Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)
Posted by Oliv82 on
control_zombieAgent.sqf is an obsolete/useless script ! thats the reason I desactivated it (long time ago)
If you check "compile.sqf" in mission folder, this script is desactived by // (in both mods Nam. and Cher.)
WHen a zed is created, it call "zombie_agent.fsm" first, but "control_zombieAgent" is never used in this .fsm
"zombie_agent.fsm" do the job for all zeds behaviours and it work well
(I wil update Chernarus soon, and change the "zombie_agent.fsm" path to the mission folder to increase perfs)
in "zombie_agent.fsm" class "chase" (line ~470)
"_agent forceSpeed 6;" \n (vanilla value was 10)
Zeds begin start run animation at 4 or 5, below this value, zed will walk