Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by Oliv82 on

Hi Eric

Ive checked your rpt file and thats confirm I said in a previous post, its like "cursorTarget" dont work correctly

Thats generate same problem for check repair parts for vehicle aimed by cursortarget

Ive maybe a solution but I dont know if it will work but you can try...


dayz_myCursorTarget = null; // place this command before the "1987 Engineering" menu
(between lines 434 and 466)

if there is no effect, try to add this command in "variables.sqf" instead of fn_damageActions.sqf

I wonder if my jerryCan function generate errors when it placed in selfActions script...
You can also try this:

Also in fn_damageActions.sqf
lines 332 to 369

// 1987 Static FuelTanks Capacities
_hdledFT = false;
if (_typeOfCT isKindOf "Land_Ind_TankSmall") then {
        _hdledFT = cursorTarget getVariable ["handled",false];
        if (!_hdledFT) then {
                cursorTarget setVariable ["fuelcap",2280,true];
                cursorTarget setVariable ["fuelqty",ceil(random 228),true];
                cursorTarget setVariable ["handled",true,true];
same patern for the 3 others conditions

For 1987_GreenMountain "poi" script, it seems "direction" arguments isnt defined in configFile >> "CfgTownGenerator" >> "GreenMountain";

I didnt work on it, thats maybe the reason I disabled this "poi", if I remember, I was too lazy to add all directions values for each objects..