Re: DayZ Epoch Singleplayer

Posted by dannywaugh1 on

Right Guys Iv managed to get this to work.

All I need to do now it work out a way to translate it to English, although it is playable most things are already in English. But having all translated will be great.

For the install:
1. Go to the link on the first page and register once you have done that go back to the thread page.(if your using google chrome it will translate the page for you)
Thread page-

2. Download the 3 named: Download client
                                      Download version  
                                      Download launcher

They should be named : DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.3.1_Release_a1
                                  Готовая сборка DayZ_Epoch.

3.Unpack the files, Copy ArmA II Launcher install your ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead install folder
then copy over @DayZEpoch, @DayZ_Epoch.Chernarus  into the install folder also.

4.Copy over the mission files found in the Готовая сборка DayZ_Epoch. folder into the Missions/MPmissions

5.Copy over userconfig into the ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead install folder also.

6. Now open the Arma2launcher.exe go to settings and tell the launcher where to find your arma exe files and save,go to options and select ArmaOA under Game again save and close.

7.Open the launcher go to mods and select the mods. Only select @DayZ_Epoch.Chernarus for single player.