Re: RELEASE: DaiZy RSPB Celle (60 lootable player skins, 190 new weapons and more)
Posted by LittleBilly on
I downloaded this through dayz commander last night and added Above's stuff and it worked fine although I got the "bad vehicle: missing truck" error when I started it up (I just ignored it and it doesn't seem to matter, I played it for several hours and the only bug I noticed was that I couldn't cook meat or boil water, but I didn't get a disease from eating and drinking it so I didn't care).
There's THREE folders you need to combine for daizy celle, a "dayz_celle" folder, a "dayz_conflicts" folder, and another one called something like "mbg_celle" (I'm at work sorry).
I played the no ai version though, so I dunno if the other one is broke.