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RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk v1.2 [07/15 UPDATED]

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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk v1.1 [07/12 UPDATED]

I wish BIS would fix that issue with the windows! ^^
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

In reply to this post by Haleks
Finally some Namalsk! It's a great map, it's superb, the most atmospheric DayZ map out there imho.
I love how it uses some of the AtmosFear sfx from S.T.A.L.K.E.R., it fits just perfectly.

Although I love DaiZy factions, and I love Namalsk, I had very little fun playing this release, unfortunately, and here is why:

The thing that makes this map so amazing in DayZ also makes it imo extremely unfit for DaiZy... the FORESTS.

It's great cover against other players, but the AI doesn't see foliage, so it can wallhax aimbot you in between 50 trees and you won't even see where you're getting shredded from. It makes long to mid range engagements with Bandits very one-sided and requires a lot of saving and loading to just try and run in the direction the shots came from, with a bit of luck find out where the bandit is and get killed, then load and try to somehow blindfire or flank.
Uphill gunfights against a sniper are 100% impossible. I went prone behind a rock, waiting and hoping he'd come out between the trees, but apparently one pixel of my foot was visible and he was of course able to hit it.

And that's really getting in the way of my fun.

Thing is, I'd really love to keep playing this map, because it's so good, would it be a lot of trouble to make the release with cheat menu have the ESP (like the one from Above's releases). If not I'll have to ask above how to write that esp in @_@
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF)
In reply to this post by Haleks
A few things I think you should add:
The NAC patrols should have the essentials at least. Some medical supplies, water bottles, heat packs etc. I like that they don't have much though. They should be focused on a few types of weapons and make everything else hard to find. Maybe only a certain caliber, 5.56 or 7.62 with only one type of sniper. I've only been on the map today and took out 4 squads and I've already found almost all the good weapons.
(So far they have dominated the map. Survivors have no chance. :) They are getting slaughtered. lol)

I'm getting delays already but its not bad. Picking up tires/etc and placing a fireplace have been a chore a few times. The support menu will not work for me. I can't get anything to populate in the menus. I can go through the tabs, but nothing comes up to pick, only the populating list. I literally waited 20 minutes to see if it would populate. Even if it would of populated after 21 minutes, I see that as being not worth the wait. I'd ask to get rid of it if possible. Only use it in the optional cheat missions because essentially that's what it is. I don't use it for anything.

I break a bone every time I change skins. I've tried changing on every terrain type and surface. Inside buildings and out, and I always take damage and break a bone. That's with every skin option.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF) wrote
The support menu will not work for me. I can't get anything to populate in the menus. I can go through the tabs, but nothing comes up to pick, only the populating list.
What support menu are you talking about? I didn't include any kind of cheat in this one.
But if you're using Kron support call, I have an idea on what's causing it not to work - it's most likely due to some typo errors in Sumrak's code. It's already fixed for the next release.

And I like your suggestion about the NAC weaponry - I'll work on that!
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF)
I didn't notice I still have breaking point SP still active. Thats where the cheat menu is coming from. Obviously I'm a moron. I'm getting the non population in the lost key too.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Updating changelog for the upcoming update :

Fixed weather (snow should work properly).
Added one NAC soldier model (with helmet).
Fixed loot table (some items & weapons are not spawning properly due to some typos in Sumrak's code).
Removed that ugly AKS gold from the loot table.
Fixed spawn sequence for NAC patrols (they could spawn quite far from each other and take some time to regroup).
Removed anti-dupe system.
Fixed pick-up backpacks action (now works with the post-apo bags).
Specific loadouts for NAC soldiers.

