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![]() test builds in post #2 THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED: June 6th 2009. An organised force of ultranationalists have seized large parts of Chernarus by force, as the country spins into turmoil. The local Chernarussian Defence Force is unable to hold its own against the well armed forces of the Red Star. Accusations have been flung at Russia, stating that they are responsible for the armanents ending up in the hand of Red Star fighters, but they strongly deny this. UN peacekeepers have been in the country for months, but the situation is only getting worse. NATO is considering deploying troops, CDF are losing ground every week and Russia has threatened to go to war if any US troops are deployed onto chernarussian soil. The world holds its breath, and waits. But with the recent reports of atomic ordinance in the hands of the Red Star, things may be about to take a nasty turn. IDEAS: So far, the idea is in the story. Red Star obtains an unknown amount of atomic weaponry, but they accidentally trip over and drop it everywhere. Silly ultranationalists. Then war happens. Then zombies. You've all played DayZ, so you get the idea. As of now, there is only one optional side mission, present in the tank mission during the utes prologue, in which you must save the UN peacekeepers. Completing the side mission will award you with an additional two squad members. You it is not essential and can be ignored. Side missions and objectives will reward you with something upon completion, usually an extra squad member, access to unique weapons and vehicles and perhaps locations of loot stashes (think STALKER). Failure to complete these missions does not affect the gameworld and later plot. Primary missions can also be failed, and this will determine the events of the campaign, changing the presence of certain factions (I.E. PMCs can be chased off of Chernarus etc.), and affecting the outcome/ending of the campaign and what happens to you, your squad and the world. Note that the plot will not hamper the open-world of DayZ. Think the FALLOUT games. You may do the missions at any time you wish. Certain side missions may have a time limit however. Chernarus functions as the main hub. If you travel to a different island, you must go back to Chernarus to go to another island. Actions on these islands may also affect the situation on Chernarus. And yeah that's all I got so far. I have somewhat of a plot ready for Chernarus, but it is not implemented. If anyone wants to help design missions with me, then leave a message yo. Even if you aren't a mission maker, ideas for the plot, islands to take place on, certain objectives to add, or even add your own character to the story (yes, even your own name)! I need characters. I don't have a single named character yet. The tank crewman in the prologue has a joke name (you'll get it if you read it aloud), so he is lookin' for a nice name too. FACTION STATUS: UN peacekeepers are the player faction (always friendly unless for extreme circumstances) NATO soldiers can swing both ways REDFOR soldier are hostile, but with the occassional friendly russian soldier. Red Star will never be friendy on any occassion. NAPA are the 'we-show-up-at-the-last-moment-to-save-you-but-vanish-afterwards' type but do not exclusively help one side. PMCs are undecided and can fill whatever role, though they can be theorized to have been the culprits of the outbreak. RELEASES: Welcome to the section everyone probably just skipped to, because who has time to read all that shit, right? Still, read this shit pls k thx Now, the idea for multiple islands together in one has been proposed before, roughly a year ago by Above. Though his approach on it was wrong and too hard, even the most experienced mapper and modder wouldn't do it as the time it would take would be simply ridiculous. Combining the maps together probably wouldn't be doable either, as I assume there is a map size limation, and getting permission from map authors would take forever. It also wouldn't work very well with Epoch/Overwatch as the base building cannot be transferred between maps, period. No scripting exists to save built objects, and especially their location, throughout different maps. I'd been playing normal ArmA for awhile, and having played through the ArmA II campaign (which was mediocre at best"), it struck me. Campaigns. //Technical scripting shit below// ArmA II has several script commands that exist only in Campaigns. saveStatus, loadStatus, addWeaponPool, clearWeaponPool, and queryWeaponPool. saveStatus and loadStatus are the significant ones. What saveStatus does is save the object defined by the command into the Objects.sav file of the campaign. It will save the entire unit. Health, weapons, ammo etc. loadStatus will load the specific status onto the selected units. This allows the player to take their items throughout missions, and allows soldiers to be 'mortal'. Despite this though, it will not save the coords of the saved object, thus disallowing building saves. Also disallowed by having to name each status i.e player saveStatus "playerstate"; man1 saveStatus "man1status" etc. etc. // Technical bullshit over you can stop cringing now // Chernarus + Utes + Pomegratskaya + Everon + Caribou Frontier Making progress slowly but surely Should probably