DaiZy+ v042e Progress

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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

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yeah i resume and works fine so far, from the city i headed north and encounter a she bandit but with no gear xD heli crash in the forest but only cans and g17mags on it. But i really like the fact that in this version i played  2 times for less than one hour each time, and  just engage  3 people each time, so i was really nice not feelling a) i am center of the galaxy and b) i am playing in a server with 300/300 peopple? xD i dont know if this was to be or was just luck but it hope it is! =D

Well still fun and run nice, hud and debug monitor works perfect, i really like but i would change one thing and one thing only in order to bring "realisim" to the SP from the MP and make survivors appear like bandits, this means  spawn out-town  and head towars buildings and around the area . I would enjoy that much more than the actual settings, at last for a little change =P  that and the heli crash sites loot like online, with really nice weapons!that and less helis to...online you rarely found some, here is a little bit madness xD those 3 things in my personal opinion would rise the game experience a lot!

note: infecteds still much less aware of me , at last runners, "jumpers" seems to heard you and see you from far away, but i can still shooting an akm without alerting anything far from 25 meters? jum...

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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

In reply to this post by Above
Oh shit.

I must've uploaded the old, broken, featureless one.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Been coding an extra version of v042e.
It's 'very special'.

All I can say is that it is not for the weak of heart. Expect scares. A lot of them.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

when can we play it ?
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Soon, Just revamping the uh... well you'll see.

There is something watching you. Stalking you. Waiting for you to let your guard down and when you do, well, you'll find out soon enough.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

In reply to this post by Above
Okey.. I also tested 042e, it looks pretty damn amazing.

Good things:
Zombies can hear gunfire (unlike 042c).
Survivors don't have command things, and acts more like players without you having to command them.
Survivors and bandits successfully drops random loot. (This is boss)
Bandits are ALOT better now.

Bad things:
Can't combine revolver/ Colt ammo etc etc.
Heli crashes drops are quite bad. (like previous versions)

And that's all the things I can think of for now. All of this apply to the 042e LAN version btw.

And so far, amazing work! Me and a bro have been playing the LAN version, and it's really fun!
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

One more (bug I think) I can think of in 042e is that if you kill a survivor, it seem to respawn.
AND the deathanimation seems bugged from kill to kill. :-)

Other than those things, this was off the hook. :D
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

In reply to this post by Above
But I still haven't uploaded the new version...
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Nono, of course. I'm just telling you what's broken, in case you're not sure. And just sharing my experience! :-D

One more thing, backbacks seem to have different loot depending on who's checking (on the LAN version). A backpack with my bloodbags etc, had Stanag ammo etc for my friend.

And again, I'm just telling you what I found, in case you've not encountered it or whatever! No offence or anything. We're loving the LAN version. And sorry if we weren't meant to test it.
 But we're both having a blast as we speak!
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress


I never made a v042e LAN. it just didn't work.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Niceonegunit wrote
Soon, Just revamping the uh... well you'll see.

There is something watching you. Stalking you. Waiting for you to let your guard down and when you do, well, you'll find out soon enough.
I was wondering when somebody was going to activate "him".  Just in time for Halloween...
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

im starting to get goosebumps now what evil plan are you guys up to
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Well, Niceonegunit. I downloaded "DaiZy_v042e_[LAN].Chernarus" from your mediafire. And me and my bro have been playing it alot. To me it's a masterpiece. (apart from the downs I commented about) wich are probably also in the SP 042e.
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

oh a new version???  =O gonna test right now! sound really good thanks!

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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

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In reply to this post by Above

Must've made it awhile ago. I can't seem to get v042e to work with any other maps. It just crashes after loading.

Anywho, still testing the 'thing'. It's being annoying. I'll post a screenie of what I've got and I'll release it in a few hours.

EDIT: Doin' real good. 'His' spawn location will appear as a yellow dot on the map. After that, you will get audio alerts if you get too close.
EDIT2: My own work made me shit my pants...
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

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In reply to this post by Above
i try the lan version ( no went really lan just dont want survivors....) and i getting no dead-animation in some guys, like women survivor and guillie bandit.... why? online work just fine, and if i use RL with 42b or 38b works fine too....any ideas? i even have the britany and military packs! so is not like the info is not there =( i get this from 42c with vRz0 ??? of course working with dayz and build 96751( i wont update or i will be out of my regular servers which have this build)

I can still fire a sniper rifle in a short building,like aparts without aggro any infected too =S

update: ah ok! dont mean to bother sorry!
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Like I've said a thousand times, this is NOT the new version. This is a very very very old test version of v042e you have. I will upload the new one soon once I figure out the 'Follow player' code for 'him'.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Some people just wont understand.. Anyway I can't wait for this to be released :D¨
I'm really curious what 'him' might be hehe.
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Yeah, well 'he' is being an ass. I just can't get him to follow me.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy+ v042e Progress

Niceonegunit wrote
Yeah, well 'he' is being an ass. I just can't get him to follow me.
Well, maybe his "mother" is giving him a hard time?