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I really hope that this will help you !
// GameOptions - Options games for DayZ SP Plus by Kenza
// GameOptions for DayZ Last Days
// Author: Brainseat
// Edited: Nova
// Change the settings in the configuration file for a more varied game experience.
// It is recommended to restart the mission after changing settings. More on why it should be read at the bottom.
///////////////////////////// SP Plus /////////////////// /////////////
// Advanced settings are:
// Armor bots
// The higher the number, the harder it is to kill a bot.
// 0 - no armor. 5 - Standard is on.
#define _armor 5;
// Select effects
// Determines spawn flies over the corpses. No flies = 0; Flies have a = 1;
// Warning: The sound of flies can not be removed by cleaning corpses.
class GO_Effects {
GO_sfd = 0;
// Ekiperovka profile "Test"
class GO_Player {
GO_playerBackPack = "DZ_Backpack_EP1"; // Profile "Test" - a backpack;
GO_playerMag1 = "ItemAntibiotic"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerMag2 = "ItemAntibiotic"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerMag3 = "ItemBloodbag"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerMag4 = "FoodgoatRaw"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerTool1 = "ItemToolbox"; // Profile "Test" - objects: tools, matches, an ax, a map, compass, night vision devices, binoculars, etc.;
GO_playerTool2 = "ItemHatchet"; // Profile "Test" - objects: tools, matches, an ax, a map, compass, night vision devices, binoculars, etc.;
GO_playerTool3 = "ItemWatch"; // Profile "Test" - objects: tools, matches, an ax, a map, compass, night vision devices, binoculars, etc.;
GO_playerPistol = "M9SD"; // Profile "Test" - a pistol;
GO_playerRifle = "DMR"; // Profile "Test" - a rifle;
// Select the number of techniques to spawn
// Technique dospavnivaetsya with every cleaning to a maximum value.
class GO_SpawnVehicle {
GO_MinCars = 10; // Minimum number of machines.
GO_MaxCars = 40; // Maximum number of machines.
GO_BanditCars = 10; // Machinery bandits.
GO_MinBike = 10; // Motorcycles minimum number.
GO_MaxBike = 15; // Maximum number of motorcycles.
GO_MinVelo = 1; // Bicycles minimum number.
GO_MaxVelo = 3; // Maximum number of bicycles.
GO_MinHely = 10; // Helicopters minimum number.
GO_MaxHely = 15; // Maximum number of helicopters.
GO_MinBoat = 1; // The minimum number of boats.
GO_MaxBoat = 5; // Maximum number of boats.
GO_MinTent = 1; // Tents minimum number.
GO_MaxTent = 30; // Maximum number of tents.
GO_MinCrash = 1; // Helikrashi minimum number.
GO_MaxCrash = 5; // Helikrashi maximum number.
// The beginnings of pumping:
class GO_GetRecrut {
GO_HumanityBig = 50000; // Value humaniti, after which you can take in a group of any number of bots.
GO_Humanity1 = 5000; // If humaniti X and a group of bots bot 1, then we can take the group.
GO_Humanity2 = 10000; // If humaniti X and a group of bots bot 2, then we can take the group.
GO_Humanity3 = 15000; // If humaniti X and group 3 bots bot, you can take in the group.
GO_Humanity4 = 25000; // If humaniti X and Group 4 bots bot, you can take in the group.
GO_Humanity5 = 50000; // If humaniti X and Group 5 bots bot, you can take in the group.
// Smoke on helikrashami.
// 0 - no at all; 1 - there at all.
class GO_HelySmoke {
GO_Smoke = 0.5;
// Parameter automatic cleaning corpses.
// If fewer corpses X (by default 100 pcs.) The timer for 30 minutes. each carcass before purification.
// If more corpses X (by default 100 pcs.) Cleaning is triggered immediately.
class GO_AllDead {
GO_CountAllDead = 100;
// Determines whether the new spawn ammo bots when the old end.
// 0 - no; 1 - spawn.
class GO_SpawnMagazine {
GO_SpawnMagazines = 1;
// Determine whether the animation "perebintovyvaniya" bots when they are treated.
//P.S. using animation bots at this time are most vulnerable because animation playing for a while and bots can not budge.
// 0 - no animation; 1 - the animation is.
class GO_PlayActionAnimMedUnits {
GO_PlayActionAnim = 0;
// Remove any debris from the road? + Campgrounds = everything that guided Rocket.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_RemoveTrash {
GO_TrashRemove = 1;
// Damage
class GO_Damage {
GO_ZombieDamage = 2000; // Damage from zombies
GO_BotDamage = 300; // Damage from bots
// Time between spawn bots hunters by helicopter. (except for the first spawn - it starts after 3 hours of game)
// = 1 for 1 hour.
class GO_myHelyTime {
GO_HelyTime = 1;
// Event. Run after each cleaning. Randomly from 5 species.
