I love what you have done here! I am going to work on getting this to work for myself tomorrow. It's kind of what I always wanted to be able to play. My own little adventure!
I wanted only epoch but what you have done here is a bonus to me! |
Thanks for the kind words but I haven't done anything. If this thread ever had a point it was to show people what can be done with a single player server for when you want to feed the hunger and DaiZy has done all it can...
As much as I enjoyed playing the SP mods the guys here have created, 4 hours in and I'm all done - I just find there to be no end game and survival for just the sake of surviving isn't, to me, interesting which is why the Epoch mod forms a great foundation - there's so much to do and so much more can be added to it. Anyway, if your adventure goes well, post some pictures in this thread. If you run into problems, post in the other thread and I'll help if I can. * Actually, now I think of it, there is one SP mod I still play, Haleks Namalsk 1.2 - lol, I did create a SP Epoch server for Namalsk, adding all the features (snow, cold weather, warm clothes & EVR) but it wasn't as good or atmospheric as Haleks mod. |
Due to lag issues caused by the considerable modification of my previous Chernarus Overpoch install I decided to start again. Starting from the base install I added only the mods I knew I wanted. Some of these are far more varied Epoch Events, EMS and Wicked AI missions, map enhancements.
I brought back an old favourite, Sarge AI which does all the usual stuff but also has friendly (or at least, non hostile) AI in the form of Soldiers and Survivors. Kept the Overwatch weapons of course but added in a single currency system - a truly staggering addition. ![]() Just some minor looting around Berezino. ![]() The new "Logistics" lift and tow solution allows daisy-chaining vehicles together. It also automatically updates the database where the vehicle is so there's no need to get in and you can also access the gear of the vehicle while it's under tow. ![]() Checking out a heli crash, one of the new Epoch Events. As you can see, this one was on a medical mission before it crashed. ![]() Here's a jet that crashed, poor bugger. The zombie apocalypse claims another victim. Hmm, hang on a sec, what's this.... ![]() Don't drink and fly at mach 2 people.... ![]() I was heading up through Kabanino when I heard this helicopter. The AI are generally aggressive towards vehicles so I pulled over to take cover behind a building. The heli started taking gunfire from a mission not far away and ended up coming in for a fast landing. Caught between the clashing AI, I made a run for it only to have my tyres punctured. Leaping from the disabled SUV, I took the only cover available, a roadblock, and fought for my very life... ![]() 3 bangages, 1 morphine and 1 bloodbag later... I counted 16 dead bad guys, secured a heap of loot and the biggest prize... ![]() Nice. The adventure continues.... |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
can you set up one of these severs if you haven't bought Arma 2. I got my Arma 2 through downloading of a torrent on the internet not through steam.
Yes. If you can run the game then you can run your own server. You can't go online though.
And you don't want to go beyond versions 1.62 - 1.63 because after this the game updates are Steam only, same with future Beta patches, and the existing cracks won't work. Bohemia are working on an End of Life patch for Arma2 - it's hoped this will actually finally address some of the outstanding issues (modders will understand this better) which have plaqued the game so it's possible we'll see an final "release" at some point. If you follow my advice the the start of this thread and follow Gaeros video, then you shouldn't have a problem. Needless to say, I can't help you if you don't have a legit version - I'm sure this forum has the same rules about warez as any other. It's pretty cheap on Steam. |
Cool! :) Thank you very much Eric!
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
I've come across a couple of things lately that I'm currently playing which I thought others might be interested in. Both involve the Origins mod so read on if you are actually interested.
The first is a post on the Epoch forms by forum member ElDubya and you can find it here. ![]() ElDubya is/was one of the admins of this server and has decided to end this particular server and has very generously shared his hard work with the Dayz community and given out the server files. Information and a link to the download can be found in the link above. You'll need his server files (under 8Mb), Dayz Origins, Dayz Overwatch 0.25 and the Epoch client files It is intended for Arma 2 1.63 Beta patch 125548 but will work with 103718 or 112555 (pre steam) but you'll need to edit the "mission.sqm" and delete references to "ca_communityconfigurationproject_e_editor_addedlargeweaponvariants" which is part of the 125548 patch. Not sure on the effect this has on gameplay - doesn't seem significant to me. You''l need to configure Navicat (if that's what you use) a little differently (user will be "root" with password "password"), check the hive.ini for details. I added the SargeAI to my server for some AI uncertainty as well as tow/lift. It's a truly excellent setup covering everything you could want and it would certainly suit players interested in the PVE side of Dayz. * The second mod is one created by MDark over at OpenDayz here. This mod is far more closer to the original Origins experience than anything else. It has all the new zombie models and sounds including "Doctor Ivan" (he took 17 DMR headshots to kill btw....) Major Pain has streamlined the install process - check out his GitHub page here to download the needed server/client files (just grab the server files, it contains everything you need) and instructions for install. Again, you need to customize your MySQL setup slightly (as above). I haven't played this too much other than just getting it working but it too has been an great experience. |
In reply to this post by dannywaugh1
Hey man just stumbled across this!:O so i had the Epoch server working and decided i wanted epoch/overpoch.. ivedone everything the same i did for the Epoch server except this one isnt loading me in.. i can join the server i hear background noise but thats it.. no 'authentication' along the bottom like the epoch server does just stays there and does nothing:/ really out of ideas as of what it could be thats causing this to happen?
