Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.25d (updated 4.09.17)
Posted by Oliv82 on
Thanks for your post Eric!
I have worked on a minor AI's behaviour update and updated the player_spawnCheck script
player_spawnCheck script is also re-writed to have max performance (this script had 1 big iteration error)
I am focused on friendly AI's behaviour when they/he are/is near zeds (on the same script)
So i check this feature actually trying different commands
Re-writed the ennemies AI's behaviour when player approach ennemy vehicles
All "call" scripts in reference of spawn ai's are rewrited and optimized (~50% shortest so faster)
Added the FN-FAL, G36C and M240 with JSRSmod sounds (with my little personnals settings)
Added a new self action command to order your friendly bot(s) to get cover in the nearest safe house
("Move to Safe Position" command, for 27 buildings types)
Added "Sick" indication in colored monitor
I decided to re-work on siphon fuel scripts, its an important feature for me!
Finally I had abble to add custom pictures for jerrycans, of a total of 21 new items (20 for each litters qtys, 1 for empty jerrycan)
Fixed a lot of RPT errors about moves.cfg, I have a eye on hitParts vehicles errors(Lada's and BRDM's) but its seems to work at this state.And fixed 2 very minor errors for spawn2 script while player is swimming
At this point the mod is near to be complete/without errors so updates will be rare :)
Could I have your Arma2 start parameters ?