Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)
Posted by Oliv82 on
Yes, Chernarus and Namalsk are my priorities, trying to recreate old dayz versions feelings
But also my #1 priority is to find bugs with "my" SP version of dayz
Iam not focused on zeds movements, but on survivability of the player, I worked on Ai's/zeds behaviours codes too recently, ofcourse player can survive of a thousand of zombie, but for me its also important to check ai's behaviours on his environnement, arma2 is a war game and its tricky to adapt this for a zeds/horror game (you can see the monumental work of dayz devs, even in first versions, its insane... and some codes are genius too)
By reading your reply, I remember I worked few days ago on tests for limit the detection of the player by zeds
My test work, easy to code (only 2 lines to add), and I think to understand this system after done thoses tests
Iam not sure if the "forceSpeed" is the better solution, It's setted to 1 for "Bloodsuckers" on Namalsk but they are still dangerous and fast when they are behind you :p
I dont know the movements systems on Arma2, rtm files are unknown for me and I dont have tools to work on it
But another solution is maybe to limit the detection of the zeds by set detection at low values
I tested 0.8 and 0.2 (sensitivity and sensitivityEar values) and it was better realist
If those values are reached, thats the moment zeds begin to run to you,
so I think if you set thoses values at 0, you can probably transform a runing and nervous zed by a "walking zed"