Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by Eric the Viking on

The post I made back on page 11 was correct at the time but there have been changes and improvements to the mod since then.

There's still two files you need for walking zombies;

The first is in dayz_code.pbo located here...

... and extract it as shown using PBO Manager. Open the file "zombie_agent.fsm" with notepad++... for "forcespeed" and make all references of "forcespeed" equal 2.

Save the file and don't forget to repack the PBO...

You can delete the "dayz_code" folder once completed.

The second file is now in the mission file, specifically "control_zombieAgent.sqf" and again, make all references to "forcespeed" equal 2.

Save the file and you're done. The zombies will still see you, react and growl, etc but will only walk.


It's a matter of personal preference for "normal" or "walkers" for zombie speed. Some like the "Resident Evil" runners and some prefer the "George Romero" walkers. In DayZ I think you do lose a little in the atmosphere but for me, I simply don't have the time to play the game the way that choice enforces, especially with double damage zeds.

The second reason is this; in PVP (online) everyone has the same advantage / disadvantage with zombies. In single player the only person affected is the player. To the best of my knowledge, AI NPC's don't have "blood" and thus, they are immune to zombie attacks so they can shoot at you, attract zeds (I've seen the AI attract so many zombies to themselves they are literally surrounded and cannot move) but not die meanwhile the player is severely handicapped.
Each to their own :)