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![]() Greetings ladies and gentlemen, I decided not to long ago that Namalsk was perfect for an old idea I had. I was planning to recreate S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat in DayZ, and now I have the map that nearly matches the one in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. This isn't gonna take long, I've finished the base already, took about four hours and I've finished the basics. So for those of you who do not know what S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of pripyat is, or the entire S.T.A.L.K.E.R series to be honest, I will briefly sum it up for you. STALKER takes place in Chernobyl, after the nuclear power plant crisis. Essentially, Chernobyl has turned into a huge pile of fuck, with the only real human life being, you guessed it, the Stalkers. The Stalkers are searching for 'artifacts', strange paranormal objects that grant power and fetch large prices. Hunting for artifacts has it's share of danger, the more valuable they are, the harder it is to get it. They are often guarded by 'Anomalies', paranormal energy that kills any form of life that enters it. The 'Anomalies' vary in type, some being explosive, others throwing you into the air, but they all have the same outcome. The victim dies. Alongside these, mutated creatures are abundant in the area. Mutated dogs, nicknamed 'Blind dogs' by Stalkers, are common, attack in packs, and are very deadly. Bloodstalkers are every stalker's nightmare. These savage beasts use tricks to hunt. They lure stalkers in by hiding behind rocks, in which they turn invisible and sneak up behind the stalker while he is focused on the rock. And by invisible, i mean 100% transparent, you cannot see them AT ALL. They only become visible when they are attacking. Blowouts are a rarity, these will kill ANY living creature, mutated or alive. This device was invented by the NAC, a branch of Stalker. NAC carry devices that render them unharmed by these blowouts. The game itself is very much like DayZ, you must eat and you can only withstand so much damage/radiation. It only takes four/five shots to drop you and bleeding is a problem. - Features! - STALKERs are non-hostile human beings that roam around in search of artifacts. They possess high-tech gadgetry such as an APSI(Anti PSI) device, Anomaly detector, and Psyonic Shields. - Anomalies are very dangerous paranormal non-mobile gas forms that will effect any living, or undead, creature. The effects vary but they all have the same outcome. The victim dies. Anomalies are not visible and thus Anomaly detectors are every STALKER's lifeline. - Blowouts. A device invented during the Namalsk Crisis by the NAC, allows transmission of a power PSI energy across Namalsk, effecting, and on rare occasions, killing, every single living and undead creature in Namalsk. NAC also invented the APSI, or Anti PSI, device which is a helmet that protects the wearer's brain from PSI damage. Anyone not wearing an APSI will be severely injured, and/or killed. - Bloodsuckers are dastardly creatures heavily affected by severe radiation. They have the ability to turn 100% transparent, only becoming visible when attacking it's prey. They are tough to kill, and should be avoided at all costs. - Utility devices such as the Anomaly detector, or the APSI device, can be found on STALKERs and occasionally bandits. They each have their own properties, the APSI device protecting the wearer from Blowout damage for example. - The Great Survival Guide! Tip #1: Hear that beeping noise? That's your DAP Detector. It will beep to alert you to a nearby anomaly. The faster the beeps, the closer you are. You cannot see anomalies, so this detector is your lifeline. Tip #2: Bloodsuckers let out blood curdling cries when they spawn. They will turn invisible once they spot you, so try to spot them first. Tip #3: The STALKERs are the only non-hostile humans present in Namalsk. Don't mistake them for enemies. Tip #4: Anomalies will kill anything, not just you. If a zombie wanders too close to one, you'll likely hear a loud kaboom. Tip #5: Vehicles are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. The DAP Detector will not work in vehicles and you'll completely explode if you stumble onto an anomaly. Tip #6: Did it just start raining out of nowhere? Is thunder going wild around you? This means that a blowout is occuring. If you do not have an APSI device, which can be obtained from STALKERs and occasionally bandits, you will suffer severe PSI and radiation damage to the brain and body. You can withstand a maximum of one blowouts. The second blowout will kill you. - Download! Early pre-alpha version. Please report bugs. Thank you :) - Requirements! You will need : DayZ Namalsk 0.60 S.T.A.L.K.E.R For ARMA 2
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
But the links don´t work :( |
They work perfectly for me.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
Lemme try to fix the link. On topic, I'm trying to get a sort of 'dynamic zombies' deal working. It will spawn some zombies near the player every few minutes. I've already run into problems, they just won't spawn at all.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
Just added a few new features, redownload if you want.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
DAMN guys ! no body is asking or talking about this mod anymore ! so there is no wonder if nobody answered this question :
when i start up the mod it says an error about "gsc_stalker_mask_fred.speech...." and than the mod start up with a line saying "the hunt for bloodsucker" and than the character is "screwed" his head is turned 180°, his arms are completely creepy and so glitched,. any help is much appreciated,. if nobody answered....thanks,. |
Do this version works with the current Namalsk mod or only with 0.60?
yeah ! some "features" like the character is completely broken XD...his face is looking behind and his gun is teleported to right and aimed backward and he got no arms :-p , not sure if it's me doing something wrong or something wrong with the files,.
any way ! i wish this mod come back to life some day ! |
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
I'd love to say this is a great DaiZy mod, but I can't. I'm still waiting for everything to download. Fucking takes forever to download all the stuff required for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by mp5lng
OH GOD WHAT IS THAT THING Haha xD It's not just you, I used the 0.741 files as well, and... god, I think I'm going to have nightmares now ;~; But yeah, aside from that character glitch, which I'm going to try and fix by downloading 0.60, this mod seems great. But there really should be an installation tutorial, since it took me 20 minutes of guessing and copy/pasting and deleting and raging to finally get it to work xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
same thing here "guessing, copy/past " but not sure if it's because the version is not the 0.60 ! i downloaded that one too but the same glitch was hunting me XD
i really want to play with this mod ! STALKER is a really nice game, and adding it's feature to ARMA will be a massive jump :) update us if you get it to work normally ;-) |
Yeah, same here, the glitch is still happening. Why isn't the OP or Above responding? :c
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Im pretty sure he already did respond. He said it was outdated. I mean, NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR outdated.
okay ! Outdated ! Let it go along, Good things never last !
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Because it's hideously outdated and got broken in about a week. Could try it again, I suppose.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
Oh hi ! Finally some reasonable answer ! PLEAAAASE MAN ! give it another try ! I love daizy and Namalsk so much ! And STALKER....ohhhh maaan i'm waiting for Misery 2.0 to comeout in two days :'-) ! So pleaaase be kind and give it another chance ! I need stalker combined with Arma and Namalsk ! And U R Da MAAAAN ! |
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