I agree there has always been an arrogant attitude, "the elite DayZ gamers" vs. the PVP idiot kids. It's just all plain wrong. I play all styles depending on in which mood I am and how much time I have. I have a familiy!
There are no COD kids, it's just a bullshit term. Keep in mind from the view of die hard ArmA milsim players all DayZ folks are idiots. Rocket has been insulted, and he did not even know the spelling of the holy ACRE. From Dwarf Fortress players view, all FPS players are idiots. From many of my relatives (Dr's. and very knowledgeable people) all gamers are idiots. So what? Let them all think they are elite, I don't care about their brain farts. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Of course it's their mod, but can they do whatever they want with it? I don't think so. You have to consider that the DayZ Mod is the precursor for DayZ standalone, a Game they want people to actually pay for. And if they manage to drive off players NOW, they will suffer it in the long run. 177 pissed a lot of DayZ players off. If they quit playing now, do you think there will be a reason for them to buy DayZ later? I don't think so, because they will expect rocket to do it again and ruin their fun. Sure, some players welcomed the update, but they were playing before as well, weren't they? Don't get me wrong, I'm all against Mainstream, I'm getting sick of those call of duties and battlefields... now with that pile of shit that's going to be Battlefield 4 and CoD Ghosts. It's all the same, those games are monotonous to the core, one carbon copy of the other. The Arma series in itself is a nice change, so is the Operation Flashpoint series. But in all honesty, I don't think much of Rocket, I actually he's quite full of shit. He had one good idea and has been coasting ever since, but in the bleak, bland world of todays FPS gaming this is considered an act of heroism that will grant you eternal fame. Just like Minecraft. After watching Jacksfrags' interview with Rocket on the DayZ Standalone I'm even more positive that Rocket will go full retard at some point or another. Too much pride and too much attitude. Mixed with lack of common sense and consistency I just think he's a tosspot. If the DayZ Mod keeps alienating and/or splitting its community like this, and build more deterrents and roadblocks for new players, I don't see much success for the DayZ Game in the future. |
The DayZ mod is indeed the precursor of the SA - at some point. The more stuff I see about the SA, the more I'm persuaded that both the mod and the SA have taken separate roads already. The SA will introduce a lot of changes and will be up to different standarts than the mod. Nonetheless the mod development will be continued after the SA release, and will stay free. For how long? I dunno but I bet that a bunch of people will stick to the mod - as far as I'm concerned I'm less & less attracted by the SA... But there's been so much buzz around the SA, that I've no doubt it will be a commercial success - regardless of what will the mod become by then. As for the splitting the community - well is it really what's happening? Sure there's a lot of complaints - it is to be expected whenever the devs try to change the players 'behaviour in-game. It has often been said the community has changed (not well) since the beginning of DayZ - it is an Arma mod after all, most of the first players were simulations fans. Since then, there's been a massive income of KoS players and the way we play in MP has completely changed. Maybe the devs felt that something has to be done to encourage players to survive prior to "log on and go kill me someone"? In any case, them taking risks shows that they're not working for the success of the SA (what could be worse?), or money. With that in mind, I do think they should follow their ideas rather than just contenting more and more people. But eventhough it has taken a turn (for the best or the worst), the mod is constantly evolving : the devs aren't deaf, blind, stubborn mumbling people - they will eventually keep (re)balancing the game, fix it or improve it, regardless of what's in store for the SA. All of this being my humble opinion! ;) |
In reply to this post by Havoc
@Havoc I play games to have fun, and I am aware fun is a matter of perspective. Arma II is a military simulator, but let's be honest. It has a ton of failings as far as replicating the real world of combat, but the big one it can never overcome is it is in fact a game. This just means we accept certain limitations and allow our imagination to fill in the blanks and excuse some of its shortcomings because we want to have fun with it. That's why we play games in the first place. In contrast, as an adult gamer, I don't have six hours to crawl around in the grass only to find tin cans in a hospital where medical supplies used to be after getting hit by a Zombie and then slowly dying of infection after all that. That's not fun to me. It may be fun for somebody else who has the time, but that is not me and a lot of other players as well. Now, in my humble opinion, DayZ and DaiyZ... Which are interconnected... Are becoming less fun and focused more on trying to be "realistic" (relative term) at the expense of fun. DayZ mostly because Rocket doesn't know how to balance it (yet) which is tied directly to the engine limitations, and DaiyZ because of the limited number of people still developing for it. This brings me to... @Haleks @Above_DayZ You two have done a great job taking DaiyZ to the next level with all of the features you have added. I commend you for your continued development. However, when another poster asked about including cheats, you brushed them off and wrote, "cheats ruin the game" and that was the end of it. Since you two are the only active developers that makes your way of playing the game the defacto way of playing DaiyZ, now. You may not be aware of it, but this is what it means to have the power of active development... Just like Rocket does. And similar to what may be happening with Rocket, you need to consider there are other players who may want the choice to play the game a different way than you. All great power requires an even greater responsibility to the public at large. That is why I released this patch. It has only been downloaded 65 times as of this post, but what that says is there were 65 people who wanted to play the game with more options than you were offering, but they felt marginalized and/or afraid to speak up out of fear of being called "less serious gamers", or that really offensive term, "casual gamer". This is the trap Rocket is falling into, IMO. He is taking his creation too seriously in an effort to try and make it stand out from the crowd... When he should just be focusing on what made the game FUN in the first place. I know you two are passionate about DaiyZ development as am I. Just make sure your passion doesn't blind you like Rocket, and remember we all play games to have fun and less choice can mean the difference between having fun, or not. ![]() |
As I said last time, with all due to respect. Have opinions, but don't try to change people. I think it's a small thing to fight about, we've argued for 1-2 days now. Over a cheat menu. I don't wanna be that guy, but people are dying on a daily basis. |
So, in other words, since you guys don't want the cheat menu, then nobody else can have it? Not out of spite, but because you can't take a few minutes to implement it. OK. It seem what I was trying to convey to you was completely lost. Ce'st La Vie. |
Wow.. That was ignorant, sir. First of all, I read and listen to EVERY request. Heck I made like 16 missions for BreakingPoint, just to please everyone. And the way you want us to be is more than just the cheat menu. (As of last time we had the same convo) you wanted to change the way I talk to people. Now, I'm mostly polite, but that's not because I have to. It's because the people I talk to usually deserves it. But I wont hold back if I think someone doesn't. I wasn't trying to piss you off, I'm just saying that let people be assholes (I'm not saying anyone is) but if so, just let them. It's out of our powers, or things we should even worry about. |
In reply to this post by Above
Dayz_SP, it's strange, my feelings are that people here are rather adult and open to all sides. And well aware that people may use addons like kron or wahtever.
Hey, if they were Rocket or whatever main DayZ developers, they'd probably check that in their code and not let DayZ run. Or let you spawn at Kamenka with no loot in the next 20 km². Oh well, I remember, that "the way we play it is the only way to play it", "respawn in Kamenka is good" zealotry is what really pissed me off. But hey, nowadays I only play DayZ Standalone and regular squad/clan ArmA, so I'm not writing in DayZ forum any more. DayZ folks were the Schmuddelkinder (dict.cc says "mucky pups" to this) of the ArmA scene, thats probably why there was soooo much zealotry and arrogance within. |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
I think it's a bit harsh. For the last few versions I've been communicating with Above and Haleks quite frequently, finding bugs and suggesting features, I've never once had the feeling they flat out shut an idea down. Maybe because I'm such a smart individual and my ideas are just pure gold, but that's not the point. Haleks had JUST released Factions for 177 and it was clearly not the end of it. I never cared much for the cheat menu except for repairing vehicles that I was unable to repair due to glitches in previous versions (like the humvee not having an option to repair the fuel tank), so I never brought it up. I don't really care about those pity quarrels about cheat menus you guys are having, I love a bit of controversy as much as the next guy, and I'm always open to a debate that will advance us in a philosophical way, like the one about DayZ's development and Rockets shitty decision making. But as you said Haleks and Above are the only two active modders in the DaiZy community, and they really work fucking hard on something that gains them close to nothing. They don't even put their links behind adfly. So logically the last thing you wanna do is piss them off. Because once you piss in the well nobody will drink from it. So if some twat asks for the cheat menu, and his voice is not instantly heard, because, oh I don't fucking know, the modders are preoccupied fixing actually game breaking shit, then said twat should grow some balls and ask again. If people are too afraid to be "that casual gamer" to ask for cheats repeatedly, nobody will include them. Demand causes availability. No demand for cheat menu, no cheat menu. If the 64 people that downloaded your dayz_code had asked for it, Haleks wouldn't have much choice but to include it. (1 of the downloads was me, because I wanted to see how the code is implemented) Man the fuck up. If you really want something, ask for it twice, don't bomb the place. Don't be a fucking terrorist. But that's my humble opinion. Ya'll have a wonderful day <3 Cheers~ |
