DayZ Origins 1.7

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Re: DayZ Origins 1.7

A Hobo Panda wrote
So, like, is anyone gonna work on this now? I mean, Above was able to put Origins zombies and vehicles and shit into DaiZy Napf, and since the server files for Origins are leaked, it shouldn't take that much effort to get this project rolling, right?

It is fairly easy. But I know that both me and Haleks are working on other things atm. I did want to start on this, but I didn't really end up having too much time, or motivation.
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Re: DayZ Origins 1.7

And ?
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Re: DayZ Origins 1.7

I know it's been a few weeks.  Has anyone with the ability started working on an Origins sp yet?
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Re: DayZ Origins 1.7

A Hobo Panda
anifan97203 wrote
I know it's been a few weeks.  Has anyone with the ability started working on an Origins sp yet?
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: DayZ Origins 1.7

dang... was looking forward to checking this one out