Now all you have to do is just add them to current Dayz 1.7.3 dayz_code.pbo's config as a config.ccp once it is unrapped by Eliteness, or the cbo program of your choice.
This should make an official SP version of this map complete, more or less. The only thing that might still prevent spawning in SP is if they are specific server-side items that need a dedicated server telling them to spawn. This would be done in order to help stop cheating, item duping and just glitching that happens on the client side that is multiplied by 50+ players, for example. |
In reply to this post by fedus_87
ok so here is loot spawning in all buildings in namalsk
if you already have dayz_sp's misiion running succesfully just replace your existing ns_dayz.pbo with this one |
What did you do, if you don't mind me asking? The more the community knows, the more others can start modding the game the way they want to, too. |
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In reply to this post by fedus_87
Good work :)
loot and zombies spawns seem to be working as intended, just go killed by a bandit whilst looting a tower :D Edit: Loot at Object AII all correct. Warm clothes spawning, so im guessing the railgun is spawning to :D Edit 2: Cant change into warm clothes, when the item is clicked in the inv it is replaced with civ clothes but the player model doesnt change. |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
I follow your mod snce few days and it's very interesting, i m a maker mission i wanted add manythings, but it's impossible like briefing. Dayz is nice, but do you think it's possible to make walkers ? Or add random mission ? thanks |
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In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
it was just a file i had downloaded when namalsk first came out from the original guys it was a server side mission file and i had downloaded it to tinker with on trying to get this namalsk map going for single player just lucky i guess lol
a few pics of the underground base object A II spawning loot Edit: as for warm cloths not working i havnt actually found any in game but when i use the cheat menu imbedded in the mission by hitting 001 on your keyboard and changing to the warm cloths there it works fine so idk what has happened exactly but for now if you find warm cloths just use the cheat menu to put them on if that works for you if not then i dont know what is wrong for you |
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In reply to this post by fedus_87
Good job, Fedus_87
![]() Here is where I stand on this release: I'm officially done with it. So, you guys can tinker, edit and do whatever you want with it. The only other map I am interested in porting to SP is Taviana... But even the MP is still in Alpha stages, so I am going to wait until a more stable (final) release before converting it. This could be a while, but I would rather wait for a bug-free map release instead of compounding existing errors on top of converting it to SP. Plus, they could end up changing the map layout itself during testing, so I don't want to convert a WIP (Work In Progress), either. I may do Isla Duala, but we will see how big the download package would be since some of these maps are close to 1 GB in size when everything needed to play is in place. All the other maps... Fallujah, Lingor, etc... Those can be done pretty easily now that A) Rocket has included the SP option in 1.7.3., and B) the files from DayZCommander have also been updated as well. I just don't feel a lot of those maps are suited for DayZ game play and this is why I'm not going to covert every single one. For example, Fallujah has 1000+ meters clear line of sight because it's in the middle of the desert. Well, Zombies target players via LOS, so you do the math. A lot of the official DayZ custom map releases were because the community was getting sick of Cherno... But Cherno is probably the most suited map for DayZ game play, IMO. It has large open areas, but enough buildings, towns, farms and forests to make stealth a real option compared to other maps. Converting other maps is not hard once you have a work flow you can follow, but the most time consuming is placing all the triggers for AI Bandits, AI Survivors, Wrecks, etc. It then becomes just a question of where do you want those things to go? Play testing is the other big piece of the process, but if you are confident in the tools we now have thanks to Zed Hunter & Unknown, you can pretty much release a map with the basic triggers and other functionality and it will play the way you hope it will. One of the big benefits of SP vs. MP is we can place and spawn objects at will whereas in MP server admins have to use MySQL databases and alter tables with coordinates that define such things due to anti-cheating measures now in place. What I am going to focus on next are actual game play enhancements like... -Head Shot only Zeds -Slowing down the Zeds to mimic classic "Walking Dead" Zeds, not sprinting "28 Days Later" Zeds and just adding A LOT more of them to compensate -Custom models (skins) WITHOUT using a third-party addon -Etc... |
