Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Factions 2017
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Haleks on
Dalereo wrote
Chernarus lol is there a different map
Yeah, Chernarus. Again. That's currently the only map for the 2017 mod; nonetheless, Fedus made a Namalsk 2017 mission some time ago and it was really good.
I might try doing the same for another map... Or merge it with Above's current Namalsk (if he's up to it).
crowbars82 wrote
Oh my!
Just as I'm going to bed too! I can see what I'm doing tomorrow night then :-)
Looking forward to playing this!!
I didn't have time to actually play - but this is sooo much better than regular DayZ - even without the choppers & helicrashes! And it's so nice to see those "survivor skin" zombies! XD