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Well haleks, i don't know if it's only me but the loot become so rare or even absent after some time, i started the mission and everything was good, of course except of the 2017 backpacks unable to pickup. Anyway, the dark has landed on Namalsk now and i can't see any crape, i started tossing flares around here & there, heard M4 shots in the woods but couldn't see of course so i started looting buildings (i am in the city up north), found an Enfield with 1 mag and a knife and some trash and a czech backpack becide a biiig crazy snowman and than nomore loot, i know some places around namalsk, let's say i know 30% of namalsk XD, i know some buildings do have loot, at least food cans, and the Market....is supposed to have loot on it ! it always does ! BUT NOTHING IN THE MARKET, not even trash, maybe it's the same problem from Chernarus factions,.
hope thins help somehow,. Peace,. |
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This post was updated on Jul 14, 2013; 5:14pm.
In reply to this post by Stalker (ATF)
I'm not planning on messing with new buildings - but I clearly overdid it with the NAC patrols. I've already redone them completely. By the way, here's the updated changelog for the upcoming v1.2 : v1.2 Fixed weather (snow should work properly). Added one NAC soldier model (with helmet). Fixed loot table (some items & weapons are not spawning properly due to some typos in Sumrak's code). Removed that ugly AKS gold from the loot table. Fixed spawn sequence for NAC patrols (they could spawn quite far from each other and take some time to regroup). Removed anti-dupe system. Fixed pick-up backpacks action (now works with the post-apo bags). Specific loadouts for NAC soldiers. Redone NAC patrol spawns (they will spawn in key areas such as military bases). Tweaked AI behaviour for survivors & bandits (better chances to survive NAC patrols). Fixed Base building script (not working in v1.1). Added back Sound bug restore to the utility menu. Fixed damages for a couple of vehicle spawns. I'm currently testing the latest changes. @mp5lng : The loot table written by Sumrak seems to contain some typos errors - wich I've fixed for the upcoming update. Hopefully this will fix the loot spawn issue, as well as Loki's and Kron Support Call not working currently. |
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Looking forward for that update ! And By the way....i just don't use any kind of cheats, i don't want to screw the fun,. ;-) And what about EVR Helmets ? If that's the right name ! Are they present in the game ? And the gauss rifle ? & the bloodsuckers ? I know i know too much questions ! XD But hey ! It's all about having fun ! Cheers,. |
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The APSI device, as well as the gauss rifle & the bloodsuckers are included and working (still to be confirmed for the bloodsuckers though). |
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Hello, i have a question.
Do you create a Mission where i can cheat everything like in Daizy Factions Chernarus? |
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Yup. The update might be available tomorrow. |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
AWESOME MAN ! i'll keep an eye for the bloodsucker, and i have something about the Blowout....if you get inside a building you won't loose health but you'll get knoked down anyway, wich is kind of off the Stalker feature, so my suggestion is....can you tweak this codes so you won't get knoked down if you are hidden in a building ? cause it's not easy to find an APSI device any soon, it's not a big request but just to give more reality to the mission if it is gonna be stalker like features,. Thanks,. |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
hey im having a lil trouble, in my game there are no trees or anything its just completely bare, there bushes and grass. any ideas to why mine may be doing this?
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Nevermind i got it lol, i used the old Namalsk Crysis and didnt update, im good to go!! :)
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Ciao Haleks,
Just started to play with this version during the week-end, Namalsk map is quite nice and strange compared to Chernarus. Here's a possible bug: 1. Found a lot of .45 APC ammo (for the revolver) 2. Found then an M1911 3. Opened inventory, click on "Convert ammo for M1911" or something like that 4. Nothing happens except for a white text message stating 'You need to wait for the previous action to complete' or something similar. There was no way I could convert the ammo. Anubis |
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I found only 1 revolver mag XD gonna try and convert it and see what happens and report of course !
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In reply to this post by Haleks
*patiently waits for update*
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In reply to this post by mp5lng
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Well body....the combine mags into anothers is working perfect, i combined my only .45mag into 1911 and backward and forward 3 times and still the actions happened instantly ! no delays, maybe it's something with your installment,. So you better wait as we all do,. ![]() Peace,. |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
This is the issue i am having, i downloaded everything and launched the game and it worked just fine played for about 30 min. i saved my game for the next day and when i would hit resume it said "you cant play/edit this mission based on deleted content, ca_communityconfigurationproject" but if i restart the mission it will play fine its just when i want to resume my last save i do have the latest dayz patch. anyone have the same issue or know how to fix?
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In reply to this post by Haleks
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i just updated to 1.2 and now i get this error include file nst\ns_dayz\code\system\REsec.sqf not found then my game crashs hope i get some help on this cuz everything i post here is ignored thanks.
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In reply to this post by Haleks
I'm starting over to test the new version. Thanks for the update.
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Good work again Haleks thank you a lot!
I was about to write some staff u need to fix but I see u already updated all issues which I spoted. Your releases always work perfectly for me, at least in ur work I can find what been promised in summary. Unfortunately I cant say same about others on this forum... Last thing: can u plz add one more unit in NAC patrol with helmet and ER7 RFW (if u already done it in last update don't bother) Thanks again for good work! Stir. |
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In reply to this post by DeathSquad
Guys, I just don't have time to answer to every post in here... :/ Make sure you have a ns_dayz file in the addons of your @NC folder. Were you able to play v1.1 without error? Are you sure you didn't forget to add "@NC" in your shortcut target line? If you've done all that correctly, then I don't know what to say, because that file has always been there :/ |
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In reply to this post by Stalker (ATF)
Are you 100% sure about that? I've been reading some stuff on Sumrak's website, and it appears that they affect the AI as well as players. Well, eventhough it would be consistant with the NAC loadouts from the NightStalkers campaign, it would make it quite easy to find that gun (not mention it has a very distinctive sound) - and once you've found an ER7, what's left to do?^^ |
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