Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by Oliv82 on

"attachTo" is a command not a script :)

detach _bicycleObject;
_bicycleObject setPos (_selTruck modelToWorld [0,-6.5,0]);
_bicycleObject setDir (getDir _selTruck);
_bicycleObject setVectorUp [0,0,0.4];

By this code, player isnt wounded while detaching bicycle or moto

For future versions:
I added the "L85A2 CWS" (thermal,NVG sights) with 0.01 lootChance (in animated_heliCrash only)
Idk if its a Arma2 bug, but the thermal sight isnt work in Arma2
So i managed to fix this bug by creating another "DZ" weapon

class L85A2_CWS_DZ : BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS {
displayName = "L85A2 CWS";
dayzAudio = 88; //G36C_DZ is at 82
visionMode[] = {"Ti","NVG"}; //Thermal sight is set by default now,N key switch Th/nvg work now
thermalMode[] = {6}; //{0,1}