Hey Ryan,
If it's the problem I think it is then there's already a solution in this very thread - read the post here. |
Please help me :(.. Cannot join the game. It just stucks at this.. I changed the code but still.. Its the same.
![]() |
We'll need to have a look at your RPT file to pinpoint the problem. The RPT file is probably in the "instance" folder (where Hive.ini and the config file is) - open it up and paste in on http://pastebin.com/
Off the top of my head, make your database is online and the server can see it - check also for server.log file too. |
Ive tried doing for 4-5 hours, still nothing. Might be im doing something wrong.... It went from easy to impossible. I hope its possible for people to pack it for me. Would be cool :P
I presume you're running Windows 10 which is a bad start but lets see what we can do.
I see that you are trying to run this mod pack. So, prior to installing this, you have a working Epoch server/client and database setup? Or, if you downloaded the 1.1 version of the pack, a working Epoch server/client? You've spawned into this world and all is ok? From the pack you downloaded, you copied over all the files to their correct locations (over writing as required), you ran the update query on your database, put the keys (from the 'Keys' folder) in the correct place and you have selected the mission you wanted, packed it as a PBO / moved the selected mission folder to the MPMission folder? Server start; - this is the contents of my serverstart.bat file; @echo off start "Epoch_Chernarus" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;" [NOTE: My folder is "Epoch_Chernarus" and I'm still using older 1.63 beta patch 103718 so my arma2oaserver.exe location might be different] Client start; (edit your beta shortcut or create a shortcut to the Arma2.exe) D:\Epoch_Chernarus\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch; Double check your install. Don't be disheartened, I remember doing this myself and struggling. I also remember when it finally worked and I spawned on the shore of Chernarus for the very first time... ;) Focus of getting a working default Epoch server before moving onto this pack - there are heaps of Youtube videos to help - this was the one that helped me. |
Hey, uhh Thanks, ill try it :P
// Also i cannot run the beta because it doesn't detect Arma 2, so i have to go in arma 2 operation arrowhead and open runA2Co.bat.. Ive tried putting the arma 2 files into arma 2 operation arrowhead but it still said it was missing something. |
This post was updated on .
Take a screen shot of what it says is missing next time so we can see it.
Don't worry about the Beta, I only pointed it out because that's what I have but it doesn't mean that's the way it has or needs to be. EDIT: Forgot to mention - delete your .RPT file next time you run the game so we can see a 'clean' and complete file and put that on Pastebin. (it should fit no problem). |
Hi Eric. excellent thread. I got the Epoch singleplayer working with edits based on your Epoch thread. I was wondering is it possible to have another database just for Overpoch? My Epoch singleplayer server works great with towing, AI and missions. I created the server based on Gaero's 2016 video. I'm using HeidiSQL and tried to create a new database for Overpoch, but it seems like it merges the Overpoch database to my original Epoch one.
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Eric I've tried to follow this several times ...
You didn't rent a server ... but you run a server from the same computer to play?Epoch/Overpoch/Overpochins ... and from what I understand, your "SP" was mission additions you personally placed in? Like AI, custom loot traders, single currency? I tried watching dudes video before ... I didn't quite understand all he mentioned , and if I recall his links were not working pointing to programs or something needed? Been awhile, can't clearly recall. I am also not sure/certain of beta patch??? I bought my arma2 Oa on steam , it was already beyond the beta patch thing ... I wouldn't mind giving this a go ... though I'm still entirely lost on how to create a working database for the "server" to run with it. I agree with what you said above : Most the Daizy mods are ... "ok" , they do lack any real appeal after several hours. It becomes survival just for the sake of survival ... very "rinse and repeat" once you get to a certain point ... Epoch at least ... does grant some extra stuff to do. It can be "grindy" as well ... still no real "end game" ... but one can always keep improving the base ... or make additions ... , and if you hadn't read in my post previously ... lol, basebuilding from Epoch/Overpoch was my favorite aspect of those mods ... origins ... about the only thing I like about origins is the improved looking zombies , maybe some of the scrap-metal-armored vehicles , but some of the vehicles are ... WTF??? Like the flying base thingy ... I don't care much for the "housing" system of origins , and of course I really do not like taviana map much at all. Is it possible , for you to explain/simplify the steps needed to do something like this? since you have experience ... I'm afraid though, my windows10 and beyond beta branch of arma2 , might get in the way from what I read above. |
Don't follow this - it is nothing but pure self indulgence on my part, sharing some of the experiences I had playing various mods. My other thread details adding 3rd party mods (AI, missions, etc) to an existing server but presumes you have already have that server running. Pretty much all instructions and details in these two threads are now largely obsolete, for two reasons: 1. DayZ Epoch mod now is integrated with the latest versions of DayZ mod (so 1.8.9 / 1.9.0). 2. Arma 2 is no longer "Beta" and the newest Epoch (based on the newset DayZ mod) now uses the latest Arma 2 version. Correct. The video I linked in these threads is also obsolete - and so is the "updated" video. There has been some changes to the way DayZ / Epoch works, designed to remove the security vulnerabilities which made DayZ a hacker paradise. There is another video specifically for Epoch, you'll find the link in this thread on the Epoch forums. See my comments above. * Windows 10 & the latest version of Arma 2 won't be a problem - the author of this latest install video is using both. I've watched the most current video install guide (follow link above) and while it meanders a little it should give a good result. Just take it step by step. |
I suppose the easiest thing to do is still rent or have an external server running it.
