Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v8.5 (updated 07.07.14)
Posted by Oliv82 on
Hi SapioiT!
If I remember, there is 2 storage boxes, 1 between Stary and Novy (in the big tent), another at the beach near the agrounded ship.
Both boxes types can't be deleted by respawning loots (sleep_script) and capacity seems to be unlimited (but Iam not 100% sure).
Thanks for the list, but I worked with pictures it's better :p (I dont remember the link iam lazy!)
About tow vehicles, Ive never been a big fan of this kind of script... and personnaly I think about replay soon my mod without helicopters (but just only for my personal gameplay) and tow script isn't in my plans sorry :/
ATM I work on a "little big" update about animated heli_crashes,
Still activated by triggers, night time condition, increased randomlized crash position because heli will not land at your feet and land succes will be ~50% :p... so best weapons and stuff of the mod will be a little hardest to find!
and a little update on "military" loot table (there is now 2 sorts)
-"militarya" loot table for civilian buildings
-"militaryb" loot table for buildings like firestation
("special_military" loot table is unchanged)
This part of update is finished since a long time, tested and approved, all is ok:)
The animated heli_crashes script is 90% finished but I've still a syntax problem or something like that :/