Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by Slash Ghost 25 on

I tried what you mentioned Eric, and I seems to have worked. I edited the files and started up my game, spawned in and didn't have any errors like I was having earlier. I really appreciate you lending your helping hand from mod to mod to me.

And to Oliv I would like to tell you personally I appreciate what you're doing. When I first got interested in DayZ, it was when I was watching YouTube videos over the game. It wasn't until last month when I got fed up with DayZ Standalone that I decided to switch over to the Mod, but the Mod in its current state seems to have a lot of changes and it seems to no longer have the "old DayZ feel" that I was interested in years ago when I found out about the game. You're mod seems to bring that feeling back but in a singleplayer/offline experience which fits my playstyle completely.

Thanks for the work you put into these mods to give to the community, and thank you both for the replies to me.