Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0
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Eric the Viking on
Finally made some time to get back into this, spent a few hours in game.
Maybe I've been away too long but this version feels different, a lot tighter and focused, if that makes sense.
The hunger/thirst is pretty much spot on; it's a survival need you have to address but you don't have to spend all your time managing it. Loot spawning is good and working well, never too much nor too little.
The AI seem to be be working good; I've heard the AI shooting Zeds but have be unable to find them in some cases. The way they spawn now is great - rather than knowing AI are about you can never quite be sure...
I haven't tested the siphon function yet but I will. The way the jerry cans work is still a bit weird; if I find and fill an empty jerry can and refuel a vehicle, everything is fine; if I then refill that jerry can, store it in a vehicle, remove it from the vehicle and try to refuel the same vehicle, I get the "added 0L to vehicle" message.
I saw your additions to Cherno; I have say I had doubts about adding these building to this city, I really didn't think they fit it with the style but i can see I was wrong. The thought that went into the placement of these buildings is obvious. As I walked around it all made sense and fitted (the oil drums and wrecked car outside the mechanics shop for example).
Nice work mate, it's a joy to play!