Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)
Posted by benevolentdevil on
good call!
Though I had "misread" the original intent of the deployable bike option, I thought you were asking for the "disposable" vehicles, lol ...
when in reality, ya'll were using an 'attach to" script to do something else, and only put an example up.
So I though it applied, just mis-read it.
I learn something "new" everyday ... "attach to" scripts? I didn't even know to look for those!
ummm, as far as wheels turning ... hey, thats very "minor" glitch/bug to be honest. Schematics really, as long as the attaching worked, I wouldn't sweat some immersion breaking things, at least it works right?
It's SP ... save before you do it, in case of accidental bone breaks, or death ... lol. Not much a chance of killing or injuring other players. if it kills your AI "buddies" , well one less mouth to feed lmao! It's survival after-all, if Ai is dumb and gets itself killed ... oh well. ( hahaha!)