I'm also thinking about making the survivors & bandits more stealthy, in order to give them a better chance against NAC patrols - but it also means that the player will have a harder time to spot them...
Dunno what you guys think about it...
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF)
This post was updated on Jul 13, 2013; 6:35am.
You have to fix the fireplace. You should be able to build that thing anywhere in Namalsk especially since its so cold. I wish I had a way to show you on video, but that means I have to learn something new today and I don't want 2. I'm on the side of a mountain, and I can't find anywhere to build it. Every place I try it says I need a flat surface with nothing in the way. I'm on flat ground and the nearest tree is 25m from me. It also takes way to long for that message to appear. Very Bogus

EDIT: I agree with the post about AI being able to see you then hit you through a mass of trees on a mountain side 100's of meters away. It really does break the game. It makes it pointless to fight the patrols. They don't have anything on them either which makes it even more not worth it. Is there anyway to fix this. Fighting this AI makes me wanna go back to MP!?.  
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

About those AI, do you guys play iwth any addons?
I'm playing with CoWarmod and their reactions seem to be quite realistic so far - I can spot them first one time out of two.

And I'll check the fireplace thing! ;)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF)
Yes I'm playing with Co War, but I don't know if I really want to comment on the AI behavior in general. I don't have a very good opinion on Arma 2 AI. hint hint (Garbage!)
I will say they seem to deploy their actions on contact very well, but they bandage way to fast after being shot even before they find cover. They run around to much kind of in place (50m radius)  while engaging you if they aren't flanking which is annoying and unrealistic. They should be more stealthy and taking a knee trying to get a good aimed shot behind cover or concealment on you. (My opinion obviously)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF)
In reply to this post by Haleks
I did see one cool thing they did though. I had 4 of them about 100 m from me and I had the chance to actually see what all of them did after I shot one with a DMR. The guy I hit first actually signaled to his team to follow him, the guy on my far right flanked right and the guy on the left flanked left a little and started to suppress. The guy I hit first went down after the next shot and the other guy in the middle went prone and immediately started sending suppressing fire. My screen was being blurred by it but I was able to hit him with a shot in the head after a few shots. By then the guy on the right had already got into position where he could go prone and start suppressing. I was able to get a few shots at him and luckily able to hit him in the head 2. The guy on the left must have ran into a survivor while flanking because he was dead when I found him later. I never saw the survivor.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

All right, I'm gonna change their behavior a bit; I might also reduce the number of patrols - right now the NAC soldiers are all over the island...

By the way : I think I've managed to fix the fireplace thing!
Thanks guys for your swift feedbacks, it's helping a great deal ;)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

And i thought i screwed my files ! cause of the 2017 backpacks were unable to picked up :-p

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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

This post was updated on Jul 13, 2013; 6:49pm.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Btw I was able to repair a vehicle with the force of my will again, you had that fixed in Factions I believe.

Also how did you disable the cheat menu? I tried re-enabling it, but all I found in the code was leading to it actually working, but it doesn't.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Havoc wrote
Btw I was able to repair a vehicle with the force of my will again, you had that fixed in Factions I believe.

Also how did you disable the cheat menu? I tried re-enabling it, but all I found in the code was leading to it actually working, but it doesn't.
Oh damn >_<
What vehicle was it?

Also, I didn't created any cheats for this release; but I'll most likely create an optionnal cheat mission for the next update ;)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

This post was updated on Jul 13, 2013; 9:31pm.
It was a HMMWV.

I know you didn't, but the entire cheats folder is still in the mission file, I tried to put in the ESP, but I can't get the proper 00 menu to show XD

EDIT: I don't need the classic cheats, I can use Lokis Keys for that, I was just interested in getting the ESP to work.

EDIT2: I've applied the recommended files from the CoWar mod(at least the ones from your list that I could find in CoWar), in order to see if the AI still had Xray vision, but now the AI shoots once, twice, and then waits and does nothing, just stares at me. Of course I didn't wait very long before shooting so I don't know if they'll be stuck like this for ever.

Btw is it supposed to be so very cold on this map? At least in the snowy parts a heat pack lasts for about 5 seconds and you will still freeze in buildings and vehicles. On the upside however, freezing doesn't seem to have any effects anymore. No shaking, no infection.

