Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf 1.7.7 (Colab with Haleks!). v1.2 *Updated 16/06*
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Above on
Havoc wrote
Above wrote
Havoc wrote
Yea the Jump is better, the combat roll is absolutely useless imho.
I don't know about the thirst and hunger... maybe it's just imagination. I'll mess around with the code for both to make something that I'm comfortable with @_@
I tried doing both hunger and thirst the double value. It felt more like the older releases.
But I had the glitch too, before. Because I went from half-orange to flashing red in a second.
It's not like that now. Perhaps update EVERYTHING to 1.4? If you haven't.
Yea I updated everything anyway. Replaced the Mission file and started a new game.
I've just made
if (_refObj == player) then {
_thirst = (_speed + 4) + 1; //Instead of *3
dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + (_thirst / 90) //instead of /60 although I have no idea what this does XD
Btw maybe take a look at the bandit spawn trigger around Olten.
Seriously... I approached the village, went into the building at the east bridge and all hell broke loose.
Usually I try to locate a shooter by sound, but there were gunshots all around me. I sat on the roof and started picking the bandits off, they were all killing each other and I was picking off the survivors. Some tried to shoot me but were then shot from behind and they kept and spawning and spawning until I decided to clear a path and get the hell out of there, across the bridge.
The beaches and streets were littered with corpses. I killed 3 more bandits after crossing the bridge. It was a goddamn massacre.
I spent 4 full clips of my DMR and rarely missed. That's 80 bullets worth of death. I only had to bail because I was running out of ammo.
What the hell went wrong(or right) there?
The code you changed is unrelated. Since this had speedhandlers in it, I was sure it was the cause of the glitch. But I realized it wasn't. And this is in the old code aswell, the exact same code (I'm pretty sure, I only overlooked it).
What you wanna change is z/dayz_code/init/variables. And then look for the hunger/thirst timers. You might wanna just up them a small bit. I upped them double, and it took years. I'd say give both 200 and test from there.
And about the bandit triggers, they only respawn if you change skin (sometimes) or cross the trigger repeatedly. I'll check the trigger, though. It might be in a shitty possition where you unintentionally re-enter it over and over.
I'll take a look at the bandit script too, it's really balanced for Chernarus, but Chernarus got more forest. This map is open, so they're all revealed more often.