Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by Slash Ghost 25 on

Hey Oliv. After you mentioned your "other mods" to me from your Wasteland mod page, I remembered Eric the Viking referred me here a while back so I jumped on here to give this mod a try.
Everything works fine so far, but after reading the comments about the zombies being more or less OP, I went to change the forceSpeed value to "2" instead of "10" for the zombies so that they would walk instead of run. I figured it would lessen the severity of zombies and allow me to keep more of an eye out for bandits, but when I went to get back into my save, it crashed my whole game. So I restarted it and just made a new save, spawned like normal, but right after spawning it pops up a message about zombies and/or their spawns, which I understood from my experience with DayZ X to mean zombies quit spawning and the ones that did spawn will just stand still. To make sure I was right I went and found a zombie and sure enough it was standing still. I reset my game again and it quit spawning zombies again. I went back to the dayz_code and reset the forceSpeed to 10 like it was originally, reset my game, and everything works like normal.
What I am basically trying to say/ask is whether or not there is a variable to change for the zombies to walk instead of run. I personally prefer walking zombies over running zombies when it comes to zombie games, especially if they zig-zag while running and are as tough nails(as they seem to be in this particular mod). I always thought the zombies were more of a nuisance than a real threat, but I still want there to be zombies just for the zombie-apocalyptic feel. I feel like if I can change the forceSpeed on the zombies and the game still work, this mod would make the game feel like the original DaiZy mod but with a dash of the mod 2018 mixed in with it.
I also noticed when reading through the comments to see if anyone else was using walking zombies that Eric the Viking did, which confused me on why I was having problems with it. I may be looking in the wrong file for all I know. I just checked the dayz_code first because that is where I changed the forceSpeed for all the other mods I downloaded. It would be nice though if you could help me out, but any reply from anyone would be nice.