i feel the same way as you on most other maps i have been playing online on taviana with my group and it has been phenomenal so yea i also think this is probably one of the only other maps worth porting aswell and dueala also i have pretty much every map and have played them with the original unknown mission releases for these maps and i really cant wait to see what you do with the whole slowing down zeds to walkers this is how i want them aswell so thank you for all of your work and cant wait to see what you have for us in the future
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OKey guys. I managed to loot a Warm Clothing at Object A2. However when I used it, it just put be in Civilian Clothing. Any clue why this could be? :)
I also tried to add the package to my inventory before we had loot. But it didn't work, I could just use the skin with the ingame cheat menu. ;o EDIT* I can now spawn the package, with "player add magazine blabla "Skin_Camowinter_DZN"; And it does not turn me into anything on the first use, it just changes "Warm Clothing" to "Civilian clothing" and when it's a civilian clothing, that's when anything happens when I use it, I get a new starter skin. :O Does someone know what file the clothing is in? In that case, it should be easy to fix, even for me. (I will look meanwhile). |
The skin is most likely not declared as an official skin in the "variables.sqf" in the dayz_code.pbo since that code is for Chernarus that uses default skins and not custom ones.
You would add it under the rest of the normal skins e.g... Skin_Camowinter_DZN = "Skin_Camowinter_DZN"; Try this and see if it works? IF this is the problem, I can update the map file itself, so we don't have to use a modified dayz_code.pbo and just override the "variables.sqf" using an edited "variables.sqf" file in the map. Just a shot in the dark... |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
Headshot only zombies are available (I think?) in Dynamic Zombie Sandbox and a "Zombie Life" takeoff of Chernarus Life, which I have the mission file for and will provide at your request. Changing the zombies movement speed should be fairly simple, it may be as easy as overriding the zombie's running and sprint animation with their standard one. Forcing zombies to stand will also rout out the crouching "monkey" zombies, though that will most likely happen in the mod's structure, not sure if it'll work using server push to client. Custom models should be straightforward too, considering Namalsk and Lingor managed it fairly early on. Good luck with it! :) |
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In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
DayZ, I've been playing your Namalsk release like mad, that's why I haven't been replying in a fast manner. However, I will try this as I write this. :-)
Thank you so much for the help, I'm trying now. :-) UPDATE: I don't know, but whenever I edit PBO's for Namalsk, all logos and shit dissapear... I've done it before for Chernarus (minor things obviously). But it worked. I got no clue what I manage to fuck up. All I did was open the Variables, added the skin to the list of skins, saved it and put it in my "@DayZNamalskSP" folder, and ran the game. (I do have the right path in the shortcut etc etc). I actually got no clue what I fucked up, do I have to clean a cashe or anything in Eliteness? Because this icon fuckery started when I started playing leet scripter about the loot spawns. |
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OK, I have uploaded TWO modified "dayz_code.pbo" files. One is for, the other 1.7.3: Back up your "dayz_code.pbo" and replace it with the one for the version of DaiyZ / DayZ you are currently running. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This may, or may not work. I am working off the assumption that because the skin is not defined in the original DayZ code this is why the game isn't recognizing it as a valid skin. |
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has anyone figured out how to get the loot to spawn in custom buildings yet?
owe wait never mind lol |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
My hunch is the custom skin does not work because it requires code on the server side, but since this is SP we don't have a server, obviously. So, this is as good as it gets unless somebody else in the community knows how to fix it.
By the way, I want to thank those like Fedus_87, Niceonegunit and others for helping make this a real community by sharing whatever knowledge and skills they have instead of just keeping it to themselves. We never would have fixed the custom building loot spawn without Fedus_87, and I will be adding him to the credits of this map conversion as a thank you ![]() |
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