EDIT3: Is there a way to restore from the sound bug without cheat menu?

EDIT4: Well... another x-ray AI concluded my session. I was sitting on a roof, observing two Bandits, one disappeared behind a group of 5 trees so I tried to take aim at the other one. But as soon as the top of my head was visible from behind the wall I was under fire from an LMG from behind the trees. I couldn't even shoot back because in first person I could only see wall. I really really hate the trees on this map... =/
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

This post was updated on Jul 14, 2013; 12:06am.
Well havoc.... i can tell you only one thing about weather on namalsk....if you don't have heatpacks than don't try going in snowy parts cause you'll get shreded by cold and you'll get infected and you'll get ambushed by AIs and zeds and probably by an emission and than you'll die like a poor chicken in the wild  XD

PS  :  keep a spare bloodbag on you,.

EDIT : this is how i see this release....Stal-sek
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Stalker (ATF)
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks....anyway you can add a hospital in the larger cities? Maybe some MASH tents around? Definately need more chances of getting your hands on blood bags. There are so many patrols, and getting nailed by zombies that I haven't been able to survive long enough to really test out every area of the map. It wouldn't be a necessity if you weren't getting nailed by blowouts. Don't get me wrong, the blowouts are great, but they don't effect anyone else. I would just use the lost key, but It isn't working right. I can't get anything to populate. Definately need to add a chance for blood bags on patrols. Please take all restrictions off building. Allow us to build anything anywhere or as much as possible. Also make the campfires last longer. They should last a few real time hours. Kind of unrealistic to have to add logs of wood every 10 minutes. The weather should have an effect on how long they last also. Matches should go away after 20 or 30 uses.

What are the chances that you can add the building and vehicles from origins? Upgrading ability of vehicles and a lot more armored type vehicles to actually be able to travel. Vehicles are a death trap right now.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Please Upload it on another hoster, it takes 1 hour to download a 200 mb file -.-
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

In reply to this post by mp5lng
mp5lng wrote
Well havoc.... i can tell you only one thing about weather on namalsk....if you don't have heatpacks than don't try going in snowy parts cause you'll get shreded by cold and you'll get infected and you'll get ambushed by AIs and zeds and probably by an emission and than you'll die like a poor chicken in the wild  XD

PS  :  keep a spare bloodbag on you,.

EDIT : this is how i see this release....Stal-sek
There are emissions in this map? oO
Yea I totally get the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel from this map. It helps that some of the ambient sfx are taken straight from that glorious game. Btw the most amazing stalker mod "misery" is getting a huge update on the 31st july if you're interested in that game, I can't wait to play it again.

I always have spare bloodbags if I can find some... but I really feel that heat packs are almost more valuable than blood here. It's pretty... "cool" :P
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Havoc wrote
mp5lng wrote
Well havoc.... i can tell you only one thing about weather on namalsk....if you don't have heatpacks than don't try going in snowy parts cause you'll get shreded by cold and you'll get infected and you'll get ambushed by AIs and zeds and probably by an emission and than you'll die like a poor chicken in the wild  XD

PS  :  keep a spare bloodbag on you,.

EDIT : this is how i see this release....Stal-sek
There are emissions in this map? oO
Yea I totally get the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel from this map. It helps that some of the ambient sfx are taken straight from that glorious game. Btw the most amazing stalker mod "misery" is getting a huge update on the 31st july if you're interested in that game, I can't wait to play it again.

I always have spare bloodbags if I can find some... but I really feel that heat packs are almost more valuable than blood here. It's pretty... "cool" :P
first off....yeah ! there are blowouts or emissions in this map, they're always present in namalsk, i even got screwed by one after 30min, lucky me i was in a building, and off topic....i'm waiting for Misery 2.0 release too  i finished the first and still roaming the zone from time to time just to keep my fingers worm for some serious crape !  feel me Stalker ?
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