the drawbacks to that ... most rented servers are difficult to customize the mod/mission ( most figured out they can charge extra money for things like single currency, plot-pole-for-life , ect... and of course, cost money ... While say if you went bare bones Epoch , no changes....no frills ... that's a 20.00 drain on your pocket every month. Half the price of a new game ( generally) for a single 30 day span. Tech support is horrible on the cheaper rentals ... and not many server providers do any Arma2/DayZ mod servers anymore. Choices are limited, especialy if you want a US side server. and increased difficulty adding in what you want ... because private password , basically means you are alone in a MP setting, devoid of interactions. ------------------------- I've just never understood why things are the way they are with arma2/dayz mods ... Like Epoch for instance ... I completely understand using databases to persistantly keep up with vehicles, keys, plot management, group management , and placed items/structures. That makes sense in a way, to keep the client's end computers from over-loading with data, and making JIP/Desync less an issue. However ... the entire epoch building system is simply mods and scripts/configs. The mods add in the "items" ( vehicles in editor) , the textures, and icons ... the scripts/configs handle the placement, the loading in, ect ... configs just say what can be done, and how basically. So, having it all completely SP isn't necessarily out of the ball park ... , like I said Sp wise, you don't need a database to "save" persitantly , or worry about JIP ... But , they've made it where it's not easy or SP friendly mods to convert ... Now, bear in mind ... if you are a f-ing expert in programming , 3d design , and how Arma2's engine works ... , you are able to do amazing things ... I mean, look at epoch/overpoch and Origins alone as examples ... how far from the left they are in comparison to what vanilla offers. so, yeah amazing things can be done, if you have the knowledge, know how, and patience to put something together... with a coherent vision also. But, if I had that knowledge, skill, know-how, and ability ... I'd honestly say "F-THIS", and create something different entirely. -------------------- I understand just enough to know how all the things work together, I can even look at some scripts and configs and say ... "Oh, thats what that does", or " What happens if I change that, or comment that out?" But ... OMG, making even a SP ( bear in mind SP is far easier than MP in arma2 editing ) based off code already provided for us ( DaiZy ) ... is a nightmare just to get started/running properly. In all HONESTY ... I have not found ANY restrictive code at all inside any DayZ code/mods , that point to what ever seems to "block" us from ... 1- step one, load up the DayZ mod. 2- Open day Editor. 3- Place a "survivor unit" Save/Run the new "mission" ... That simple process SHOULD be all thats needed to start ... all the coding is already there in the mods to handle what runs during the game ... It should at least, load in your PLAYABLE "survivor" unit, load up the Icons , load up the inventory UI, use the journal , and zombies/loot should spawn when you get in about 500m from areas they are supposto spawn in. You would from there, have to figure out how to script in other things, BUT ... not just to get a "start". Even if you HAD to run it via MP/LAN , you do so the simple way, via the provided arma2 MP connection. But ... somehow, someway ... magically it simply doesn't even do that much, ... with absolutely nothing pointing at it not "working" that way. I've read old things by Rocket , and things from Epoch team, and even Origins say ... that DayZ Mods were MP and designed to thwart hackers ... I don't really think so. A Good hacker, will get around what-ever "security" is in place eventually. I think , it was all done to keep players dependant on what is provided , because if you allowed the door to be "open" so everyone can "customize" thier own flavor of "Survival/DayZ" , you'd never play the other ways again. Take a peek at arma3 ... , which not long ago started offering "ravage" , DayZero , ... zoombies/demons , Zeus ... and much more ... you could literally create your own SP ( at least ) "survival" game ... and ... now only a handfull of suckers like me, still even play arma2. Those of us with bad connections, and lower-end computers ... I know that SOUNDS very "conspiracy theory" ... but tell me any other "mods" for arma2 , that if you load up and use the editor while it's running, you can't simply place a unit and it run the modded mission as intended? |
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