Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf 1.7.7 (Colab with Haleks!). v1.2 *Updated 16/06*

Posted by Havoc on

Above wrote
Havoc wrote
Yea the Jump is better, the combat roll is absolutely useless imho.
I don't know about the thirst and hunger... maybe it's just imagination. I'll mess around with the code for both to make something that I'm comfortable with @_@
I tried doing both hunger and thirst the double value. It felt more like the older releases.

But I had the glitch too, before. Because I went from half-orange to flashing red in a second.
It's not like that now. Perhaps update EVERYTHING to 1.4? If you haven't.
Yea I updated everything anyway. Replaced the Mission file and started a new game.

I've just made

if (_refObj == player) then {
                _thirst = (_speed + 4) + 1; //Instead of *3
        dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + (_thirst / 90) //instead of /60 although I have no idea what this does XD

Btw maybe take a look at the bandit spawn trigger around Olten.

Seriously... I approached the village, went into the building at the east bridge and all hell broke loose.
Usually I try to locate a shooter by sound, but there were gunshots all around me. I sat on the roof and started picking the bandits off, they were all killing each other and I was picking off the survivors. Some tried to shoot me but were then shot from behind and they kept and spawning and spawning until I decided to clear a path and get the hell out of there, across the bridge.

The beaches and streets were littered with corpses. I killed 3 more bandits after crossing the bridge. It was a goddamn massacre.
I spent 4 full clips of my DMR and rarely missed. That's 80 bullets worth of death. I only had to bail because I was running out of ammo.
What the hell went wrong(or right) there?