Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Factions 2017
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Haleks on
crowbars82 wrote
I like the sound of that, kitting up ready to take on a base to get more loot!
Something is definitely up with the zombies attacking me in this. Their damage is pretty much instant, just by running near me. In default DayZ and your DaiZy Factions etc, you can run backwards leaving a bit of a gap between you and a chasing zombie, giving enough time to hit it with the hatchet... but in this it's almost impossible to do that. Any zombie aggro caused means I simply have to find a building pronto to even have a possible chance at remaining alive. Is it supposed to be like this?
It's been a long time since I played 2017 MP; but if I'm not wrong they lack some fixes from regular DayZ - the zombie attack distance being one of them... If I can find out how they resolved this on DayZ, I will try a fix for Factions2017.
Also, I'm uploading a new dayz_code : missing icons and FX added back, and no more error message when being hit by a Zed ;)
EDIT : done, but I couldn't fix the hatchet reload thing :(