Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf 1.7.7 (Colab with Haleks!). v1.0
Posted by Blaze on
I am currently playing this map and it looks promising. The loot seems to be spawning normal, which is great when you arrive at a town and can get straight to the point of looting. The zombies are the typical DayZ Zombies so we all know that's working correct lol. The bandits are also good to go, but a whole lot spawn at the same time giving the game more PvP feel vice PvE. Overall the map is pretty cool. I have the up most confidence that through trial and error Above and his team will produce another quality DaiZy Sp mission for all of us to enjoy. I'll keep playing the mission and posting my 2 cents on any issues that may arise.
On a side note I am able to spawn the admin pack, but for some reason can't pick it up. If anyone has experience this or found a way to pick it up I would appreciate it the help. Thanks in advance.