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Welcome to Dayz Epoch + Overwatch 0.2.5 - Overpoch Sauerland! ![]() I love halo jumps... ![]() It's not too hard to setup: Head over to XstreamGaming and download their Dayz Overpoch Server Pack (the download link is on that page). The beauty of this server pack is the painful time consuming part of merging mods has been done for you - you don't need to edit the loot / trader tables to add weapons and their ammo. You'll also need DayZ Epoch and Overwatch 0.2.5 - you can find these easily enough on either Google or DayZ Commander. These should be extracted into your game folder (mine is D:\Overpoch_Sauerland). I haven't been to a trader yet to check it's working but the guns are in the game and spawning. 2 minutes after landing, I'm tooled up... ![]() Installing the pack isn't too difficult. If you've been playing Epoch SP then there's only a couple more small steps you have to folow. Or, setup a new game as per Gaero's video with these additonal steps: 1. Extract the file into your game folder (for me that's D:\Overpoch_Sauerland), overwriting anything already present. 2. At around 6.00 minutes in the video, Gaero talks about adding the epoch.sql file into the new database - do this but then you can immediately add the traders-data-overpoch.sql exactly the same way you just added the epoch.sql. 3. Edit the server launch batch (.bat file). (Gaero talks about this file at 2.00 minutes in the video). If you are playing default Epoch the line will read: "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;" Edit it so it reads: "-mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;" 4. In DayzCommander (DZC), edit the "Additional Launch Parameters" setting to read: -mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch Your game directories in DZC will need to be changed as well if you used a separate folders as I do - mine all read "D:\Overpoch_Sauerland". Btw, the mod only comes with three missons (maps), Chernarus, Napf and Sauerland. And so, how is it? ![]() I made my usual SP edits to the files. There are guns everywhere - I don't think I've found two the same yet. You don't want this if you are after a hardcore survival experience. The AI are armed with these guns - I don't recognize the sound of any of these guns - and they are LOUD! This map has a few rough edges, ie, trees in the middle of the road, buildings placed poorly and you just know attempting to enter them will insta-kill you. After talking out these AI in a small town (see picture above), I headed into a large city, picked up some industrial loot to make some repairs to the vehicles. Looking for a fight, I headed to the local airport and certainly got what I was looking for. After looting the airport (and the dead bad-guys) I have to visit a Trader here in the city to see if I can actually sell this stuff. I then need to do some exploring, see if I can find a heli. I've found a perfect vehicle to explore with... ![]() Hell yeah...... ![]() |
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So, I returned in game to the airport, rechecked the barracks and warehouses given that fresh loot was spawning. And oh so many bandits. I bugged out to the Traders selling most of what I'd collected and then headed out to the Nissan. The car is nice but slower than a SUV and, unsurprisingly, you can't tow with it.
I found an armored SUV and headed off to do a mission 15km away, stopping off along the way for industrial loot. Met some fellows whom didn't like me much and they had helicopter backup with two gunners which kept me on my toes. However, in the end. it didn't go well for any of them really... ![]() Finally found a heli... ![]() This place is too big and the roads a mess of grey spaghetti draped across the landscape to be using cars all the time. My hours of looting paid off as I had enough to fully repair the bird... ![]() Although it wasn't without interruption... ![]() Now, off to find a base location, somewhere near water I think and I need to find a chainsaw... |
To be honest, shortly after than last post, I grew bored of Sauerland. There are parts of the map which don't appear to be finished and there's nothing super interesting about it.
Taviana on the other hand is a truly beautiful land... ![]() ![]() Full of interesting places to check out, like Sector B and very little, if anything, needs to be added. The game already has AI (in sector B only) but murderous and deadly heli patrols on the mainland. Lots of landmarks and features to see... ![]() This particular version of Taviana is a mix of Origins and Epoch. Some clever person used the leaked (?) Origin server files, mixed in the 1.7.9 Origin Client files with Epoch thrown in for good measure. The result is brilliant! Not all of the Origins stuff is available however - the player house system has been simplified to a single "Build Level 1 Hero House" command on a crate or gem and none of the building materials (cement, rocks, etc) are available but it still works. There's a dealer you can visit to buy the houses and you can see what is available. ![]() It's not too hard to set up, similar to Epoch which a couple of extra steps. You can find a starting point here. There's also a second alternative here. As much as I enjoyed the couple of months I spent on Taviana I personally found some of the Origins modifications to the map to be jarring and not fitting in such a beautiful place. |
Namalsk. Napf. Sauerland. Taviana. Panthera.