mention how to get all 3 squad members. The first two appear in the Tank mission. They are in the UN Outpost being attacked by tanks/bmps. The third one is unavoidable and will appear in the Aftermath mission. After being unloaded by the truck, crawl further down the road towards the beach, hop on the damaged bike, drive further down the road and he will begin dialogue. Once he is finished talking, he will join your squad. Even if you do not encounter the third soldier, he will still be present in the DayZ missions. If any of them are killed during the story mission they appear in, they will not be present in the boat in the Aftermath mission, and subsequently the DayZ missions. If they die at any time in any of the DayZ missions, then they are permanently dead. Restarting the mission will not revive them. In order to get them back, you must replay the story mission they appear in and keep them alive again. Pomegratskaya is unfairly hard at the moment do not go there without some kind of death wish Campaign File Required Addons: DayZ Version TDTWE DayZ Addons - factions and zombie forest spawning Island - Caribou Frontier Island - Winter Pomegratskaya Island - Everon DayZ .pbos are very old, I believe before ARmA III or standalone was even announced, so please make a seperate addon folder for this. Do not copy it over your current DayZ installation. INSTALLATION: Place the campaign .pbo file into your "steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Campaigns" folder. If that folder does not exist, make it. Place @DayZ into "steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" Place dayz_factions.pbo and dayz_helipads.pbo into steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons KNOWN ISSUES: Utes - Prologue ISSUE: While in the back of the truck, you and your crew models will slowly switch to the lowest LOD model. This is a problem with ArmA II's attachTo command, and I'm looking into fixing it. ISSUE If scripts slow down, tank sound effects will not be timed correctly. PROGRESS: Utes prologue - Done Chernarus - Done Namalsk - 20% - on hold Lingor - 0% Everon - 90% Caribou Frontier - 90% Pomegratskaya - 100% CREDITS: Gaijin Entertainment for all tank sound effects. Taken from their War Thunder game. Pls gaijin fix german tier V already pls. Guy who made the nuke script. Not sure who made it, but it was taken from the F.A.L.L.O.U.T campaign by yogdogz. The script seems to be by LK though. Had to edit this damn post so many times because Nabble keeps duplicating sections of my post. NEED TESTERS
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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- AI Squad members will revive eachother
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Known bugs:
- If the player is knocked unconscious and revived by an AI, sometimes they will not be setCaptive false, resulting in enemy groups not shooting the player. also seems to happen sometimes when waking up normally. Fixed - If AI tries to bandage itself, and give you morphine/epinephrine at the same time, they will stop bleeding visually and be unbandageable, but will continue losing blood until they die. Fixed I think - If an unconscious AI is dragged, released and told to move/change stance, they will get back up, albeit wounded and still considerd unconscious Fixed - UN peacekeepers found in the world will be friendly, but your AI squad members will shoot them. might be fixed though unlikely - Red Star forces sometimes spawn ridiculous distances away (4000+ metres). - One zombie is always spawned INSIDE a building, meaning they cannot be killed. This wouldn't be normally be much of an issue, however this will prevent Squad Members bandaging themselves if they are close to the building.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Bold maps are in the release as of current build Italic maps have been scrapped - Chernarus - Utes - Panthera - Alpine -Takistan - Lingor Island - Everon Island - Namalsk - Isla Duala - Taviana - Thirsk - Quesh-kibrul - Jade Groove - Podagorsk - Pomegratskaya - Etah Plateau - Caribou Frontier - Minihattan - scrapped. shit map.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Reserved for screenshots/videos
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Considering you have asked and i have not seen anyone put their hand up and i'm looking for something to do i will gladly test the map for you. |
Alright, thanks.
Next test version will have Ambient Warfare, and that will probably require a bit of bug testing. I'll contact you when it is ready.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
I will help too, it looks pretty interesting and there wasnt a DayZ Campaign before.
I'm in. Downloading now.
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Now this, looks good!
Cheers, BossMann
The AI are just plain stupid. They shoot at any and all zombies (drawing even more to you) and 70% of the time they don't even hit. I'd like to have them but they are useless drones in almost all scenarios.
They are only useable when they are shooting at other AI because in that situation they can help in marking enemy positions and suppression, they just don't mix well with how the zombies do business.
Cheers, BossMann
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
is this still alive?
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