In reply to this post by Havoc
That's pretty uncalled for. No one ever said it is easy being a game developer, having a pack of armchair critics with an overdeveloped sense of self-entitlement nipping at your heels every second of the day. From the point of having a perspective, it is astonishing to witness such a childish outburst considering 1.7.7 and all earlier versions are part of an ongoing development, balancing and testing process and by no means set in stone. Rocket never told you it was an end-product. He made it clear right from the start DayZ mod is Beta and is an adjunct to DayZ Standalone. Some of you are behaving as though the world just ended LOL You really need a chill pill. Maybe get a life too. And calling the creator a "tosspot" and "retard" and "full of shit"..........It's easy pouring cold water on people's hardwork but you think you can do better ?...well come out with your own game with an original concept..... see if your product is anywhere remotely popular by comparison. All talk and no show. Who's the one full of shit ? :) |
This post was updated on .
I think I stated who I believe is full of shit. Why are you asking again? But seriously, have you heard Rocket talk in an interview? Dude is all over the place. I understand you feel offended, and it's your perfectly valid right to be. But you don't need to rush to Rockets defense. He's a grown man, I doubt anything I or any other person says will chew away at his confidence. My opinion about him is solid, I formulated it based on what he does and says, not on the looks of his face. And I am entitled to my opinion, and the 1st Amendment allows me to freely express it. Never have I left it to interpretation that I believe I could do a better job at creating a product. I'm not a developer, I only have rudimentary knowledge of C++/C# and ASM, as it is not a part of my job requirement. I'm sure I could DESIGN a better product. But I do not care for it. And no sir, I neither need a chill pill, nor a new life, I do not care for the original DayZ, nor for the Standalone. I'm not planning to play the DayZ mulitplayer again or to buy the Standalone. I'm quite fond of what Above and Haleks produce. Have a great day. Cheers~ |
Maybe you are having trouble comprehending simnple English :) When I said "All talk and no show. Who's the one full of shit ? :)", I was specifically referring to you meaning all you have is insults but you have never contributed anything to the FPS gaming community in general nor Arma2 specifically, never been in game development with an original product of your own. Sounds to me you're the one full of shit for talking out of your league. Like I said "armchair critics"...that's you, baby. I seen them all, even the latest E3 interviews. What's the problem ? The dude sounds pretty normal to me. MAybe his New Zealander accent throwing you off ? But I don't see any arrogance, rudeness or lack of courtesy. It's a big game with a lot to cover with everyone at trying to grab a slice of interview time so obviously his delivery is not scripted and all over the place just to cover the ground he needs to cover. Jesus....is it even possible anyone can top you for the worst nitpicker nomination ? You seem rather presumptious to think I replied to your post because you think I want to defend Rocket ? Actually I'm not. I don't need to defend the guy because his work, originality and popularity of DayZ speaks for itself. He doesn't need anyone's help in the PR department. I replied because I wanted to let you know people can disagree on issues with maturity without needing to be complete dick.....though I can see you are struggling not to be one. :) How old are you kid ? Seriously. You sound a little wet behind the ears. You quoting the 2nd Amendment now ? You are cracking me up. Like I said, you are all talk, no show. You are not making any sense. DayZ is Rocket. It is not Haleks or Above. As much as I am indebted to and appreciate Haleks and Above for all their hardwork in porting to singleplayer, you have to remember the entire DayZ concept, the underlying code, the gameplay, the ongoing development, the whole platform....it all came from Rocket. If you look up the word 'disingenuous' in the dictionary, it's got your picture next to it. If by chance, the Standalone happened to turn out great, just make sure you are true to your word. LOL kids..... |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
GUYS! It seems like you are infected ;) - CALM DOWN NAO!
