Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by Slash Ghost 25 on

Hey Oliv, been playing your mod for a few hours now and it has a very good "old DayZ" feeling like you said. One think I noticed though was the the hydration and nutrition seems to deplete pretty fast, or at least it does for me compared to other mods I have tried. I was in Elektro, went to the water pump there and drank my fill of water after my thirst was basically gone. I had full water then, but when I ran up the hill north of where the water pump is located(less then 1km distance), nearly half of my hydration was gone already. Is this a bug, or is that how the hydration works in your mod? The food seems alright itself, but I think it depletes a bit to fast also. The nutrition and hydration almost seems a bit like it is in your Wasteland 1987, which I seen on one of your posts that it was a bug.
It isn't a very big deal, but if it is a bug I figured I would bring it to your attention. But if it isn't a bug, is there a way to change the values on how fast your nutrition/hydration goes down? It is pretty realistic having to drink from town to town, but after a while it gets a little tiresome, or at least it does to me. I don't want to seem like I am trying to change your mod completely and take away anything that brings a challenge to the game, but with the amount of time I have to play the DayZ mod, I don't want the little bit of time I do play to seem like a chore.
Either way though I can handle it. So far it seems I am able to find at least one can of food per town or one drink, but it still seems like after running up that hill and half my hydration going down is a bit fast. And I want to apologize in advance if I may be getting annoying with all of my posts.
Still, this is a great mod you have uploaded, and another reply would be great.