB |
I could enjoy that too, but it's more fun if you're taking shots, not 100% sure exacly where it comes from. So you kinda have to come up with a risky, but hopefully worth flank. :D
I've been playing the Namalsk mission I uploaded. Kinda messing abouts with it, trying to think of features/ tweaks I could add or make. But thanks to DayZ_SP and everyone else working on this, it's all pretty much perfection. I will get ideas, though. :D |
DaiyZ v01e Changelog: A.I. -Bandit & Survivor spawn radius returned to previous DaiyZ values. This should prevent them from spawning right on top / in front of you, but this also depends on where the triggers are placed and activated. Bugs are still bound to happen, but hopefully not as much. -Bandit AI increased and should give more of a challenge, now. However, if you sneak up on them they don't stand a chance unless you miss on your first shot! AI is still not at the level it was in v01d due to changes in target prioritizing. There is no way around this unless we want pauses and stuttering to return, unfortunately. Those who voted opted for smooth spawning versus human-like awareness. -Sniper (Ghillie) skin removed from Bandit side. -Hero skin (Survivor3) removed form Survivor side. Only available via Parachute Reinforcement Cheat. Cheat GUI -Removed option to spawn ArmA 2 player skins due to players becoming invisible in any skin other than the default PMC (Survivor) skin. ArmA 2 vehicles, however, are (now) available from the Vehicle spawn menu. ================================================================================ This will be my final release for a while. There are still some outstanding issues that may never be fixed due to how the mod is coded, but I am going to post a FAQ later on in the hopes somebody reading may be able to help. |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
I'm not sure if these problems have been reported already, but I seem to be having issues with the "Hunger, Thirst, Blood..." displays every time I revert or resume a save.
The first issue is that the display doesn't immediately appear after resuming or reverting a save. I managed to fix this by going into the "Options>Game Options", clicking on "Ok", and then resuming the game. The menus then appear but will stay green without letting me know how hungry, thirsty, or cold my character is. The way that I have noticed this is that my character was shot and began bleeding, but the blood display did not show a flashing +. I tested it by letting him bleed out and it never flashed or turned red. I'm using the retail version of ArmA 2 Combined Operations updated with the latest beta patch "ARMA2_OA_Build_100296" and the DEC 16, 2012 version of your "@DaiyZ". I am new to the whole DayZ SP world so I might be making mistakes on my end. I am loading up the game with the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" with the correct target parameters. Any help on the issue would be well appreciated. This is my absolute favorite version of the DaiyZ Single Player mods. |
I got no clue what's causing this. All I can say is that it works properly for me, even upon reloading. However, the blood icon would have the white cross after a reload, but would start blinking when/if I started bleeding. So no problem. I wish I could help you, but I'm really not sure what's causing this issue. I'd say, try to download it again and replace all files just to make sure. |
Thank you so much for the fast reply. Yeah I'm pretty sure that it was something that I was doing on my end. I'm still pretty new to the whole DayZ modding scene and I'm loving the SP aspect so much. If you don't mind, could you guide me through the correct installation process?
Here is what I did with a fresh install: 01- Installed ArmA 2 Combined Operations Retail to "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArmA 2". Both games, and their contents, are installed into that folder. 02- Installed the "ARMA2_OA_Build_100296" Beta Patch. Currently the most recent as of JAN-01-2013. Updates Operation Arrowhead from 1.60 to 1.62. 03- Extracted the contents of the "@DaiyZ" (Which is the "missions" and "@DaiyZ" folders) into the "ArmA 2" directory. 04- Made a copy of the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut to the desktop and run the game with the "-nosplash -mod=@DaiyZ" Target parameter. 05- Run the game from the shortcut. Are these installation instructions correct? If they are correct then it must be because I'm using the Retail game instead of the steam version. I had purchased the game via steam as well, but I ended up uninstalling it because I wanted to play single player and possibly LAN with my family. |
Thanks again for the fast reply AboveDayZ. So I'm going to do more testing. Since I do have the retail version of the game I might have skipped a step into updating the game. I see, on the official ArmA II website, that there is an update for ArmA II Combined Operations to v1.62. The file "ARMA2OACORFT_Update_162" is about 50MB's compared to the OA Beta Patch with is only 10MB. So I'm not sure if the v1.62 is absolutely required, but I'm going to re-install the entire game, apply the official patch before installing the OA Beta Patch, and then continue in the install order that I listed in my previous post.
Steam usually updates all of the files automatically, so hopefully this works. What versions of ArmA II are you using AboveDayZ? I'm currently going to test it once more with the following versions: ArmA II v1.11 ArmA II Operation Arrowhead v1.62 ArmA II Operation Arrowhead Beta Patch v1.62 I'll let you know how it goes. The reason why I'm not using the Steam version of ArmA II CO on this laptop is because I want the Steam version on one laptop and the retail version on another so that the cd keys don't conflict. |
It didn't work. I'm still having the issues of reloading with no display. Time to go and test the Steam version on my other laptop. Otherwise, this is still a great version of the DaiyZ SP and I have yet to stop playing.
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