Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)

Posted by benevolentdevil on

Oliv82 wrote
Wasteland is maybe some years before the zeds apocalipse p
OOOh... lol.  

 Honestly, I like the no-zeds version more.  Not that the "Zeds" are much of an issue really , I'm just less enthralled by Zeds over-all anymore.  ( kind of jaded to it really.)  ... plus, there's not alot of variety in DayZ Zeds much either.  
 Like ... in Arma3 I seen they got DEMONS , and DUDE those are creepy/scary/tough killing BEAST.  The sound they make is horrifying!
Other than "bloodsucker" or Predators ... I've not seen anyone try to make "more powerful" boss/mini-boss like Zeds for DayZ in Arma2.  
 Bloodsuckers and predators both " go invisible ... and are crazy glitchy to use.  

 I think though, your Factions 1987 has more in it than your wasteland version does as far as scripts and features go.  
Just by reading/looking at this thread, I've not played/tested the Factions version yet.  
 ( I'm really digging the Wasteland one still. )