Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v8.1 (updated 26.01.14)

Posted by Eric the Viking on

fokstrot wrote
Can I edit the map to remove all the junk from the road?

Sometimes junk appears in front of me at the time I go with a vehicle and then have an accident.

Solution: Remove the junk from the road.
It is possible, and not too difficult - though I'm not sure it'll work... have a look here.

In the case of Oliv82's mod you'll need to use a .PBO manager and extract the DaiZyFactions1987weapmod.chernarus.PBO file, from the mission folder, then follow the instructions in the link.

But remember, you break it, you fix (reinstall) it! ;)


Thanks for the update Oliv82! :)