Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v8.5 (updated 07.07.14)

Posted by mixxed177 on

Okay thanks a lot debug monitor thing worked :D

8.8.2014 4.50 kirjoitti "Oliv82 [via Kodabar DayZ / DaiZy single player forum]" <[hidden email]>:

My video settings:

Visibility: 10000
Brightness: 1.2
Gamma: 1.0
Quality: very high
Res GUI: 1280x1024 x32
3d res: 1120x896 x32

For tweaked debug monitors you need to open "init.sqf" (in DaiZyFactions1987weapmod.chernarus.pbo) and add

_nul = [] execVM "scripts\playerstats_default.sqf";

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