I may have visited far off lands in search of adventure but I knew I'd always return home. To Chernarus. ![]() There's a quiet inner peace traversing the gently rolling hills of this autumnal land. In my pink SUV. ![]() This isn't what it looks like. This is something a little special (to me). This is SP Overpoch, entirely my own work. Reading a bazillion forum posts and figuring it out, adding Overwatch weapons, adding to traders and loot tables plus the million tiny other things, crafting a gaming experience. I have Wicked AI (v2.2.0 Beta) & EMS (v0.3.1) making missions, DZAI (v2.1.3) providing roaming AI, heli & vehicle patrols, Logistics taking care of my towing and lifting needs, Trade from Vehicle (v2.0) allowing me to sell all 50 weapons in the VS35 directly from the vehicle (or backpack) all in one sale, random helis and planes falling from the skies. I'd like to redo the traders, some of my CTRL C and CTRL V was rough as guts and needed much correcting, AND seems incomplete but it's a start. Anyway, you'll have to excuse me, I was doing a fly by on a mission and the AI have taken pot shots at me and a couple of those shots have found my engines so I'm a little busy crashing right now... ![]() ![]() |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Hey but i have one problem, when i join to me server, the game is crashed, is closed very fast and just see one message in five seconds referred to missions, where he said he could not edit / play a long list of missions
What i can do? |
I correct, now the problem I sample is on the BattleEye that is outdated or something
What do I do? |
Disable it.
Look at the config.cfg file in the mission folder using Notepad++ Look for the bit that says BattlEye = 1; and change it to BattlEye = 0; While you're there, look at the following; verifySignatures = 2; => Change “2”to “0” requiredSecureId = 2; => Change “2” to “0” |
Thx i fixed that but XD i have OTHER PROBLEM
I enter with Admin and okey, everything its very very okey but the Server kick me to the main menu in five or teen minuts I dont know how to fix that, the other problem i fix with config and that but this not, is very hard |
I don't believe Epoch comes with Admin tools so you must have added it yourself?
Your best bet is to check the forum thread or GitHub site where you got this script from and see of anyone else has had this problem. I don't use admin tools because I'd rather play, um, I mean test, yeah, that's it, test the game.... you know, make sure it's working... ![]() |
Hey, forget everything I told you, I returned to start from 0 to install and all that and when placing the Mods those you placed in the third comment
Wicked AI (v2.2.0 Beta) & EMS (v0.3.1) making missions, DZAI (v2.1.3) Trade from Vehicle (v2.0) When you install or I suppose they are properly installed, entered the server without any problem, ALL GREAT but it happened something, heard everything, my character walking, shooting, environmental sounds but the logo of the server that is at the beginning of this post freezes, that logo What could it be? will be some configuration error or something? |
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Yes, sort of. There's probably a file missing or a config error.
Have a look in your "Instance" folder at the RPT log.... here's mine... ![]() Look through it and see if you find any errors that relate to any scripts you may have added. You may not find any errors but there is a fix. Go to your Epoch/addons folder, find and (using PBO Manager) extract dayz_code.pbo Look in the init folder for compiles.sqf (see picture below) and edit it with Notepad++ ![]() Search for: if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; }; And replace it with: if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { endLoadingScreen; diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; }; so that it looks like this: ![]() Save the file, repack dayz_code.pbo The game should now progress beyond that point - don't surprised if you see an error box - this is what is causing the problem so you'll need to sort that out. Hope it helps, good luck! EDIT: This is not my script btw, waaaaay above my skill level. I had this problem and found help here. |
aaaaaah thx, its work YEEIIII XDDD
Hey one question, i wanna use the Loke Lost Key or Call Support? The admin tools is great but i need more of options, more menu and a menu with more detailed its just a Question, i dont have any problem with the server, just one, its very very very very hard and LOOOOONG TIME to build a House, the Admin Tools dont have all buildings and construct material, just have something very common |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
hey, really sorry that I have many doubts that I resolved as game but this is not a problem if I'm missing or add
In the tenth image you uploaded that have a bearing as hooked behind a truck, cart I can not do that, I have an SUV and try to take a car that was in good condition to sell but could not Not me that option appears only repair and save, I missing something or option that I have to turn? |
I've only used the Loki thing on a DaiZy SP release before and so haven't had much use (or need) for it.
Check out saprykheid's fixed version of Loki here and Kodabar has a tutorial for installation here. Towing, yeah, there's no towing in Epoch so you'll need to add it. Good news is, it's pretty easy given everything you've already done. ![]() I have mentioned this particular package before, have a look at this post. It's all mission based: Edit init.sqf adding a line, add a folder to the mission folder, easy as. This post also has the original forum post where it is and the download link. |
This is great!
Does the epoch building system work still in this? Thanks |
Yes, everything is based on the Dayz Epoch mod so full functionality of that is retained. In the case of Overpoch, it adds the 300 odd weapons from the Overwatch mod.
In reply to this post by dannywaugh1
Forget about the other post. It's says it in the title lol
How would I install this but with out the AI I'm going for the lone surviver type game. I am the only one and the zombies. Lol Cheers |
Given this thread is a made from all sorts of stuff, install which / what exactly?
Epoch is the basis of everything so you need to start with a Epoch server set up. The other thread mentions that but is more focused on modifying an existing server. The quickest and easiest way to get into Overpoch is the 'Mod Pack' at the top on this thread. The AI can be disabled if that's your preference. |
Yeah that is my preference when playing.
So I just need to follow this thread to get it all working? Or do I need to follow the other epoch thread and this thread to get it all working? |
Well, I wouldn't follow this thread since this is purely self indulgence on my part.
The other thread isn't about setting up a SP Epoch server but modifying an existing one although it will point you in the right direction to get one up and running. If you want the basic Epoch experience then you won't need any of the other information in that thread. |
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