// 0 - no; 1 - is.
class GO_ActivateEvent {
GO_Event = 1;
// Activate auto refueling helicopters \ aircraft.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_AutoRefuel {
GO_ActivateRefuel = 1;
// Spawn extra. facilities and buildings to retrofit option card.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_CustomBuildings {
GO_SpawnBuildings = 1;
////////////////////// DayZ Last Days ///////////////////////// ////////
// Activate the improved weather.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_Weather {
GO_ActivateWeather = 1;
// Activate the disease.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_Disease {
GO_ActivateDisease = 1;
// Activating a new transport system repair.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_SystemRepair {
GO_ActivateSystemRepair = 1;
// Activate spawn dogs.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_SpawnDogs {
GO_ActivateSpawnDogs = 1;
// Activate the wild zombies / dogs in the fields.
// 0 - no; 1 - wild spawn zombies; 2 - the spawn of wild dogs.
class GO_SpawnWild {
GO_ActivateSpawnWild = 0;
// Activate the night of underground fog (strongly affects FPS).
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_Fog {
GO_ActivateFog = 0;
// Activate the radio (radio) in the transport and MP3 Player.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_CarRadio {
GO_ActivateCarRadio = 1;
// Delay spawn loot and zombies (in seconds).
class GO_TimeSpawn {
GO_TimeSpawnLoot = 1800; // Loot
GO_TimeSpawnZed = 1800; // Zombie
// The chance of breakage. Is the number - less chance of breakage.
class GO_ChanceBroke {
GO_ChanceBrokeKnife = 90; // The chance of breakage of the knife when butchering animals
GO_ChanceBrokeHatchet = 90; // The chance of breakage ax in cutting wood
GO_ChanceBrokePickaxe = 90; // The chance of breakage during production picks
GO_ChanceBrokeTools = 90; // Chance tool breakage when crafting
GO_ChanceBrokeScrew = 90; // The chance of breakage jack when repairing equipment
////////////////////// R3F Artillery and Logistic //////////////////////// /////////
// Details: Advanced settings are:
// Activate R3F Artillery and Logistic
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_R3FArtAndLogActivate {
GO_R3FArtAndLog = 1;
///////////////////////////// DZAI //////////////////// /////////////
// For those who do not have enough ekshon, bots and shootings.
// By default includes 1 air and 1 ground crossing patrol.
// These bots zombies do not respond. And bots in the zombie too.
// Advanced settings are:
// Activate DZAI
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_DZAIActivate {
GO_DZAI = 1;
////////////////////////////// TPWCAS /////////////////// //////////////
// Advanced settings are:
// Effects
// 0 - no; 1 - is.
class GO_TPWCAS {
GO_TPWCASPlayerShake = 0; // Effect rocking sight during the shelling Player
GO_TPWCASPlayerVis = 0; // The effect of visual dimming the screen during the shelling Player
////////////////////////////// DZMS /////////////////// ////////////////
// Advanced settings are:
// Tip: after the completion of the mission, no need to destroy the technique better. To this end, each box is placed explosives.
// Tip: missiynyh patrols also better to destroy.
// These bots zombies do not respond. And bots in the zombie too.
// Activate DZMS.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_DZMSActivateSPPlus {
GO_DZMSActivate = 1;
// Minimum and Maximum Mission Start Time DZMS (in seconds)
class GO_TimeMissionDZMS {
GO_DZMSMajorMin = 7200; // Minimum time before a big mission (6:00)
GO_DZMSMajorMax = 14400; // Maximum time before the great mission (12 hours)
GO_DZMSMinorMin = 3600; // Minimum time before the smaller missions (3 hours)
GO_DZMSMinorMax = 7200; // Maximum time before the start smaller missions (6 hours)
// Activate patrols.
// Only works if the activation of mission DZMS.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_DZMSActivateCustomSpawnsPatrol {
// The number of patrols.
// Spawn after the first treatment, to randomly place. Route patrol randomly.
// Technique destroyed when its entire crew killed
//t.k. this technique weighs script replenishment of cartridges and fuel
// and ground transportation also is repaired, because due to debris bots broken.
// Put a lot of it is not recommended, because not all the equipment will be able to have time off during cleaning,
// because of what it will become more and more.
// Warning, by default there are Ka-52 and Mi-24, which can cause a lot of problems.
class GO_DZMSNumberCustomSpawnsPatrol {
GO_DZMSNumberCustomPatrolHelicopter = 2;
GO_DZMSNumberCustomPatrolVehicle = 3;
// Type of vehicle patrols.
// List of transport is taken from the mission \ DZMS \ DZMSConfig.sqf
////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////
// For an idea of why you need to start a new game every time.
// Figuratively speaking, when starting a new game, the files (scripts, config files, etc.) are read and get the type of the RAM in the game.
// From the same RAM they are taken and used.
// When we make changes to the files / add new / replace, the modifications and remain in these files,
// because the game is re-reads the files and puts them in RAM.
//T.e. when we press the button to continue, and continue to play a saved game, you are lying on your computer changed files, and RAM in games old, original, which has played and continues to use.
// Changes will not take effect until you start a new game!
// Address Loga:
// WINDOWS XP:% userprofile% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ ArmA 2 OA \ arma2OA.rpt
// WINDOWS VISTA / 7:% userprofile% \ AppData \ Local \ ArmA 2 OA \ arma2OA.rpt