I wanted to wait to reply to you until I was able to test out the update. All I can say is 100% satisfaction over here. Major improvements across the board. The survivors are actually surviving. The loot in my opinion is spawning great. (Just the right amount and just the right amount of time.) The patrols are kick ass. Also my biggest concern from the last version about the fireplaces is completely fixed! Well done. Thank you again
The blowouts do affect the AI. I don't know to what degree though. I noticed that after the screen fades back in focus, you are laying there for 10 seconds or so and the AI is already up. They reset in a sense. I see them holster and draw their primary and they are moving before you get up from shock. The AI in this case was on my team so he didn't engage me. I don't know if enemy units will. I also don't know if they take any damage either. I assume they do if the website says so. So I'm still testing. I do have some requests. Can you do the same kind of fix to tents that you pulled off on the fireplaces? Allow us to set up tents inside buildings? Can you extend the duration of fireplace fires to 3 real time hours with weather effecting it? Can you set it up to where rainy or snowy weather will put it out if its not in a building? 1. Lost key still not fully functional 2. I still haven't been able to collect or travel far yet. By the end of today I will report anything to you if it's relevant. (Building/loot/patrols/AI/vehicles/delay) Off the subject- Do you know if anyone has made a stutter fix for Arma 2? |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I still can't believe i'm playing the utmost best Daizy mod "my opinion",.
So any way to change skin to any none 2017 ?
Not right now I'm afraid - it would require to change some classnames. But I was thinking about adding the nightstalkers skins as lootable packages or optionnal loadouts... EDIT : some other skins are already available, like the winter camo ones. You just have to find them! ;) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I can spawn that gun by my self pretty easy, however I asked u about that unit to include in NAC patrols for more hardcore experience.
"What to do after"? - Survive it is zombieapocalipsis) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
The Stalker skins are a far second to the security contractor skins in my opinion. I'd like to see you add those instead. They are the best looking in the game.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Ok so I'm putting out bad info and I wanna correct something. Maybe it was just a random coincidence earlier this morning but now the AI seem to be completely affected by the blowouts. 3 times in a row now both my team members have fallen out with me and rise from unconsciousness at the same time as I do after the blowout.
That's good news! ^^
I love this new ammobox script that in the cheat section. Planning on using it for my modified single player maps.
Now I don't have to worry about modifying the ammobox manually each time. |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Haleks
Thank goodness for that^^ This certainly plays differently to Chernarus Factions, especially with the cold. I like how the snow covered regions make you much colder. I hope the Winter Clothes function when found, but campfires are good for the moment. I've noticed that the light of a campfire remains after the fire has burnt out (which I've not been exploiting... honestly... well...) and flares give out no light when reloading a saved game. Other than those minor things, everything else is working for me so far! Started around the Norinsk area, fixed up a car as there was a lot of parts in that area. On my way to Vorkuta now and it's been night time for 30 minutes. Scary stuff! Edit 1: Made it to Vorkuta. Just warming up by the fire before looking for a tent! Edit 2: It's the crazy anomalous blowouts that destroy fireplaces it turns out. The model was gone after the blowout, but the light remained :) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
that file was put right where need be and i did run the 1.1 with no error was happy to see the update.i was thinking some code from the file is missing maybe.i understand you cant answer all posts but every thread i post help post in its never answered just skipped over no matter whos mod it is just got a lil tired of it is all sry helks no disrespect intended bro.hope we can fig it out.
In reply to this post by Haleks
This is gearing up to be the best DaiZy so far.
Played it for about 2 hours now, didn't find any obvious bugs. The Emissions still knock you out while in a building but don't seem to do any damage tho. I wish the NAC patrols were a bit louder... they usually sneak up on me, ALWAYS in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely zero cover and it's usually a very one-sided "Ohai, mind if I facerape you with my LMG right here? Kthxbai" type of engagement. Object 2 doesn't spawn loot at all anymore? Is that intended? Did you remove PLANES from the Vehicle spawn list? There is absolutely no use for them since you only have one airstrip. A suggestion for future versions: I would be really great to have bandits or NAC spawn in the compounds scattered around the map. When going about looting those locations there is absolutely no threat to be expected since they never spawn there. It would be awesome to have maybe Bandits camp in such places or the NAC having a field outpost there. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Just installed this, everything is just truly awesome! BUT, looks like zombies doesn't want to harm survivors/bandits and just running at them and continue just standing nearby. Is this intended to be like this?
In reply to this post by Haleks
I have major delay, but I think its my own fault. ( My own plugins )
I read around and have seen people blame the delay on a few plugins. Mostly its been SLX_Anim and most of the plugins with it. I will try a new game without SLX in COWar but I'm almost geared up enough to start looting major military installations in current game. Let the games begin. |
I don't know... I think those delays are caused by the code - I've also experienced them while playing regular DayZ in MP. I'll try to fix it if I can, but I will most likely gonna have to go through all the code :/ And I won't have any computer for the next couple of weeks so it's gonna have to wait a bit. |
In reply to this post by VinceDesi
That's the main daizy issue :-p all the modders and coders are stuck with this issue, no body found a solution for it, so we all trying to live with it but hey ! At least they blow up their cover ;-) even good for us players ! |
I found a good fix for the stuttering issue and FPS smoothing. I don't have the most powerful laptop, but it has worked for me. I have to play on the lowest settings though. The frame rate has increased, and stuttering is completely gone. If anyone is interested I will post the info on here.
Are you talking about stuttering issue in MP or SP ? if it is in SP than be kind and give us a good hand :-) i have a crappy desktop playing on medium and low settings, i was suffering stutters and low fps in chernarus, but here in namalsk i'm completly free and smooth to shoot, and few additional fps numbers are always welcomed buddy :-) . but if you're talking about the MP game than....thanks anyway ! ![]() |
1. Go to the start menu and right click on my computer and scroll down to properties.
2. Go to advanced system settings. Another box will pop up (System Properties) 3. Go to the advanced tab and under performance click settings. (Another box will pop up) 4. Go to the advanced tab and click on change under virtual memory. Another box will pop up. (Virtual Memory) 5. Uncheck automatically manage paging file size for all drives 6. Then make sure custom size is checked and in both the initial size block and the maximum size block add 10000. 7. click set to save changes. 8. restart windows to activate changes to your C Drive. |
It might get increase the FPS a bit but it isn't very healthy to the HDD itself and will possibly decrease its lifetime. |
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