Yea you're right. No point for me to argue with an idiot anyway. =/ Welcome to the forum btw! :D |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
Thanks DayZ_SP, will try it. And yes I think the 30 combat timer makes no sense in SP.
You are an immature twat. You love stirring up shit and playing both sides. It seems you are the one who is all over the map and not Rocket. Funny, how you tried to use this opportunity to further your own agenda of being a troll... But now that you've shown your true colors, I doubt people will take anything you have to say seriously from now on. "Man up" - LOL, kids. @Everybody Else I left this project six month ago due to real life commitments, but have followed it closely. Above_DayZ and Haleks have done an exceptional job with continued development, but they have also become shortsighted as well. I tried to throw them a bone in my second to last post, but it seems they didn't pick up on what I was trying to say because all of their responses were of the defensive, "Me, me, me, look what we've done. We don't have time to do everything" kind. Well, trying to please everybody is the burden you take on when you become a project lead. This means having the maturity and experience to think outside your own wants/needs/desires even if you don't particularly like, or want to implement something e.g. I thought the no-AI versions of DaiyZ were pointless (just go online!) when I was working on DaiyZ, but I always tried to make one because I know there is an audience for them. I put my own personal bias aside and tried to deliver what the community wanted because that is what a developer does. You're never going to please everybody, but don't let pride in workmanship blind you to the greater community you are developing for. This is what is happening with Rocket to some degree and it is also happening here, IMO. However, at the end of the day, the mod is whatever people make of it, but... Being a developer means you have a power 99% of the community does not. And with that power comes a greater responsibility to look outside yourself... Even beyond immediate feedback like on this forum... And consider a larger community that exists, but that might not ever make itself known. This is the balancing act paid developers do every time they design a game because most games are SP and MP and can have two distinct audiences even though it seems like MP is the predominant one who speaks out on forums, on blogs, etc. I wish Above_DayZ and Haleks all the best in future projects and I strongly recommend they contact "Pownzer" who ported the Zoombies Mod to Arma III and see if he wants help because I think a collaboration on that project would benefit everybody as community moves on from Arma II. Happy Zed Hunting and Survival ![]() |
This post was updated on .
Hahahaha, I'm done. Not only are you trying to change people, but you can't even stick to it yourself. |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
I get the feeling that you think I tried to insult your intelligence. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. All I did was to question your sense of respect towards people you interact with. I may have been harsh about it, but so have you. You got one thing right, I love stirring up shit and playing both sides. But you seemed to be so happy to bring some controversy here. I just happen to enjoy playing devil's advocate every now and again. I'm far from being a troll. I express my opinion, even if I'm blunt about it, but I also respect the opinion of others. If you want a prime example of a troll take that Cactus dude. You shouldn't get offended so easily. Relax. Cheers~ |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
Bros, stop whining. It's just a game after all. And what OP indicates is right: Main DayZ development seems to target students or unemployed. Wander around for six hours and then die whilst having found a Makarov mag.
Banned User
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
if this adds just the normal cheatmenu i stick with Haleks mission - as it will be always the most actual, and i use lokis lost key if i'm in cheatmood, it has tons of chats. but thanks anyway, may someone cant install it!
I think it is easy to use after getting a bit into the menu, from every single weapons/vehicles of arma2 + all items/vehicles of the mission you play, up to bases with own guards, spawn all possible units from arma2 as AI for your squad, planes... you can call in artillery-strikes, air attacks, etc.... it's just huge. infinite ammo, car repair... all included. teleporter works for me also - if i have no squad. so i recommend this to everyone who likes cheats always or just from time to time. This works for every sp-mission btw. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6009 Greetings |
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