Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)
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Eric the Viking on
I've been playing the latest version, I must be doing something wrong because I'm still getting jerrycan issues; I'd found an empty, went to fill it up, only one liter in the big tank so there's one liter in my jerrycan. Found another empty jerrycan and when to another main tank.
Two "fill jerrycan" options appeared, selected the first one and received a message that said not enough fuel while selecting the other jerrycan option filled that jerrycan to full. Tried the first again and it worked normally, adding the remaining 19 liters.
Both jerrycans are now in the car and I still have the option to "fill jerrycan" and if I do select it I tells me "not enough fuel".
There were a few other minor glitches along the way and I'll attach my .RPT for reference - I've made comments next to the errors detailing when they happened.