Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Posted by mp5lng on

Nabu wrote
this is a really nice mod! as i sayd i didnt know it and i play just 2 hours now. cool skins they have. i have just one problem, i hunted some animals and i am sitting over a fire now, and cant cook the meat. also the water i just took out of a lake i cant cook with one of the "rare" empty food cans ^^

I have no such option in the mouse menu. Onley "Gear" and "Put out Fire".

can you help me pls?

//Edit: Ah, and serious congrats for the advance about the ammo amount of AI, that is a big step in my fiew.
DUDE ! YOU FOUND FOOOD ! can i have some ?  
Do you you mean you have raw meat on your inventory (not your backpack) and you are right next to a fire place made by wood and rocks (oil barrels can do the same trick) but you still can't cook ? If yes...than i'm screwed (i've got NOTHING),.