Re: UPCOMING PROJECT: DayZ Hardcore Survival

Posted by DayZ_SP on

RE: Contruction Scripts...

I'll look into including that in the initial release. No promises, though.

Be aware, like most things of this nature, it is still in beta, so there a lot of on-going issues with it. Hopefully, the more people that test it the faster the bugs will be identified and squashed, though.

RE: Starting Loadout...

This can easily be changed to suit players preferences and nothing is cut in stone, yet.

I will look into pre-game loadout screens and see what can be done, but this is NOT the focus of this project.

I value community feedback, but I am not going to make five different versions of the map for five different requests for separate loadouts, for example. What I can do, however, is start posting tutorials on how these maps are made, so the community can start modifying and producing your own like some of you are already doing.


I am going to include very basic cheats, but not cheats that make the game easier, or that change it into previous versions of DaiyZ.

This means basic functions like being able to set the time of Day (Day, Night), loot cycling so the loot recycles quicker and things of that nature.

Vehicle spawning, for example, will be limited to DayZ vehicles only because I've removed the random car spawner because it is sloppy and doesn't work like it should (I've experienced cars falling out of the sky, literally, that almost crush me and the ones that don't explode into flaming wrecks and become useless).