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In reply to this post by Gear4Gaming
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In reply to this post by Wargog
I cant wait to see this one you guys are great
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For those interested there are a couple of video tutorials on Youtube which can help you setup your own Epoch server....
![]() I now have it running and I'm using Chernarus as a proving ground for the additional mods I'm adding that it needs for single player (if you wanted AI, that is). The Vodnik is mine, the other 2 vehicles are spawned as part of a mission and will be deleted on server restart (never thought I'd be saying "server restart" - lol). The keen eyed may notice the heli in the back ground - that's a normal spawn but needs a main rotor I think. |
Added DZMS (DayZ Mission System) fining tuning it now, added self bloodbag (through the Gear rather than scroll wheel), customised my monitor a little and added a nice bridge :)
![]() Now, need to add WAI for more missions and dynamic vehicle / bandit patrols. |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
links to videos?
you hosting on your own computer or? |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Could you please link to these youtube videos?
The first video I found is here. It's worth a view but I'd suggest using the second video (here) to actually do your set up.
The author, Gaero, doesn't change things needlessly in the setup making the whole process clearer. It's best to download these videos so you can more easily refer to them as needed. Follow the links in Gaero's video for all the files you'll need for the hosting part and the Dayz Epoch files can be found here. @dannywaugh1: Yes, the videos show setting up your own server, on your own PC. I thought I might experience slowdowns running the server hosting my own game but I had no problems at all. (Q9650 @4.0GHz). * In the pictures I posted previously were from the default Dayz Epoch into which I was gradually adding the content I wanted to have in my SP game. I finally settled on the SargeAI to add other "players" to the world and have been fine tuning them to a point where they are a challenge / threat but don't headshot me from 800 meters with an AK.... I'd also added in missions, refuel, self blood bag, helilft/tow. Then I came across what are called "mod-packs" which totally changed the way to do this. It's simple, just use Dayz-DNetwork modpack files as the basis for your game instead of the default Dayz Epoch files and you easily, and instantly have: Animated Heli, AN2 Crash Name Tags Custom Menu for specific small admin scripts (tested with Infistar) Selfbloodbag Autorefuel Salvage modification to remove every part NPC (Sarge AI) with modified weapons Side Missions (EMS) with reduced loot Custom debugmonitor with mission display AI Zone Alpha Several Map Updates Churches replaced to be accessable New Traders & Changes Traders Safezone Wrecks with Loot Service Station near Stary City Snap Building Indestructible Bases Extra Vehicles (Merlin, M113Ambul_UN_EP1, BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1 , M1133_MEV_EP1, Bell Heli) Tow & Lift with modified vehicle/heli list No Tow on locked vehicles Sarge AI invisible fix Vehicle Master Key EVAC Chopper No Salvage on locked vehicles No Damage on locked vehicles The above list is directly from the description on the GitHub page which I linked above. Parts of it are customizable so you can tweak it to your liking and you will need to do this - these files are intended to be used on multi-player servers so a mission to secure supplies can have large (20+) AI badguys waiting for you. This mod also adds quite a bit to the base Cherno map - you won't be short of new places to explore and some kickass guns :D |
Thanks Eric
The package is great. I use the on my test server also. |
Hi Beanz :)
There's quite a few "mod packs" like these around and I found the one I mentioned to be the most complete - that is, it did everything I wanted but it also has some great features like "build snapping" (check Youtube for videos to see what it means) which I've never previously heard of. |
yes I have already found them at and google. But also find the pack includes everything you need. Some packs are simply overloaded.
Yes Build Snapping is simply super. Especially if you are alone and can not see as accurately whether it is building or just not being so patient has to make because 10 min back and forth :) |
You know you've been playing too much DayZ when you instinctively look for cover when you hear a helicopter. I had a hard time explaining that.
Anyways, welcome to DayZ Epoch Lingor ![]() Been playing SP Unleashed, then tried Epoch on Napf and I'm currently on Lingor. Got myself a neat little base of operations here. I've added to the base game the following: DZAI for the AI EMS for the random mission system Snap Build R3F heli lift & tow Epoch now comes with a heli-lift and tow feature but the tow is restricted to a tow truck and/or a repair vehicle while the heli-lift needs a second person to hook the cables to the car while your flying: so I had to add something else. ![]() |
SO... any updates on DaiZy Epoch?
I was in contact with Commune and he said he will not be doing Epoch SP. So our only hope for an Epoch/Overpoch SP mod is Above and anifan97203
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@Commune Code
OH OH OH..... This little post completely escaped my attention...... (Just check the date, this was posted before my so-called "rant".) Sorry ppl....... Now it's ME who is to blame..... You really are a sorry piece of lowlife..... Blaming ME for your own shortcomings. You just lack the friggin knowledge to do this. And you blame ME???!!!!??? Go and add your so-called "code", just to get your name in the credits. (As you try to do quite often.) Don't ever blame ME for things you're not able to do, you arrogant ............ (just fill in here whatever you want, you know what I mean.) Seriously............ Anyway, if I drove you "over the edge", then I'm a happy man. At least I accomplished SOMETHING. Waaaaay more then YOU have in this community. Now I really hope you will leave me alone and shut up. And stop involving me in things I've got nothing to do with. Because this REALLY is getting out of hand I think. (And obviously I'm not the only one who thinks so.) And sorry to OP for posting this off-topic BS. But its not ME hijacking threads. It's just that I've got the right to defend myself against this crap, I think. See you all later and have fun. Hal. |
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It is YOU blaming ME for not finishing your "work".
And it is YOU coming back, not me. I've told you already a couple of times not to get me involved in things that don't concern me. And if you think that keeping ppl on the wait for something that's not going to happen is "petty", then you are even lower then I thought you were. Regards..... Hal. |
Just to make it clear, once and for all......
To everybody out there who's interested (not too many I guess), but especially to YOU. I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING YOU DO OR ABOUT YOUR LIFE OR YOUR "PROJECTS" OR YOUR "WORK" OR ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT YOU!!!!!! You got it???? Again...... I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just leave me alone...... Stop referring to me in your posts and stop posting here at all, even better... And stop using the foul language, and the insults. Thank you... Have a nice one.... Hal. |
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