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Hai this is quite off-topic to what you guys are discussing lately but I remember someone said something about teaming up to play together when the DaiZy LAN version comes out. Just wondering, what do you guys think about this?

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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
If the mission file gets the compatibility to run LAN I think a few of us are going to try to run a server via MYSQL. All in due time I imagine :P
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Well if the mission gets LAN support I will have a look into how to run a VPN with armaII missions. Ive seen people talk about private servers on the tunngle forums and might be possible with the single player. Using something like hamatchi or tunngle can take advantage of LAN capabilities over the internet. It would still require a physical server as my machine isnt powerful to run a server and play at the same time. Creating and maintaning a database is where the MYSQL comes in. I will have to do some research, it might be easier to just run a private server although im not sure you can play with a funny copy.
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Re: DaiZy LAN

In reply to this post by Pierry
I can see how LAN would work, but it might take a little awhile before a stable version is released.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy LAN

It would be cool to see a lan version later on down the line
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
In reply to this post by wb
@ wb - just gotta mod the key in the reg. Might take a few goes. If all else fails I'll just buy the effing game. I tried online once and I was turned into a bird. That was before I began tinkering. Now I'm just reluctant to test out online because of how long it takes to reinstall the game.
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
So I just checked out TehUnknown's page and he said that a LAN version of 42 was released. I checked that folder and it is vacant of any files. Other than that check out the pics for 43. They look epic beyond belief!
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
Um, never mind. The file is there now.
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
Holy Fuck I'm Playing LAN. Awesome! Can't type much, can't pause the game any more!
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
So ya, works fine (created my own private server) so now I think its time to tackle MYSQL. Research time.
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Nice! Also I tried it as well and I can't seem to find any bandits/events in the game? Is it only me? lol
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
It looks like its reverted to, as in the actual DayZ mod. I'm basing that assumption on the starting gear (Flashlight, pain pills, and a bandage).
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Tryin' to start a server.

Not having a lot of luck with MySQL as I haven't used it before. Still trying though.

EDIT: You do actually start with that gear in the Non-lan one too, but only sometimes.
Notice how you start with the exact same gear as survivors and bandits?

I guess he fixed it.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
If reading through these two links now. They might help? Might have to wait on WB, he's mentioned he's dabbled with MYSQL.



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Re: DaiZy LAN

So I've tried the 0.42LAN version but bit confused on how to join or create a game. A read me from unknown might be helpful as Im not sure if its as easy as installing tunngle and playing the mission like how people play armaII co-op over tunngle.

I might be wrong but I dont think we need a server or database to create a game (No MYSQL) and it will be different to hosting a private server. It might be like playing a mission over LAN in co-op but will only support like 2 players? Im not an expert in this stuff but if this LAN version works by connecting two computers through ethernet, then it should be possible to use tunngle.

Some clarification from unknown would be helpful, or maybe even kodabar knows a bit more on how the LAN version works.
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Re: DaiZy LAN

This post was updated on .
You place the mission file into your MPMissions folder.
Head on down to multiplayer, click new, LAN, then the mission and boom, started.

You are correct, it does not need MySQL, but I'm not sure if characters will save.
You will also need either Tunngle(The one I use) or Hamachi.

I'm gonna create a no-MySQL Tunngle server if you guys want to try it with me.

EDIT: To play it on LAN, you just need the mission file. That's it. Characters might not save but unknown is a genius and he probably figured out a way.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
I'm down. Just let me know what I have to do eh?
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Re: DaiZy LAN

You'll just need Tunngle.

I'll post the IP address to join to in a second.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DaiZy LAN

Mr. 'funny'
Alrighty, I'm dl tunngle now
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Re: DaiZy LAN

This post was updated on .
Once you get Tunngle, go ahead and type DayZ in network search.
Hit enter and double-click on the top one.

I'll start the server and give you the IP address

EDIT: Server instructions on the second page.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)